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Oh dear! Why oh why do I keep watching this obnoxious man. I cannot stand him but I still watch occasionally. His new series seems to be overstepping the mark to a greater degree trhan ever. I have watched him with a group of guests who very clearly have low IQs. Mocking them and humiliating them - especially as they obviously have low IQ - is sickening. Earning money on the backs of such people is close to the ethics of a Victorian freak show.
Its the only legal human zoo in Europe....
Oh dear! Why oh why do I keep watching this obnoxious man. I cannot stand him but I still watch occasionally. His new series seems to be overstepping the mark to a greater degree trhan ever. I have watched him with a group of guests who very clearly have low IQs. Mocking them and humiliating them - especially as they obviously have low IQ - is sickening. Earning money on the backs of such people is close to the ethics of a Victorian freak show.

They choose to go on the show though, and by now they know what they're in for. Plus they get free travel and a night in some skanky budget hotel!

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