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Originally posted by Suzi-Q:
Originally posted by Videostar:
"I want to go home because Kris snubbed me for a better looking younger woman"

Spot on. She has two kids by two different fathers, who she has seperated with and is on the lookout for number three. The last thing she should be looking for is another sperm donor, she should be taking care of the two she has.
Ooohhh harsh Eeker
I have a 2 and a half year old and left her yesterday to go to a funeral with a friend for 5 hours and by the time I picked her up I was aching to see her and squeezed her so tight.

I couldn't imagine leaving her for a possible 3 months, fame or no fame.

A mother should be with her children especially when they're babies.

Plenty of time to do things when they're grown up and more independent and understanding.

Good riddance to her Sausage
I agree that her leaving was very little to do with her kids, although that may have been a small part of it. She would not have realised how *much* she would miss them when she was away. Sometimes you just wish you could get some 'me time' away from your kids and then when they ARE away, you miss them like crazy. So I think people are being a bit harsh implying she was a 'bad mother' for leaving them,' Would anyone have said 'he should not have left his kids, if a man with young children went in the BB house. Would he be accused of being a 'bad father?' I think not. As Tammy Wynette says : 'sometimes it's hard to be a woman.'

I also think the fact that Kris fancied Sophie (dogface) more than her, irked her, and she couldn't get on with Sophia, and it was boring and dull in there and not what she thought. But she did play on it being her wanting to leave 'for her babies,' when that was only a small part of her leaving.

Have to say thought that I find it very hard to like her. She is hard faced and sarcastic and has nothing that endears you to her IMO. Glad she has gone actually.
Originally posted by Cheeky-Pixie:
I agree that her leaving was very little to do with her kids, although that may have been a small part of it. She would not have realised how *much* she would miss them when she was away. Sometimes you just wish you could get some 'me time' away from your kids and then when they ARE away, you miss them like crazy. So I think people are being a bit harsh implying she was a 'bad mother' for leaving them,' Would anyone have said 'he should not have left his kids, if a man with young children went in the BB house. Would he be accused of being a 'bad father?' I think not. As Tammy Wynette says : 'sometimes it's hard to be a woman.'

I also think the fact that Kris fancied Sophie (dogface) more than her, irked her, and she couldn't get on with Sophia, and it was boring and dull in there and not what she thought. But she did play on it being her wanting to leave 'for her babies,' when that was only a small part of her leaving.

Have to say thought that I find it very hard to like her. She is hard faced and sarcastic and has nothing that endears you to her IMO. Glad she has gone actually.
Nod ClappingHer performance on BBBM didnt do her any favours either Crazy
Originally posted by Suzi-Q:
Originally posted by Videostar:
"I want to go home because Kris snubbed me for a better looking younger woman"

Spot on. She has two kids by two different fathers, who she has seperated with and is on the lookout for number three. The last thing she should be looking for is another sperm donor, she should be taking care of the two she has.

I didn't know her children had different fathers!! Eeker
I found it fascinating how her BB world crumbled around her in just one day:

*Kris moved on - in front of her eyes
*The Sophia problem, rather than being resolved - as it seemed she wanted it to be, actually intensified.

We don't know what was going on in her head with regard to her children; but by Thursday evening, she was in a BAD place that she could no longer cope with.

I never liked Saffia, she was an awful selection - her place on the show should have gone to someone else.
Cold Sweat
Originally posted by HyacinthB:
Originally posted by Suzi-Q:
Originally posted by Videostar:
"I want to go home because Kris snubbed me for a better looking younger woman"

Spot on. She has two kids by two different fathers, who she has seperated with and is on the lookout for number three. The last thing she should be looking for is another sperm donor, she should be taking care of the two she has.

I didn't know her children had different fathers!! Eeker

i dont understand why that matters tbh. my 2 son's have different biological dads...granted im still with the youngest's but if we ever did spilt up should i not want another partner for fear of being a bad mother or something? Confused
Originally posted by Hollygolightly:
Originally posted by pretty~cocoa~eyes:
A nice hot male Totty could have taken her place Disappointed... Trust BB to feck things up everytime...

You're dead right. Perhaps one will go in next - fingers crossed Wink

Let's face it, she was playing way out of her league with Kris, did she really think that he would fancy her Eeker Sophie and him are a better 'match,' fake or otherwise...however, if you put someone really tasty in there, who's more 'her type' think she could be 'jumping ship' and Kris will be left with egg on his face
Originally posted by Blackpudlian:
When she said on BBLB that she wanted to go back in the house for Charlie's birthday party, it showed how lacking in the ways of Big Brother she was.
She must have thought that her 6 day friendship with Charlie would be on a par with the Chantel/Ziggy situation.
She is sadly deluded.

Delusional to an almost tragic level. Based on what i heard her say on BBLB and BBBM, i would not be surprised if she is bitter regarding her BB experience for a long time!
Cold Sweat

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