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Not that I am rude or anything but I don't know them that well but both sides are nice enough. One side often invites my kids into her garden when her daughter is out playing and last year she saw me struggling with inflating the wee paddling pool and lent me her electric pump. I have just asked my OH to powerwash her back patio for her because my son spilled soil all over it when he was in playing Blush
On one side there is this really REALLY posh gay couple - they HATE kids and seem to look down on us a bit. Now I dont care really and let them get on with their superior ways. One night though was HILARIOUS. I heard this shouting outside 'NOOOO YOU HAVE SHIT ON YOUR SHOE AND YOU'LL BLEED ON THE LAMINATE'

So I went out and there they were in a heap on the doorstep. The older guy had skidded in dogshit and bust his nose on the doorstep and the other fella wouldnt let him in. They were both all drunk and crying. IT WAS ACE.

My turn to look down my nose at them! Laugh
well as we has just moved to where we is now, in a very nice brand new rented house in a very nice area,
and as our neighbours is very posh in their very posh little gated "estate" for "professional" types,
and as we know they got up a petition to try n stop the houses where WE live being built,
it aint taken a great deal of my disgusting low life unprofessional brain power to work out WHO sent the annoynmous letter complaining about MY shed in my garded where I make my living
DESPITE the fact that they cant even SEE it from where they live due to the huge high birch fence they have put up to prevent them from being upset at seeing us low lifes from where they reside,....BASTARDS,
makes me want to go all "shamless" on their arses and invite loads of my "biker" mates round for a party every weekend,
GOD I DETEST snobs, its not as though we make any noise, we aint even got a dog on a rope or anything, Mad Mad Mad
old hippy guy
we dont speak to one side not even break the general good manners or nicitiees with them since last yr when we had a hugeeeee fall out over the right of way and the way she was speaking to our eldest....great shame we thought initially...then we thought about it and realised she had conned us for 8 yrs with her nicey nicey act and realuse she is a stuck up lying snob who thinks she and hers are bigger better and more inteligent than anyone else.......all other neighbours we are fine with have lived her for some 45 yrs (robs birth home).....but we are private not wild party animals or anything sim tho

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