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Saint posted:

‘Have a cry’ space for menopausal female officers introduced by police force


  I couldn't help but laugh out loud


It states that ‘private areas/spaces’ are made available for ‘women to rest / recover / make a telephone call to personal or professional support.’


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What's your problem with that?  And....I'm sure male officers have just as many  problems as female officers. Why not let them have their space too? 

Saint posted:

‘Have a cry’ space for menopausal female officers introduced by police force


  I couldn't help but laugh out loud


It states that ‘private areas/spaces’ are made available for ‘women to rest / recover / make a telephone call to personal or professional support.’


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What next Honestly , either we women want true equality....warts and all .....or we let them drag us back to Victorian times ....and adopt the poor little us stance ....we can’t have it both ways  

Baz posted:
Saint posted:

‘Have a cry’ space for menopausal female officers introduced by police force


  I couldn't help but laugh out loud


It states that ‘private areas/spaces’ are made available for ‘women to rest / recover / make a telephone call to personal or professional support.’


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What next Honestly , either we women want true equality....warts and all .....or we let them drag us back to Victorian times ....and adopt the poor little us stance ....we can’t have it both ways  

 Couldn’t agree more, Baz.

Some of this “empowering” stuff feels more like women adopting victim hood, IMO.


Re Sainty’s link, and as a woman who suffered with hot flushes, I think the fans are a good idea but the “room to cry” is twaddle! If we want true equality, there should be a quiet room that any member of staff, male or female, can use if they feel the need - again, IMO.


Madeley calling out an MP during recent interview,


After terminating the interview, Mr Madeley said: “What are they like? What are these politicians like, when you give them a straight question?

“It would have been so easy to say, ‘No, I don’t, I think it was an appropriate expression’, or to say, ‘Yes, probably, on reflection, I should have perhaps been a little more formal’.”


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