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You know I'm right....

Charlie and Kris, wow they really like each other. They can sit for hours looking into each others eyes and share their deepest thoughts. They really LISTEN to each other!

Then there's Cairon and Siavash, the way Cairon took such care washing Siavash's hair. Like it was something really precious. And then there is their SPIT bonding sessions. They can sit and spit for hours, just the 2 of them, cursing and spitting, spitting and cursing.

It brings a tear to my eyes, you know!

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Charlie's DESPERATE to be involved in any sort of "mance" in there.
He's already claimed a gay BB relationship would be "groundbreaking", as if none of us have ever heard of manlove before Roll Eyes Laugh

And he keeps harping on about how any new HM should be a fit gay bloke "for" him. Does he really think (a) any such bloke would automatically fancy him or (b) that any of us would be interested in watching?
Originally posted by Demantoid:
Charlie's DESPERATE to be involved in any sort of "mance" in there.
He's already claimed a gay BB relationship would be "groundbreaking", as if none of us have ever heard of manlove before Roll Eyes Laugh

And he keeps harping on about how any new HM should be a fit gay bloke "for" him. Does he really think (a) any such bloke would automatically fancy him or (b) that any of us would be interested in watching?

Charlie is just trying to do a BB2 Brian...As we can all see it ain't working.
Senora Reyes
Originally posted by Demantoid:
Originally posted by Senora Reyes:
Charlie is just trying to do a BB2 Brian...As we can all see it ain't working.

Brian wasn't interested in having a fake telly squeeze though. He was mortified when they put Josh in, because he thought the producers were trying to manufacture a romance between them.

Yes I know, Brian wanted to be the only gay in the village, but I watch Charlie, and he is trying to be like Brian. Charlie thinks he's funny, and so far I haven't seen any evidence of this, I find Charlie spiteful, and thick.
Senora Reyes
Originally posted by Senora Reyes:
Yes I know, Brian wanted to be the only gay in the village, but I watch Charlie, and he is trying to be like Brian. Charlie thinks he's funny, and so far I haven't seen any evidence of this, I find Charlie spiteful, and thick.

Nod Which is why he'll never be another Brian.
Brian could be waspish - and hysterically funny at the same time - but he was never cruel.
He also had a very quick mind, which no-one could ever accuse Charlie of Laugh
Originally posted by Demantoid:
Originally posted by Senora Reyes:
Yes I know, Brian wanted to be the only gay in the village, but I watch Charlie, and he is trying to be like Brian. Charlie thinks he's funny, and so far I haven't seen any evidence of this, I find Charlie spiteful, and thick.

Nod Which is why he'll never be another Brian.
Brian could be waspish - and hysterically funny at the same time - but he was never cruel.
He also had a very quick mind, which no-one could ever accuse Charlie of Laugh

brian used to have me in bits Big Grin
i think that was probably the best BB ever
and helen with her 'i like blinking i do' Big Grin
Originally posted by Demantoid:
Originally posted by Senora Reyes:
Yes I know, Brian wanted to be the only gay in the village, but I watch Charlie, and he is trying to be like Brian. Charlie thinks he's funny, and so far I haven't seen any evidence of this, I find Charlie spiteful, and thick.

Nod Which is why he'll never be another Brian.
Brian could be waspish - and hysterically funny at the same time - but he was never cruel.
He also had a very quick mind, which no-one could ever accuse Charlie of Laugh

Originally posted by Senora Reyes:
That's because there isn't one. A rather thinly vieled attempt, to put the prince of Persia down, by the Op methinks...Still not over yesterday I see. Big Grin

Truth can hurt I suppose. But then if you're going to trash my Angel you leave me no choice but to point out the finer points of Siavash.
To be honest if I got wind of Siavash and Cairon bare butting the food preparation table I would stick to liquids myself in there. Wink
Originally posted by VesnaWasRobbed:
Originally posted by Senora Reyes:
That's because there isn't one. A rather thinly vieled attempt, to put the prince of Persia down, by the Op methinks...Still not over yesterday I see. Big Grin

Truth can hurt I suppose. But then if you're going to trash my Angel you leave me no choice but to point out the finer points of Siavash.
To be honest if I got wind of Siavash and Cairon bare butting the food preparation table I would stick to liquids myself in there. Wink

Thing is I don't dislike Angel just irritated by her, I was vexed because she didn't nom Lisa. Karly and Angel for me, are so far the better of the females in the house. I guess I want Angel to stand up for herself where Lisa is concerned, I hate the way Lisa dismisses Angel, when she's trying to make a point, and calling Angel weak the other night, was unforgivable.
Senora Reyes
Angel as a boxer does tend to see others as competition. And they all are really. She wants to go up against the best. As much as Lisa has gotten on my wick she has managed to get most of the house on her side making her the best competitor.

Angel isn't like any other HM before. She doesn't nominate by grudge, as say a Cairon does.

I don't see anything the way she does, which is what fascinates me. I'm terribly UN competitive. I wouldn't mind competitions but I hate that competitions declare one a winner and everyone else as losers. I competed when I was younger and didn't like it, even as the winner or runner up I still didn't like it. I sure could swim though LOL just like a fish!

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