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Im really sad and very cross. Godstone Farm is 10 minutes down the road from me and is one of my favourite places to go on a nice day and my daughter loves it... Ive been taking children there for donkey's years and now my own daughter...

I am so sad that this has happened as I suspect that it will have to shut down now.

I am so cross at the people who run it that they didn't act when they had the first bit of knowledge that there was a problem.

I love Godstone Farm Frowner

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Originally posted by Koala Brother:
what they fail to tell us is e coli is everywhere. The prob is cause there are chickens there that is prob how it all started.

Never been but it is a shame
Yes you're probably right. I just can't believe though that after 2 weeks they decide to act on it. I was there less than 2 weeks ago and so lucky that we didn't catch it *wipes brow*. The hand washing stations are very good there and there are loads of them. I really hope the farm survives.
It amazes me how over the last few years or so we hear so much more about E Coli, MRSA and such, are there just more 'viruses/ bugs' around these days or, as we are more hygienic has it weakened our immune systems somewhat?

....or, are we less hygienic? You never used to hear about stuff like this years ago, unless of course they just didn't report it...
The Devil In Diamante
Originally posted by FGG Aka Crocodile Rock:
Kids being kept in sterile environments and not being allowed to get dirty/grubby on a regular basis has a lot to answer for....they get no chance to build up immunities to bugs that were not a problem in our day...

I was brought up on a farm but had never even heard of E coli till about 10 years ago....

That's what I mean Croc, thanks for putting it so simply, I struggle to write what I mean sometimes...Nod

We played in the river down the seven acres,which was infact full of sewage. We have never been sickly kids and still are rarely ill now....
The Devil In Diamante
Originally posted by FGG Aka Crocodile Rock:
Kids being kept in sterile environments and not being allowed to get dirty/grubby on a regular basis has a lot to answer for....they get no chance to build up immunities to bugs that were not a problem in our day...

I was brought up on a farm but had never even heard of E coli till about 10 years ago....

I agree. I spent most of my childhood getting grubby. The worst I ever got from it was worms! Blush
When I think of what a mucky pup my daughter was when she was little.....and doing everything she could to avoid soap and water....I'm surprised she never caught anything at all.
I think we pay far too much attention to keeping kids clean these days and wrap them in so much cotton wool that they never build up an immunity to anything.
Originally posted by FGG Aka Crocodile Rock:
Kids being kept in sterile environments and not being allowed to get dirty/grubby on a regular basis has a lot to answer for....they get no chance to build up immunities to bugs that were not a problem in our day...

I was brought up on a farm but had never even heard of E coli till about 10 years ago....

i agree Nod

there is such a thing as being TOO clean...especially for kids

my mate didn;t take her kid out of the house till he was 2 months old, her hubby did shopping etc. she sterilised EVERYTHING she had for him until he was 2 and a half, she never let him go to children's parties if she knew a kid was ill recently.

course now he is 7 and goes to school...and has had some nasty illnesses...and often is poorly bless him Frowner

this E.Coli thing, about 50 kids caught it within a month of eachother? yet the farm apparently has 2000odd kids visiting a DAY. that's a very small percentage isn't it? makes you wonder Ninja
Originally posted by Demantoid:
Gawd, Hoob... that kid will catch everything going because he's never been allowed to build up any immunity. Your mate has done him no favours at all. Shake Head

she was a bit overproctective, she isn't as bad now (has a 5 year old daughter)
mind you she told me that a few months ago she took her son to the doctor cos he ran like a girl Confused Laugh
my daughter went to the farm where i work from being 1 yr old. she crawled about in the yard, fed pet lambs and helped me muck out, the main rule being scrubbing hands clean before food. she has ailed very little these 10 years, if she does get whatever bugs are going round she shrugs them off quickly.

there's a lot to be said for not minding your little 'uns getting hacky.
electric shepherd
Originally posted by Darthhoob:
Originally posted by Demantoid:
Gawd, Hoob... that kid will catch everything going because he's never been allowed to build up any immunity. Your mate has done him no favours at all. Shake Head

she was a bit overproctective, she isn't as bad now (has a 5 year old daughter)
mind you she told me that a few months ago she took her son to the doctor cos he ran like a girl Confused Laugh

Laugh Laugh Laugh
What did she think the doc would prescribe? Manly lessons?
I can't help feeling that Godstone Farm is getting criticised a bit harshly with this. I used to take Growly Jnr there regularly about 10 years ago, and there were always loads of signs reminding parents to make sure their children washed their hands after touching animals, with good washing facilities. I'm sure that over the years, the facilities have only improved rather than worsened. When we went, I was always horrified to see the number of parents who let their children pet animals and then eat their lunch without washing, and also the number of parents who let their children use the toilet without washing their hands properly. There is only so much the farm can do if parents don't instill basic hygiene values in their children.
I was at Godstone Farm on the last bank holiday - at the height of this outbreak. Luckily for us we are all ok. The farm itself is a great day out and i am hoping that they can survive/recover from this. I will go back there once it re-opens and weather depending. There are loads of signs about hygiene around the farm. But agreeing with Growlybear it is up to the parents to make sure their children wash there hands after feeding and petting the animals.
Originally posted by mel 2:
I was at Godstone Farm on the last bank holiday - at the height of this outbreak. Luckily for us we are all ok. The farm itself is a great day out and i am hoping that they can survive/recover from this. I will go back there once it re-opens and weather depending. There are loads of signs about hygiene around the farm. But agreeing with Growlybear it is up to the parents to make sure their children wash there hands after feeding and petting the animals.

Nod. I think the farm was advised by the government department to stay open too..
Originally posted by Kaytee:
When I think of what a mucky pup my daughter was when she was little.....and doing everything she could to avoid soap and water....I'm surprised she never caught anything at all.
I think we pay far too much attention to keeping kids clean these days and wrap them in so much cotton wool that they never build up an immunity to anything.

We'll just let them all catch some manky disease them and watch them perish eh
Jet Blue

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