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Originally posted by FGG Aka Crocodile Rock:
I've done it....strangely enough I got my 'call up' papers two days after a load of us were talking about none of us having ever been called.

I could have got out of it but wanted to do it...lots of sitting around but interesting enough and I did get to be jury foreperson.

did you enjoy it? i think it would be quite interesting Thumbs Up
Originally posted by Aimee:
Originally posted by FGG Aka Crocodile Rock:
I've done it....strangely enough I got my 'call up' papers two days after a load of us were talking about none of us having ever been called.

I could have got out of it but wanted to do it...lots of sitting around but interesting enough and I did get to be jury foreperson.

did you enjoy it? i think it would be quite interesting Thumbs Up

I enjoyed it...I did jury service with the niece of Mad Axeman Frankie Fraser....the food was OK and I made money cos at the time I got free train fares and they also paid for a childminder.

It was like 12 Angry men on our first case...there were 8 for conviction and 4 against....we managed to turn them all round to not convict!
I got called up a couple of years ago, the 1st week overlaps with another groups 2nd week. Every evening I had to phone to see if i would be needed the next day.

I never got on a case and had to sit in a 'holding' room for 2 weeks solid. It was BORING!

Some days they released me on a half day, and as my Boss said I wasn't needed in work for the half days, the Courts pay my full wages and I got to go home.

I also got a subsidised money card to get coffee and food, if i didn't use it they still credited me when the 2 weeks was up.

I walked it into Town most days but they also credited me some money for Bus Fares!

No wonder Trials cost so much, there's loads called up who never get to be on an actual Jury and end up sat around all day ....bearing in mind the Courts are paying our wages for doing so.

Sounds godd sat around reading, but believe me, it is boring and you can't go out of the room until they say so.
The Devil In Diamante
Originally posted by Aimee:
Originally posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Husband has done it twice!

Its a right pain in the butt to be honest!

He loved it though!

do you just get a letter summoning you to court?

Yes... he did. Twice.

It is a bit strange... that he got selected twice.... yet I don't know anyone from my circle of friends that has ever been called up.
Originally posted by The Devil In Diamante:
I got called up a couple of years ago, the 1st week overlaps with another groups 2nd week. Every evening I had to phone to see if i would be needed the next day.

I never got on a case and had to sit in a 'holding' room for 2 weeks solid. It was BORING!

Some days they released me on a half day, and as my Boss said I wasn't needed in work for the half days, the Courts pay my full wages and I got to go home.

I also got a subsidised money card to get coffee and food, if i didn't use it they still credited me when the 2 weeks was up.

I walked it into Town most days but they also credited me some money for Bus Fares!

No wonder Trials cost so much, there's loads called up who never get to be on an actual Jury and end up sat around all day ....bearing in mind the Courts are paying our wages for doing so.

Sounds godd sat around reading, but believe me, it is boring and you can't go out of the room until they say so.

i was just going to ask, if they paid you for loss of earnings etc, it does sound boring, must be interesting though, if its a really juicy case Big Grin
Originally posted by FGG Aka Crocodile Rock:
What they pay though isn't that much...that's why my husband had to get out of his...being self employed he couldn't afford to do it cos the money he'd have got would have been a fraction of his earnings.

Yeh, they only pay up to say ÂĢ50 per day for wages (may be more now) tops...self employed people can get out of it because of this.

I did actually end up a little better off, I didn't have to produce bus tickets that I had saved, just filled in a form that asked roughly my travelling costs etc.

Chances are I could get called again as I didn't get on a case...I hope not....
The Devil In Diamante
Originally posted by FGG Aka Crocodile Rock:
I got two cases when i did it....1 the first week which went Tuesday to Thursday so the excused us Friday and then one on the Tuesday of the next week which went till I didn't have too much sitting round after the first day

what where the cases? or are you not allowed to say
Originally posted by Aimee:
Originally posted by FGG Aka Crocodile Rock:
I got two cases when i did it....1 the first week which went Tuesday to Thursday so the excused us Friday and then one on the Tuesday of the next week which went till I didn't have too much sitting round after the first day

what where the cases? or are you not allowed to say

It was nearly 20 years ago...I think I'm was GBH and one was robbery (mugging)...we found them all not guilty.
I got called up not long after my 18th birthday and tbh was absolutely bricking it Eeker

Was really interesting though and really enjoyed it.

Just got a letter from the Court saying that I had been called up - you fill it in and there is a place for your employers to fill in if they are going to stop your wages while you do it - sounds a bit tight I would recommend doing this - you get paid the same by the Court and dont get taxed on it - plus I got travel expenses too - ended up better off - as well as better hours Big Grin

As we got near the end of the 2nd week - we were asking the guy who decides which jurors go into which case if he could put us on a long trial Laugh

That was a long time ago now though - not sure whether things have changed - but would love to get called up again Big Grin

First case lasted a week, second week was just on and off little 1 day, 2 day cases Sleepy

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