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I mean think about it... What is the origin of "Big Brother" in the literal sense? It is a term derived from the Orwellian nature of "1984" A novel by George Orwell in which a civil servant by the name of Winston Smith firstly is assigned the task of perpeuating a totalitarian regime's propaganda by falsifying records and political literature but then begins a rebellion against the very same system.

Everybody knows that when we mention 'Big Brother' and not in the sense of the Television series, we're talking about how the Government are little by little controlling our every movement and tracking every little detail in our lives, penning us in like sheep. - Well am I the only one who has noticed this exact style to CH4's broadcasting of BB?

Every year the way they have controlled and manipulated what we're able to view, what we're able to listen to, who we should "like" or "dislike" whether or not those people are likeable or dislikable in the first place has become more and more distinguishable. The noose of our 'freedom' to opinion, choice and subsequently votes has tightened to the point where we're practically watching nothing more than a boring old docu-soap.

...Just something to think about really.

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