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I was mugged years ago, well, attempted actually to be more accurate.

City centre pedestrian precint (?) at night.
Naivety on my part, I should have known better than to take that route, anyway..
Guy pulled a blade and I noticed he had mates at different points up the street beginning to close in. I ran like hell while I reckoned I had a chance, no way I wanted to face a mob attack with a blade involved. I got away and managed to get a taxi.

I should add the whole thing happened in front of a CCTV so as soon as I got home I reported the incident to the police, hoping to prevent someone else falling foul to the same team, they told me they'd get back to me, 14 yrs up the road, still waiting.
Comrade Ogilvy
Originally posted by Queen of the High Teas:
My auntie got mugged in Oxford city centre in broad daylight about twenty years ago, as the bloke tried to grab her bag she smacked him over the head with her other shopping bag and knocked him flying. When the police arrived SHE got cautioned and was told that she could face a charge of ABH! The mugger got away scot free.

Typical! The law is an ass Nod
Originally posted by Queen of the High Teas:
My auntie got mugged in Oxford city centre in broad daylight about twenty years ago, as the bloke tried to grab her bag she smacked him over the head with her other shopping bag and knocked him flying. When the police arrived SHE got cautioned and was told that she could face a charge of ABH! The mugger got away scot free.

Terrible. I hear far too many stories like this, makes my blood boil.

I teach martial arts and this is one of the reasons I tell my students to evade where possible.
Comrade Ogilvy

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