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Originally posted by darloboy07:
Selfish mare then goes outside and supports Lisa then crawls up her backside Mad and spends the rest of the morning with her. She must have revelled in the drama and completly ignored the fact that Lisa wasn't supporting her hunger strike and the fact Angel and Freddie was prepared to help her, grrr annoyed me.

Yes Darlo annoying bint, she is Nod
Originally posted by Joods:
I don't really think Noirin's to blame. Lisa would have taken ANY situation and spun it if it meant her having the slightest opportunity to have a pop at Freddie.

Perhaps so but she coud have had the decency to step in and say hold on Lisa, they're only trying to help. She didn't even thank Freddie or Angel.... instead she went to Lisa and started yapping about Freddie!! It WAS because of her it all started, Lisa used it as an excuse, granted, but Noirin could have helped instead of sitting there like she didn't know what was going on. Frowner
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Originally posted by Bethni:
Originally posted by ~Orchid~:
Lisa is Noirin's best friend in the house and she is going to stick up for her mate...There ya go really *shrugs*

Trouble is she didn't though last night. Thats why the fight started.

Maybe but you don't always have to agree as friends, from what I gather Noirin said she didn't mind doing the hunger strike but Lisa didn't want her to.
Maybe but you don't always have to agree as friends, from what I gather Noirin said she didn't mind doing the hunger strike but Lisa didn't want her to.

From what i saw last night it was Noirin that said she was going to go on hunger strike,Freddie and Angel said they would support her, then Lisa said, 'no your not going on hunger strike because i'm not doing without food'. Then she turned it on Angel and Freddie.If Lisa is such a big friend to Noirin then she didn't show it there. Noirin just sat back and watched the sparks fly.
Originally posted by mary_bee:
Yep, and when it was all kicking off she just sat there looking wounded.

Yes Mary, Thats the part that killed me. She instigated the whole thing and then when she could clearly see Freddie getting slaughtered by 'her friend' Lisa she kept her mouth shut AND moreover sucked up to Lisa big stylie.
Completely turned me off her. Wasn't ever a fan but last night sealed it for me.
As Jim Royale would say'Hunger Strike my arse' Mad
Originally posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Much as I abhor Lisa's and Noion's behaviour, Angel and Freddie were just bloody daft in going along with the protest idea

I agree they were daft, BB SHOULD stick to the rules concerning the specc's, But at least they were showing support which was more than her 'friend's' were doing.It was a silly idea, but it wasn't Freddie OR Angel's... it was Noirin's and she got off scot free !
Originally posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Much as I abhor Lisa's and Noion's behaviour, Angel and Freddie were just bloody daft in going along with the protest idea

A little part of me can't help but think that they went along with it so that they could become friends with Noirin, as she's been impartial to them so far and they could have become closer by being on her side. Another person being nice to them in there would be gladly welcome.
Originally posted by mary_bee:
Originally posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Much as I abhor Lisa's and Noion's behaviour, Angel and Freddie were just bloody daft in going along with the protest idea

A little part of me can't help but think that they went along with it so that they could become friends with Noirin, as she's been impartial to them so far and they could have become closer by being on her side. Another person being nice to them in there would be gladly welcome.

Nod could be. But now she is pally with Lisa and her clique which I consider Sophie to be a part of now because of her links with Kris.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
Originally posted by Bethni:
I'd forgot she was in the house. Now i wish she wasn't!

Went off her big time, she started that whole thing yet somehow came out of it as the victim! Poor Freddie and Angel Frowner

Precisely Bethni. She decided she would go on hunger strike until BB said she could remove the glasses and Angel and Freddie both supported her.

When it all went pear shaped, she sidles off to the side and lets poor Freddie and Angel take the brunt of Lisa's wrath.

Why Lisa had to rant off about it is a mystery to me. She could have said what she said in a very rational manner but, no, she has to make a big song and dance about it.

If Noirin wanted to stage a hunger strike, then jolly well let her, it wasn't any of Lisa's business anyway. Why did she have to add her two cents worth? No-one had asked for her opinion at that point - she only heard it second hand from someone else and decided to have a go but, instead of having a go at Noirin, being the one who started the whole thing off, she chooses to pick on Angel and Freddie instead!!

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