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Originally posted by swg:
unless you have a barb box it doesn't matter that the fudge you do if you tv when bb is on you can try stick it up your arse for all the good it;ll do. figures come from barb boxes which are given to a representative sample of the population and then multiplied up to give an approximation for the total viewers across the nation

So in other words people with Barb boxes have been paid to NOT watch BB/LF?
Originally posted by swg:
unless you have a barb box it doesn't matter that the fudge you do if you tv when bb is on you can try stick it up your arse for all the good it;ll do. figures come from barb boxes which are given to a representative sample of the population and then multiplied up to give an approximation for the total viewers across the nation

yeah I know this cause a mate of mine used to have one, this was waaay back in the day, and everytime they changed channel they had to write it down on a little piece of paper that came out of the box like tickertape,
I think they got some sort of freebie for taking part like free tv licence or some such, and no doubt they now have the modern equivalent,

it amazes me the number of people who think tv shows KNOW when you are watching them,
old hippy guy
Originally posted by swg:
unless you have a barb box it doesn't matter that the fudge you do if you tv when bb is on you can try stick it up your arse for all the good it;ll do. figures come from barb boxes which are given to a representative sample of the population and then multiplied up to give an approximation for the total viewers across the nation

Ooooo! I don't want my tv up my arse...thank you! Eeker

Ta for the info' though.....I just thought with all this new technology they maybe able to monitor the TV viewing more closely by now. Wink
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
it amazes me the number of people who think tv shows KNOW when you are watching them,

Just to point out I was not under ANY Illusion that ALL Televisions calculated what you watched, I just was not sure HOW it worked lol. - And I should have noted that this was just, what I considered to be, a helpful bit of advice for those who were "boycotting so as not to count towards the figures" - Again, as I was unaware how it worked Smiler
Originally posted by Dean0Mac:
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
it amazes me the number of people who think tv shows KNOW when you are watching them,

Just to point out I was not under ANY Illusion that ALL Televisions calculated what you watched, I just was not sure HOW it worked lol. - And I should have noted that this was just, what I considered to be, a helpful bit of advice for those who were "boycotting so as not to count towards the figures" - Again, as I was unaware how it worked Smiler

oops NOT a pop at you, just in general, actually wot wiv all these advances n stuff SINCE those days when my mate used to have the little box thingy,...
advances like...colour tvs erm microchips.....cable tv, who knows maybe they CAN tell how many people are watching at any given time.....I know NAAAATHING, Big Grin
old hippy guy
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
Originally posted by Dean0Mac:
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
it amazes me the number of people who think tv shows KNOW when you are watching them,

Just to point out I was not under ANY Illusion that ALL Televisions calculated what you watched, I just was not sure HOW it worked lol. - And I should have noted that this was just, what I considered to be, a helpful bit of advice for those who were "boycotting so as not to count towards the figures" - Again, as I was unaware how it worked Smiler

oops NOT a pop at you, just in general, actually wot wiv all these advances n stuff SINCE those days when my mate used to have the little box thingy,...
advances like...colour tvs erm microchips.....cable tv, who knows maybe they CAN tell how many people are watching at any given time.....I know NAAAATHING, Big Grin

It's cool I just thought to add that as it did seem slightly naive of me lol.

But at the same time, look at what we're discussing OHG! "Big Brother" Ninja
Originally posted by Dean0Mac:
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
Originally posted by Dean0Mac:
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
it amazes me the number of people who think tv shows KNOW when you are watching them,

Just to point out I was not under ANY Illusion that ALL Televisions calculated what you watched, I just was not sure HOW it worked lol. - And I should have noted that this was just, what I considered to be, a helpful bit of advice for those who were "boycotting so as not to count towards the figures" - Again, as I was unaware how it worked Smiler

oops NOT a pop at you, just in general, actually wot wiv all these advances n stuff SINCE those days when my mate used to have the little box thingy,...
advances like...colour tvs erm microchips.....cable tv, who knows maybe they CAN tell how many people are watching at any given time.....I know NAAAATHING, Big Grin

It's cool I just thought to add that as it did seem slightly naive of me lol.

But at the same time, look at what we're discussing OHG! "Big Brother" Ninja

aye.....I mean if they COULD see us through our tv screens........ would they tell us?
Glance Glance Glance
old hippy guy
LOOK.... I'm blonde right? I've got a university degree but it doesn't seem to help..... your confusing me more here.... are you saying it doesn't matter if i watch BB or not? It's not going to register my boycott anyway?? Whats stopping these people with the barbi boxes ALL being got at to wach BB when the rest of the population isn't?? OH the conspiracy theories are running wild thru my head now..... i need to go lie down in a dark room with tinfoil on my windows! Ninja
Originally posted by Bethni:
LOOK.... I'm blonde right? I've got a university degree but it doesn't seem to help..... your confusing me more here.... are you saying it doesn't matter if i watch BB or not? It's not going to register my boycott anyway?? Whats stopping these people with the barbi boxes ALL being got at to wach BB when the rest of the population isn't?? OH the conspiracy theories are running wild thru my head now..... i need to go lie down in a dark room with tinfoil on my windows! Ninja

Laugh You can watch the shows...if you want...and no-one will know! Ninja

...but they will know if you go on the C4 website! Wink
boxes which track what you watch (and also WHO is watching, i.e. male/female/age/wage/has kids etc) are given (and taken) to houses such that a representative sample of the uk tv househelds are created

the data from these boxes is then collected every night and then with some mathematical statistical wizardry, extrapolation, estimations and guessing overnight figures are produced - this is the number of people who watched the show "live", i.e. the time it was broadcast. it might also include + 1viewers

a week later the 'final' ratings are released which take into account repeats, recordings and stuff

I cant get that tv site to open for me.. it gives me a random sum 4+3... when i answer 7 it tells me i'm wrong.I told you... 5 yrs at a good uni and i still cant surf the damn net properly! I mean even my calculator says 4+3= 7..... they just hate me and dont want me watching tv online..... paranoia is certainly settling in now Frowner Frowner Crazy Crazy

Originally posted by Essex Angel:
I'm watching TVCatchup on my puter now, it's brilliant, hubby hates BB anyway so now I wont be taking over the telly.

I have the forum up & E4 I have my screen split so I can read the forum & watch livefeed. Big Grin

done the same thing was having troble with my E4 too but can now get E4 and Pc on the same screen at the same tume

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