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Could do with some ideas for my 30th birthday. Its the day before new years eve so I always end up doing something crap because everyone is skint, can't get a babysitter two nights on the run, etc etc.

Well as its my 30th my mates have all agreed that we can do something fab, maybe go away somewhere for new year and my birthday or something totally different. If I go away it would have to be somewhere kids and boyfriends could go too as we would be there for new year but obviously somewhere not too pricey if my mates have got to pay for their families to go.

I want to do something really good as my 18th was spent in a local pub and my 21st in a crap club.

I don't know what to do at all. Any suggestions as we are gonna have to book cos of the time of year.

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Why not have a party at a social club then you can invite as many as you want and kids are allowed to go to (well at least until 9).

Then you can have a cheap boozy do, with plenty of bate on hand in case you get peckish.

New year is always bad for getting away, the prices always shoot up. If you're thinking of going somewhere hot i suggest you book the tickets now. Accommodation can be booked relatively cheaply (especially privately) then you can pack in as many as you can into the digs.

The main thing is that you'll be with the people you love, not the location. Well that's just my opinion anyway - for what it's worth.
Towno :)

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