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Originally posted by fracas:
Originally posted by cologne1:
Originally posted by fracas:
She was right though, Freddie was being an annoying tit. And he was shit at the singing.

Freddie was right because they only had the recording for another 5 min. He's dyslexic and with that come all sorts of problems. Why was it such a problem to let him listen to it and start rehearsing together when they had to give it back?

Ya de ya de ya de ya de yah de..dyslexia isn't an excuse for shit singing. And he was shit, dyslexia doesn't affect the vocal chords and he reckons he's Aled fricking Jones. He got pwned, the big numpty, and he couldn't take it. Will make a fine politician.

Cologne Hug

I completely agree that he's a bad singer, all I did was point out that he was feeling anxious enough to want the last 5 minutes to listen to the recording. Any other HM would have been accorded that and yet with Freddie, Karly makes such an enormous fuss about it to the point of calling him an arseho;e. I can think of a few of them in there, but it's not Freddie. When he turns into a conceited *****, I will stop supporting him. Smiler Hug
cologne 1
Originally posted by DanceSettee:
Originally posted by cologne1:
Originally posted by DanceSettee:
Originally posted by cologne1:

That's a bit of a weird thing to find funny, but then I find most things you say a bit weird,.

i'm glad you're paying attention Laugh

...and they say that Freddie is patronising.

will shove it up yer hoop suit you better then?

cologne 1
Originally posted by Mathematics:
Originally posted by fracas:
Ya de ya de ya de ya de yah de..dyslexia isn't an excuse for shit singing. And he was shit, dyslexia doesn't affect the vocal chords and he reckons he's Aled fricking Jones. He got pwned, the big numpty, and he couldn't take it. Will make a fine politician.

I thought it beneficial to share with you some characteristics of Dyslexia:

Difficulty identifying or generating rhyming words, or counting syllables in words.
Difficulty with hearing and manipulating sounds in words.
Difficulty distinguishing different sounds in words.
Difficulty in learning the sounds of letters.

There was a lot more to the task than just singing. They were required to learn the words of the song and learn the melody of the song.

Thanks for that Maths. Thumbs Up
Originally posted by china:
i cant understand her-i had to rewind her a couple of times to catch what she was saying

not a problem for me, i just insert what she said yesterday and the day before and the day bfore that..' i'm honest me, say it like it is, freddie is a twat, i am lovely, fredie is a twat, i am honest, freddie is a twat....

and so on...
Originally posted by JacksonB:
Originally posted by china:
i cant understand her-i had to rewind her a couple of times to catch what she was saying

not a problem for me, i just insert what she said yesterday and the day before and the day bfore that..' i'm honest me, say it like it is, freddie is a twat, i am lovely, fredie is a twat, i am honest, freddie is a twat....

and so on...

so thats how you decipher her!
i was gonna see if bletchley park still had that enigma machine Wink
i like her, to be honest i can see how they find freddie annoying, he winds people up for us to feel sorry for him more and more now i think.

They all cant be following just one person.
we miss a lot of freddie as we dont get live feed, i watched live feed a few times and he is very annoying and constantly wants to talk about people behind their backs, he is just the same.

He is playing a game big time, he is in there to be seen for politics and he is well aware we are watching and playing up to it where he can to make other people look bullies jmo.
sunny dayz
Originally posted by sunny dayz:
i like her, to be honest i can see how they find freddie annoying, he winds people up for us to feel sorry for him more and more now i think.

They all cant be following just one person.
we miss a lot of freddie as we dont get live feed, i watched live feed a few times and he is very annoying and constantly wants to talk about people behind their backs, he is just the same.

He is playing a game big time, he is in there to be seen for politics and he is well aware we are watching and playing up to it where he can to make other people look bullies jmo.

They all have gameplans and they are all in there for one reason or another. Why should it be any different because it is Freddy?
Originally posted by Liverpoollass:
Originally posted by sunny dayz:
i like her, to be honest i can see how they find freddie annoying, he winds people up for us to feel sorry for him more and more now i think.

They all cant be following just one person.
we miss a lot of freddie as we dont get live feed, i watched live feed a few times and he is very annoying and constantly wants to talk about people behind their backs, he is just the same.

He is playing a game big time, he is in there to be seen for politics and he is well aware we are watching and playing up to it where he can to make other people look bullies jmo.

They all have gameplans and they are all in there for one reason or another. Why should it be any different because it is Freddy?

Yeah but his is sticking out a lot more at the moment, he wont stop going from one person to another and putting the housemates down, bit like sophia got like about seffia. I think if he was to give it a break he would probably get on with more of them. I think him and lisa clash though because they both are very strong opiniated people.
sunny dayz
I still like Karly, but i think her patience is wearing thin with Freddie, he would have drove me nuts by now. If he got to the point quicker with what he wants to say people may like him more, he does make a conversation sound like a speech. Maybe he could explain dyslexia a bit clearer to the Hms? She has a nice voice too. She , probably cause they are smokers, is spending too much time with Lisa tho
I like Freddie but think he is going about things the wrong way by being so confrontational. I quess his plan is to shake things up a bit and get things out in the open, but it could turn the relatively neutral hms (Noirin + Rod)totally against him. Karly was to some extent sympathetic towards him a week ago but he has no chance of winning her over now.
It's a brave and courageous act to remove her from your sig Maths. She has proved to be a right snippity little madam, who goes along with the majority to avoid nomination. She has shown little individuality and much less compassion. She is always in the mix when there is a Freddie-bashing session going on and seems to be the one who enjoys it the most.

Keep her off your sig. She's not worth it.

Twee Surgeon
Originally posted by sunny dayz:
Yeah but his is sticking out a lot more at the moment, he wont stop going from one person to another and putting the housemates down, bit like sophia got like about seffia. I think if he was to give it a break he would probably get on with more of them. I think him and lisa clash though because they both are very strong opiniated people.

If they hadn't been so nasty to him, he'd still be happily ambling along spreading love and contentment. Team Nasty have made a rod for their backs by behaving the way they did.
cologne 1

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