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well at least for our resident lefties Big Grin

A website run by the far right British National Party is the most visited website of any UK political party, with more hits than all other parties put together, a survey has found.

Hitwise, the online competitive intelligence service, said that more than seven times as many visitors click on to the BNP's site as for the Labour Party and almost three times as many as for the Conservatives.

The study of over eight million internet accounts found that people who struggle to hold down a rewarding or well paying job, and rely on state benefits and the council for their accommodation were most likely to visit the site.

However, nearly a quarter of the site's visitors are people who have successfully established themselves and their families in comfortable suburban homes.

Young and well educated city dwellers are also over-represented amongst visitors to the BNP's homepage.

The proportion of the site's visitors that come from the middle classes is also increasing: 59pc are from the more affluent ABC1 social groups, and this figure is up from 50pc two years ago, Hitwise said.

all those bright, intelligent people, not quite the knuckle dragging idiots the left would like people to believe.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally posted by electric6:
How does hitwise calculate the socio-economic status of IP addys?

i dont have the slightest idea, i just found the article whilst trawling some political websites and figured i'd post it just as a counterpoint to all the leftie propoganda we keep seeing from some political dinosaurs on here, i did look at the other well known ranking site and that too showed the bnp was the top political (uk) website by quite some margin.

@pepsi, i'm sorry for the deceit, i just figured adding a little "smut" sounding title might have attracted more in Wink
political dinosaurs

I'm a political foetus! Razzer

I can imagine a high amount of traffic comes from links from lefty leaning sites and people from searchlight etc having a squiz at what the daft sods are up to. As with any site, be it Conservative, Labour whatever...some visitors will be antis just satisfying curiosity.

Although I concede it wouldn't account for then being frontrunners.
wooohoo I'm a leftie dinosaur then,
I was also looking at the youtube video of their latest party political hate fest, I found it "interesting" but NOT supprising
that only PRO B NAZI P comments were allowed,
but they couldnt hide the number of "post deleted by author" comments that were there,

showing that they are QUITE comfortable (already) with silencing those who dont agree with their hate mongering,

so much for their much vaunted defence of "freedom of speech"
doesnt bode well for what we could expect IF they ever got into power does it?
but never mind HERES a video THEY probably wouldnt like US to see.

I LOVE they way they refer to people with left wing views as "liberal" and "SOFT", HAHAHA soft??

and JUST because someone visits their website doesnt mean that they support them, OR their ideas, KNOW THY ENEMY ETC Nod Nod
old hippy guy
Originally posted by Lady P:
Originally posted by Ennis Del Beadle:
I go on there quite a lot to remind myself what a bunch of racist tossers they all are Shake Head

See -i think this is why I used to talk to you!!!

Do you like incontinent, flea bitten cats? If so, I have room on my sofa bed for you lady Valentine
i HOPE everyone who might be tempted to vote for them watches the video I posted first, they cant deny being racist nazis, its there for the WORLD to see, what more does anyone need, straight from the mouth of Nick the Nazi himself?
he is saying that they ARE LYING to the BRITISH public and that things will change IF they ever control the British media,
WE CANT let this happen Nod
old hippy guy
Originally posted by Lady P:
Ok seriously the BNP scare me. I live in Stoke - we have a serious chance of having a BNP councillor leader. It is seriously scarey - we have far too many councillors as it is!!!

I am an very recent EX stokie, and it truly sickens me to see the support they have in my home town, they once tried to push leaflets through my door I told them where to go,I shit you not the guy wrote down my address, and gruntted something about "coming for you one day" Nod
old hippy guy
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
my god I would rather people vote tory...and from ME thats saying something Shake Head

i normaly do and there is no doubt the majority will when gordon finaly gets forced to let us.

btw i know you keep posting a link to a realy old video (and i'f i'm honest i know i'm sure its still true) but to continue playing devils advocate didnt the labour party change its "beliefs" too in order to become electable, i'm pretty sure it did so, is it realy that surprising that a right wing party would moderate its tone to get more votes just like the left did under blair?

maybe i should add a vote bnp banner to my sig and post to every thread too after all i prefer to make my own mind up as to who to vote for rather than have anyone be it you or the scum telling me what to do, its almost as bad as the manchester evening news publishing their anti bnp lies each day, they even admit it and say they are doing it to attempt to subvert democracy.

surly the way to persuade someone to vote for a party is to put forward why that party is better to vote for instead of attempting to shove your views down the throats of others?

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