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Freddie (17.5 to win). Posh guys usually do well (Eugene BB6, Rex BB9), but this loudmouth Wordsworth is far too annoying to go the distance... or even past Sunday! He was the first in the house, and he could easily be the first out.

Lisa (19.0). Looks like she has just came from the set of This Is England, but this 41-year-old punk has the potential to go far. She is probably quite clever, mature enough to be the voice of reason, and won't stand for any childish nonsense. Was one of the only females to be cheered upon her entrance.

Sophie (32.0). I can see this girl being the bitch, and the housemate most bitched about. Failed all her GCSEs but says she is intelligent, and her party trick is to hold a bottle of lager between her breasts. It's a shame us men like our lager ice-cold, not boob-warm. Won't last long unless she is genuinely funny.

Kris (11.5). Looks like a cross between Russell Brand and Shaggy from Scooby-doo. He could be the arrogant, don't care less male that usually does well (Anthony BB6, Dale BB9) - providing he doesn't spend too much time in front of the mirror that is!

Noirin (23.0). Attractive but knows it. Been on reality TV before (Real World Sydney on MTV) and has more than a hint of 'desperate to be famous' about her. Became a 'proper' housemate after allowing Rodrigo to shave her eyebrows and draw on her face. Out within six weeks.

Cairon (14.0). Teenager Cairon was instantly funny and is very much in the mould of Science (BB6). He appears cheeky and arrogant (but in a nice way) and won't be scared to say what he thinks. Hates liars and back-stabbers so BB is just the show for him! Got huge cheers upon his entrance. Will go far.

Angel (36.0). Russian girl Angel is a professional boxer stroke artist. In other words, she likes having paintbrush fights. She could be another Kitten (BB5) in that she will rebel and cause too much controversy. She is irritating, loud, annoying and crazy all rolled into one. Likely to be one of the first out.

Karly (50.0). Every BB has one, and this year it's 21-year-old Karly. I'm talking about the girl who will only date footballers, gives herself ten out of ten for looks, loves the attention, and most of all, doesn't last beyond a few weeks. Quite pathetic really.

Marcus (18.5). This apparent Wolverine lookalike (whoever he is) is the type to do well - crazy but likeable. He seems very down to earth but I think he knows he is a bit of a weirdo/geek (Luke BB9). If he is genuine then he will go far.

Beinazir (36.0). Asia's answer to Amy Winehouse is how she described her looks. She has a lot of male characteristics about her - like swearing, swearing, and more swearing - but could be the surprise package amongst the females.

Sophia (13.5). This year's version of Kathreya (BB9) so has the potential to be quite popular. She is small in size, but more than makes up for it in noise. She has the most annoying laugh, gets way too excited, and would probably scream at her own shadow. People will like her but she isn't my cup of tea.

Rodrigo (5.4). One of this year's main contenders, especially now that he is definitely a housemate having passed his challenge. He is very positive, wants to be everyone's friend, and probably wouldn't say boo to a goose. Non confrontational and very cheerful and should mix with everyone. Will be there right to the end that's for sure.

Charlie (8.6). Just like gay Brian (BB2), this likeable Geordie has everything in his favour to win this year's show. He is funny, good looking (will appeal to male and females), and will get on with every housemate. Can't see him being voted out unless he turns really nasty.

Saffia (48.0). Stubborn, bitchy, and fake are how I would sum up Saffia. She has promised to be quite a housemate, but like last year's winner Rachel, my guess is she will be quiet for a while before making her move. Keep on the right side of her... for now.

Sree (20.0). Wants to be a world leader but gets a hangover after half a pint - make him Prime Minister I say! Like Luke from last year he will have his funny moments, but his constant wittering on about world issues will soon see him as the next 'wannabee politician' to get the axe.

Siavash (32.0). Quite simply, he has too much body hair to win Big Brother. Thinks he is uniquely good looking and god's gift to women - the word deluded instantly springs to mind. Fat and ugly people make him angry. He must spend a hell of a lot of his time being angry then!

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