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I stopped reading it part way through. Apparently quite common with people who aren't ready to stop. Its all about changing your mind set, when you are ready you are ready and the desire to stop overides the desire to smoke.

I quit a few month ago and ate loads put a stone on, now I have to diet too. I have started again but I am about two or three a day as opposed to as many as I want when I want.

Tips, I would say just determination. Unfortunately I couldn't find a miracle cure, mints and strong tasting sweets delayed my need for one but the only think that stops me is remembering why I want to stop.
Its good to set a date. Be strong. Remember from Monday thats not part of your routine. It will obviously come into your mind but just give yourself a chat. It gets harder before its gets easier but its just a matter of weeks. You will have lots more money, you will look and feel better. The benefits so outweigh the shitty feeling smoking when you dont really want to causes.
wow thanks just what i needed
ta very much Thumbs Up
Originally posted by Lindsxdx:
Its good to set a date. Be strong. Remember from Monday thats not part of your routine. It will obviously come into your mind but just give yourself a chat. It gets harder before its gets easier but its just a matter of weeks. You will have lots more money, you will look and feel better. The benefits so outweigh the shitty feeling smoking when you dont really want to causes.
I was a "social smoker" oxymoron there.I only smoked at weekends when out and had a few drinks.I was at the doctors once and he asked do you smoke? no, I stated just socially and I don't inhale much.
He said you are a smoker,you light a cigarette and put it to your lips and breathe.Stopped over twenty years ago,even though a pack of twenty lasted a fortnight.
i think i will put a thread on here on monday just so you you lot can keep a eye on me Big Grin
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Originally posted by Tina:
thanks darlo i hope i can do it
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Good luck Tina Smiler Hug.

You can with some willpower, you will feel more healthier in the long run Smiler. It's tempting to go back though.
Its a good idea. I will be here, cheering you on.

Remove all temptation, get rid of all the cigerettes, lighters, ashtray, anything that you might glance at and be reminded. So when you do get the urge you couldn't even if you wanted to.

Day 1 proves its possible, day 2 - 7 is a struggle but one week is a good target, the day 8 onwards while still a struggle it becomes easier because you don't want the effort you have made to go to waste.

I made myself I little countdown. I gave myself one month, my countdown went from 1 - 30. Each night, before bed, I ripped of a page from my countdown, it kept me going that at the end of the day I could rip another day off and I was closer to my target.
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Good luck hun Hug
And to anyone else who wants to stop Hug

I stopped nearly two years ago and haven't had a puff of anything since.
With me I always started smoking again when I had stopped because I would have one at a party or be saying to friends at work "Oh let me just have a puff" and be kidding myself that I was still not really smoking.

The only thing that worked for me was to stay absolutely away from smoking altogether which wasn't easy as I really like to have a joint rather than a drink to relax.

I did it cold turkey but you can get free NRT from stop smoking clinics or your gp.

Really hope you can do it hun Thumbs Up
I quit a 30 a day habit 15 years ago and it was the best thing I ever did.
Top tips: 1) It might seem bleedin' obvious but always keep it in your mind that if you can get through one day, you can get through another etc. Tick of every day you do on a calendar. 2) Work out how much you normally spend on cigs every week and try and put that money aside to pay for something you would really like but can't afford. I stopped smoking because I realised I was sitting on a manky old sofa and the only reason I couldn't have a new one was because I was setting fire to a load of cash every week. I bought a nice big squashy sofa after six months of no fags.Thumbs Up 3) Glance Might be just me but I found the Nicorette gum gave me erotic dreams, it was while Pride & Prejudice was on telly so I had some very nice sleeps involving Colin Firth.Nod Glance
Good luck with it, if you can do it you'll never look back. Hug
Queen of the High Teas
my sons 18 this year
and for his 18th i said i will give him ÂĢ500 and if he dont touch cigs ÂĢ1000 so i proper need to save Eeker
Originally posted by Queen of the High Teas:
I quit a 30 a day habit 15 years ago and it was the best thing I ever did.
Top tips: 1) It might seem bleedin' obvious but always keep it in your mind that if you can get through one day, you can get through another etc. Tick of every day you do on a calendar. 2) Work out how much you normally spend on cigs every week and try and put that money aside to pay for something you would really like but can't afford. I stopped smoking because I realised I was sitting on a manky old sofa and the only reason I couldn't have a new one was because I was setting fire to a load of cash every week. I bought a nice big squashy sofa after six months of no fags.Thumbs Up 3) Glance Might be just me but I found the Nicorette gum gave me erotic dreams, it was while Pride & Prejudice was on telly so I had some very nice sleeps involving Colin Firth.Nod Glance
Good luck with it, if you can do it you'll never look back. Hug
Hiya Tina Hug

I'm doing, trying to do the same thing, I have a thread next door in the lounge Big Grin

I tried to give it up completely but didn't quite manage it. Day 13 was hell. but I haven't given up quiting just adjusted the plan.
That Allan Carr book is on PDF and King Kev put a link to it on page 24 of my thread "Okay that's it I'm giving up ..." Thumbs Up

Good luck and I will pop back from time to time to see how you're getting on Hug

Oh and find some good RL support that's the bit I'm finding the hardest Nod
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