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I think two or three of them are camp.
The subtle signs are there. This might be based on the age-old theory of "it takes one to know one".
But I think the general tone of the thread meant the very blatant, outrageous, queenly camp we have seen in past BBs.
I am liking Rodrigo too Videostar.
I am surprised that Charlie is the one I have most difficulty understanding, especially when he gets a bit excited.
We've known men who are gay but only one who showed signs of being camp at times but not outrageously so. Personally it wouldn't bother me to know any who were really camp if I liked them as a person. There's a few camp tv stars, won't name names, but some of them irritate me as they seem to deliberately play up to it, well on tv anyway even if not in RL
Yellow Rose
One of my best mates is a gay man and he gave up on BB because it really annoyed him that they always put in a 'screaming queen' or a 'muscle Mary' (his words not mine). He says it has a really negative impact on the way gay men are perceived. There are plenty of gay men that fall into both of these categories but I think there are more who don't. My mate and his partner are just a pretty average, down to earth blokes who happens to be gay.
Queen of the High Teas
Originally posted by Queen of the High Teas:
One of my best mates is a gay man and he gave up on BB because it really annoyed him that they always put in a 'screaming queen' or a 'muscle Mary' (his words not mine). He says it has a really negative impact on the way gay men are perceived. There are plenty of gay men that fall into both of these categories but I think there are more who don't. My mate and his partner are just a pretty average, down to earth blokes who happens to be gay.

Same here Queenie, my best mate goes(he's gay) ballistic when he sees what passes as your 'averag'e gay guy in the BB house. DOn't think that Charlie is all that camp, however who knows, its only day 1.

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