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i am so fed up with third rate talentless celebrities trying to sell 'tat' to equally
third rate magazines

poor deluded types buy these with hard come by cash and believe every word

nolan is constantly trying to throw a 'shocker' into that henious programme in the hope that the tabloids will pick it up and pay for the story

yesterday her and that pathetic blond newcastle woman were revealing that they had taped themselves with their partners during sex

bloody hell have you seen their partners Disappointed

the blonde one is married to that lidl munchkin from that show about builders in germany Disappointed

the other a butchers dog Disappointed

even the spice girl was shocked Sick


Everything is aimed at making money to sell stories true or false
Originally posted by fookat:
Miscarriage, rape.. what next?

The way she announced her miscarriage on that show like it was some point scoring was disgraceful.

Has she already done the being bullied and lack of confidence?

I also read a piece about her going back for tests to see if the cancer in her finger is co,ing back as it is stress that contributes to the particular type of cancer she had.
The Devil In Diamante
Originally posted by TiGi:
Originally posted by fookat:
Miscarriage, rape.. what next?

The way she announced her miscarriage on that show like it was some point scoring was disgraceful.

I agree. Just when I thought she couldn't stoop any lower.

TIGI well said - these things are huge life changing heartbreaking experiences

You certainly don't call up bloody piers morgan to discuss it on telly Shake Head
Originally posted by Demantoid:
This is the same as the Ulrika Jonsson situation. She made a similar claim a few years ago and all it did was heap suspicion on every bloke she'd ever been seen in public with.

If you're not going to say, or press charges, then do us all a favour and SHUT UP about it, instead of leaving every poor bloke you've ever known with the finger pointed at him.

Absolutely. Clapping
Originally posted by EDWARDIAN LIL:
i am so fed up with third rate talentless celebrities trying to sell 'tat' to equally
third rate magazines

poor deluded types buy these with hard come by cash and believe every word

nolan is constantly trying to throw a 'shocker' into that henious programme in the hope that the tabloids will pick it up and pay for the story

yesterday her and that pathetic blond newcastle woman were revealing that they had taped themselves with their partners during sex

bloody hell have you seen their partners Disappointed

the blonde one is married to that lidl munchkin from that show about builders in germany Disappointed

the other a butchers dog Disappointed

even the spice girl was shocked Sick


Everything is aimed at making money to sell stories true or false
Laugh Laugh Laugh
Little Miss Spurs
Originally posted by EDWARDIAN LIL:
Originally posted by Darthhoob:
i was going to write a long post...but i wont Frowner

basically i dont believe her.


I believe Peter Andre said he certainly can't remember her mentioning it Disappointed

Nod I read that too! Given the choice between those 2, I must say Id vote "Team Andre" every time! Big Grin
Little Miss Spurs
Jordan refuses to name the Man who...

Just saw this on the main page, msn.

It's the latest revelation in the very public life of Katie Price: "I'm absolutely livid. I mentioned it in my column and then I done a shoot with the kids last week and they just tried to press on and on about it and I said I'm not going to say who it is. And they just dig and dig and dig. It happened absolutely years ago. She also said: "If something happens you should go to the police. Maybe I should have done."

I mean what? She puts it out there and then doen't want to say the name, of course the press is going to be all over it. Confused Roll Eyes We all know that's what she wanted.

She is stooopid Roll Eyes and it's sad that it happened but what was she expecting of the press? Too leave it alone or jump all over it? Hmmm more like what she was hoping. Roll Eyes To keep herself in the public eye. If it happened, she should have told the police, he could have done it to someone else by now, if it happened years ago. And yeah I get that not everyone reports it and she might have been frightened but what is she doing now? Confused
Originally posted by Cinds:
Originally posted by Gypsie:
at this rate she is going to be the cause of her own downfall, i think everyone is going to get very very sick of her.

What do you mean 'going to', are most of us not sick of her already?

Yer jokin' us arntcha.
As I said a couple of weeks ago, go into your local newsagent and her eyes follow you all around the room. And that Nolan one. Mad
Garage Joe
Originally posted by Poker Face:
It's more than likely true ..... the one thing about Kate, she always seems to be very honest (blunt to a point) .... I doubt she'd lie ...... but I do agree, why bother to say if you're not going to name and shame Confused

(Publicity of course ... what else? )

Yes she's so honest and tells it like it is that she published 3 autobiographies without mentioning her multiple rapes one of which was by a celeb
Originally posted by 15:10:
Jordan refuses to name the Man who...

Just saw this on the main page, msn.

It's the latest revelation in the very public life of Katie Price: "I'm absolutely livid. I mentioned it in my column and then I done a shoot with the kids last week and they just tried to press on and on about it and I said I'm not going to say who it is. And they just dig and dig and dig. It happened absolutely years ago. She also said: "If something happens you should go to the police. Maybe I should have done."

I mean what? She puts it out there and then doen't want to say the name, of course the press is going to be all over it. Confused Roll Eyes We all know that's what she wanted.

She is stooopid Roll Eyes and it's sad that it happened but what was she expecting of the press? Too leave it alone or jump all over it? Hmmm more like what she was hoping. Roll Eyes To keep herself in the public eye. If it happened, she should have told the police, he could have done it to someone else by now, if it happened years ago. And yeah I get that not everyone reports it and she might have been frightened but what is she doing now? Confused

That's what Jordan does best it seems. She instigates a story then manages to turn it round so it she looks like the victim. Somehow I don't see it working this time.
I can just see the interview with Piers Morgan now....Jordan will be all done up like "Aunt Sally" at Christmas, and that horrible droning monotone voice.."Ah woz raped on a night awt, wiv a bloke I fort woz a gent"...

Tear's quivering lips... Roll Eyes

Jordan is like a plague! Why the hell didn't she inform the police? If this is true, she was happy to stay silent so the the bloke could commit the crime again and again.

Words cannot describe how much I cannot stand this mercenary talentless little witch...I wish she would just piss off. Mad
Senora Reyes
Originally posted by Senora Reyes:
I can just see the interview with Piers Morgan now....Jordan will be all done up like "Aunt Sally" at Christmas, and that horrible droning monotone voice.."Ah woz raped on a night awt, wiv a bloke I fort woz a gent"...

Tear's quivering lips... Roll Eyes

Jordan is like a plague! Why the hell didn't she inform the police? If this is true, she was happy to stay silent so the the bloke could commit the crime again and again.

Words cannot describe how much I cannot stand this mercenary talentless little witch...I wish she would just piss off. Mad
Clapping Clapping
Koala Brother
Originally posted by Senora Reyes:
I can just see the interview with Piers Morgan now....Jordan will be all done up like "Aunt Sally" at Christmas, and that horrible droning monotone voice.."Ah woz raped on a night awt, wiv a bloke I fort woz a gent"...

Tear's quivering lips... Roll Eyes

Jordan is like a plague! Why the hell didn't she inform the police? If this is true, she was happy to stay silent so the the bloke could commit the crime again and again.

Words cannot describe how much I cannot stand this mercenary talentless little witch...I wish she would just piss off. Mad

Clapping, seems like she'll never go away always plotting the next move for sympathy or to get in the papers and to hog the limelight Roll Eyes.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
Originally posted by Senora Reyes:
I can just see the interview with Piers Morgan now....Jordan will be all done up like "Aunt Sally" at Christmas, and that horrible droning monotone voice.."Ah woz raped on a night awt, wiv a bloke I fort woz a gent"...

Tear's quivering lips... Roll Eyes

Jordan is like a plague! Why the hell didn't she inform the police? If this is true, she was happy to stay silent so the the bloke could commit the crime again and again.

Words cannot describe how much I cannot stand this mercenary talentless little witch...I wish she would just piss off. Mad

Absolutely.....and she's probably put off a great deal of woman who have been left in that quandary of whether to report or not.
She's an attention junkie of the highest order.
i would say that many many women don't go to the police after being raped or after having been a victim of a sexual assault......for fear of not being believed..for fear of having to relive it in court...for fear of being blamed and held responsible...many victims end up feeling that they were the 'guilty' party in court.

so yes...i can understand why she didn't go to the police...maybe it's only now she's come to terms with it and can speak about it...i don't think it's a big deal peter andre didn't know either..alot of women don't tell their husbands they were victims of rape/sexual assault.
Originally posted by spongebob squarepants:
i would say that many many women don't go to the police after being raped or after having been a victim of a sexual assault......for fear of not being believed..for fear of having to relive it in court...for fear of being blamed and held responsible...many victims end up feeling that they were the 'guilty' party in court.

so yes...i can understand why she didn't go to the police...maybe it's only now she's come to terms with it and can speak about it...i don't think it's a big deal peter andre didn't know either..alot of women don't tell their husbands they were victims of rape/sexual assault.

I understand and sympathise with all that, but why (considering the seriousness of this) then slip it in as an aside in a gossip column in OK mag?
Originally posted by suzybean:
Originally posted by spongebob squarepants:
i would say that many many women don't go to the police after being raped or after having been a victim of a sexual assault......for fear of not being believed..for fear of having to relive it in court...for fear of being blamed and held responsible...many victims end up feeling that they were the 'guilty' party in court.

so yes...i can understand why she didn't go to the police...maybe it's only now she's come to terms with it and can speak about it...i don't think it's a big deal peter andre didn't know either..alot of women don't tell their husbands they were victims of rape/sexual assault.

I understand and sympathise with all that, but why (considering the seriousness of this) then slip it in as an aside in a gossip column in OK mag?

oh i agree on that point was really that i can understand why she didn't go to the police etc..
Originally posted by spongebob squarepants:
i would say that many many women don't go to the police after being raped or after having been a victim of a sexual assault......for fear of not being believed..for fear of having to relive it in court...for fear of being blamed and held responsible...many victims end up feeling that they were the 'guilty' party in court.

so yes...i can understand why she didn't go to the police...maybe it's only now she's come to terms with it and can speak about it...i don't think it's a big deal peter andre didn't know either..alot of women don't tell their husbands they were victims of rape/sexual assault.

I agree, it must be an awful prospect having to go to court and be cross examined by the defence barrister on your past love life when you're innocent of any crime.
I think she was also only 17 when it was alleged to have taken place, by why did she have to add that it was by a famous celeb. She knows how the media works and every past celeb she's been with will be under suspicion.
Originally posted by spongebob squarepants:
Originally posted by suzybean:
Originally posted by spongebob squarepants:
i would say that many many women don't go to the police after being raped or after having been a victim of a sexual assault......for fear of not being believed..for fear of having to relive it in court...for fear of being blamed and held responsible...many victims end up feeling that they were the 'guilty' party in court.

so yes...i can understand why she didn't go to the police...maybe it's only now she's come to terms with it and can speak about it...i don't think it's a big deal peter andre didn't know either..alot of women don't tell their husbands they were victims of rape/sexual assault.

I understand and sympathise with all that, but why (considering the seriousness of this) then slip it in as an aside in a gossip column in OK mag?

oh i agree on that point was really that i can understand why she didn't go to the police etc..

yeah spongey, it must be one of the hardest things to go through....but the way she's going about it (the way Ulrika Jonssen before her did) by leaving little clues about the alleged's identity is just whipping this in to a media circus. And I hate to think how all this makes those suffering with the aftermath of rape feel.
Originally posted by spongebob squarepants:
i would say that many many women don't go to the police after being raped or after having been a victim of a sexual assault......for fear of not being believed..for fear of having to relive it in court...for fear of being blamed and held responsible...many victims end up feeling that they were the 'guilty' party in court.

so yes...i can understand why she didn't go to the police...maybe it's only now she's come to terms with it and can speak about it...i don't think it's a big deal peter andre didn't know either..alot of women don't tell their husbands they were victims of rape/sexual assault.

Maybe so for your every day woman on the street, but I don't believe that would apply to someone like Jordan, who loves having every second of her life filmed or reported on.

The publicity whore would have said something by now if there was any truth in it. Why would she speak up now, when the public has turned against her? She's looking for sympathy, plain and simple. I just hope people in general aren't stupid enough to fall for it.
Originally posted by The Devil In Diamante:
...raped her.

Apparently names are flying round within the 'showbiz' circle as to who this might be, Jordan however refuses to say.

I do hope somebody elses reputation isn't ripped to shreds because of this, I also hope that if it is true, she names him and gets him off the streets.

Why say it if you're not going to do anything about it?

Because shes the biggest attention seeker going. I for one have been sick of the sight of her for years now on the front of every mag going. I was even going to start a web site or face book protesting. I mean "Who is she?"
So dont give a monkeys personally.
Reality Junkie
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