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Originally posted by skive:
Well the removal vans are here and the guys are packing all of our threads in bubble wrap as I type.

I've loved finding the old crew again and hopefully we'll continue as a merry band of ruffians and misfits in the clouds.

I'll miss this format though. Frowner

Altogether now....

My old man said follow the van and don't dilly dally on the way....

"Off went the van with me old man in it"
Originally posted by Karma_:
I've met some nice people, some normal people and some downright questionably sane people. But it's been a blast. Life as we know it in this format is coming to an end Frowner Still not feeling the cloudy love but I'm sure it will come. (Like the plague) Hope I dont lose any of my mateys in the move Disappointed

You peeps have kept me sane wherever you go please let me know Frowner
Originally posted by robertsam:
Originally posted by Karma_:
I've met some nice people, some normal people and some downright questionably sane people. But it's been a blast. Life as we know it in this format is coming to an end Frowner Still not feeling the cloudy love but I'm sure it will come. (Like the plague) Hope I dont lose any of my mateys in the move Disappointed

You peeps have kept me sane wherever you go please let me know Frowner

Awww that's made me melt Disappointed I think everyone will be on LC initially, hoping that it will get better over there structure wise. Am sure it will, if everyone's in the Titanic then at least we'll all go down together Big Grin
Originally posted by robertsam:
Originally posted by Karma_:
I've met some nice people, some normal people and some downright questionably sane people. But it's been a blast. Life as we know it in this format is coming to an end Frowner Still not feeling the cloudy love but I'm sure it will come. (Like the plague) Hope I dont lose any of my mateys in the move Disappointed

You peeps have kept me sane wherever you go please let me know Frowner

Just don't dilly dally robertsam and lose the van cos then you won't know where to roam. Big Grin

I managed to find everyone again after a few years in the wilderness so I reckon we'll always be out there in cyberland somewhere setting up home and getting moved on but still taking care of our own.

Oo I've gone all squooshy. Crying
Originally posted by Karma_:
Originally posted by robertsam:
Originally posted by Karma_:
I've met some nice people, some normal people and some downright questionably sane people. But it's been a blast. Life as we know it in this format is coming to an end Frowner Still not feeling the cloudy love but I'm sure it will come. (Like the plague) Hope I dont lose any of my mateys in the move Disappointed

You peeps have kept me sane wherever you go please let me know Frowner

Awww that's made me melt Disappointed I think everyone will be on LC initially, hoping that it will get better over there structure wise. Am sure it will, if everyone's in the Titanic then at least we'll all go down together Big Grin

Thumbs Up
Originally posted by Karma_:
I've met some nice people, some normal people and some downright questionably sane people. But it's been a blast. Life as we know it in this format is coming to an end Frowner Still not feeling the cloudy love but I'm sure it will come. (Like the plague) Hope I dont lose any of my mateys in the move Disappointed

My only worry after looking around is that there seems to be so many places to post - blogs are like threads and there are so many groups. I'm hoping that if this moves over as a complete forum (albeit a different looking one) there might still be a main 'base'. I don't have enough time to go all around the different bits - interesting though they can be.
Originally posted by Tiddly~Wink:
So long Skive. You're one of the genuinely lovely ones that I'll miss. Bless your heart! Hug

aw thanks tiddly, you ain't so bad yourself. ya know! Hug In case it doesn't work out in the clouds and because I have to go to bed before midnight otherwise I'll be a right grumpy witch tomorrow I'm gonna do the full on squooshiness right now! Big Grin

'Why I love you all' by skive.
*You taught me how to use a forum back in the day. I'd never 'done it' before and you were patient and kind.
*You made me laugh so hard that a little pee escaped so many times I've lost count.
*You offered soothing words and human compassion when I thought I couldn't bear the emotional pain that life threw me in my darkest times.
*You chatted to me about trivial things just to pass the time of day.
*You sometimes let me just read because I was too tired or stressed to join in the chat.
*You said hi to me and made me feel I belonged.
*You shared your experiences and wisdom and with me when I needed advice.
*Most of all you showed me time and again your warm hearts and loving souls.

You're the best fms in all of cyberland and I really hope we can make it in the clouds.

Much much love, night. wavey Valentine
Not a mahoosive poster but I (believe it or not) have been on nearly every day for five and a half years and if it all falls to pieces over there (I suspect it might)...I'm actually going to miss you all. I feel as though I 'know' most of you; you have accents, blurry faces, histories, personalities...and are as real and as much a part of my life (in a uniquely cyber way) as any of my offline friends....and I'm gonna miss you.

I'll still plough on until the fat pixel sings but, it does feel like it's pretty much over. Frowner was damned good while it lasted. ~x
subatomic partygirl
Originally posted by subatomic partygirl:
Not a mahoosive poster but I (believe it or not) have been on nearly every day for five and a half years and if it all falls to pieces over there (I suspect it might)...I'm actually going to miss you all. I feel as though I 'know' most of you; you have accents, blurry faces, histories, personalities...and are as real and as much a part of my life (in a uniquely cyber way) as any of my offline friends....and I'm gonna miss you.

I'll still plough on until the fat pixel sings but, it does feel like it's pretty much over. Frowner was damned good while it lasted. ~x

I'm trying to be positive, Subby Crying Stop it! Don't YOU de-reg from FB... just in case! I've often thought about it because I hardly ever go there - but it's useful in an emergency. If our Italian friend is reading - maybe she'll re-reg just to let us know she's ok.
i've loved being part of forum life since bb5...have laughed....have cried.....have shared stuff...seen others share stuff...seen people become friends...seen some friends fall out...seen the forum pulling together when someone's having a bad time...seen the forum divided by 'forum wars'....but it was MY community....and i'll always be greatful for it xx

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