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we have to endure the endless celebrities on BBLB telling us what they think about BB. Now from my point of view I could do without these people getting paid a vast amount of money for ten minutes work and use the money for LF. And now we also have celebrities on the eviction show. Call me dense (please don't I'm a sensitive soul), but surely if you are cutting costs you don't pay out for so called celebs to appear on your shows?!

I feel better now Big Grin

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I like the new format for evictions. Davina never really asked the big questions and hopefully the extra guests will have something of interest to say.

I know a lot of you are missing your live feed, and I think Big Mouth is certainly one way of cutting costs, and of course BBLB could still run (say on a Sunday) and maybe two other days. There isn't any need for it to be on daily.

I don't think that it's going to be re-introduced unfortunately. Maybe for next year if the franchise is with someone else it may return.
Towno :)
Originally posted by Towno Smiler:
I like the new format for evictions. Davina never really asked the big questions and hopefully the extra guests will have something of interest to say.

I know a lot of you are missing your live feed, and I think Big Mouth is certainly one way of cutting costs, and of course BBLB could still run (say on a Sunday) and maybe two other days. There isn't any need for it to be on daily.

I don't think that it's going to be re-introduced unfortunately. Maybe for next year if the franchise is with someone else it may return.

I know, but hey got to moan about something, I could start on Diary Room Uncut if you like, coz I really miss that, that had to be a cheap option the filming is done anyway! Big Grin
You're right mentalist there are a gazillion ways they could potentially cut costs.

I guess C4 are remaining tight lipped about how much the live feed actually costs if it were a new channel that they had to pay for. Having said that they have E4 with endless repeats on during the day. Why not put some live coverage on then? And say from 8pm-midnight? there is Film 4+1, more4 and e4+1 as well as c4+1... surely they could chop one of those channels and dedicate it to a few months of live feed?

I do think you're banging your head against a brick wall though wavey
Towno :)

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