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I couldn't sleep last night, so still wide awake at 2.00am I put the telly on, was flicking through the channels, and thought I would try watching Holby City, to which I was pleasently suprised I actually enjoyed it. The acting was quite good, the story line was good as well, some nurse got in a hit and run accident, and her mate who worked with her was really upset and did not want her mate to die, she survived only just, plus some other side line stories which I did not understand. Is it always that good?, oh by the way there were some really fit actresses in it as well.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally posted by Aquarius 11:
This is my favourite programme Poolshark ~ one
of the few I watch on tv. Last week's storyline
was really good and the hospital internal
politics always makes it watchable week in and
week out.

Really fit nurses for you.....hunky docs for
me. Blush What more do we want. Smiler

My fave too! I love Connie and Rick, they so should get it on...i know they did in the past, but they need to get busy again, the chemistry between those two is very convincing.
Senora Reyes
Originally posted by Senora Reyes:
Originally posted by Aquarius 11:
This is my favourite programme Poolshark ~ one
of the few I watch on tv. Last week's storyline
was really good and the hospital internal
politics always makes it watchable week in and
week out.

Really fit nurses for you.....hunky docs for
me. Blush What more do we want. Smiler

My fave too! I love Connie and Rick, they so should get it on...i know they did in the past, but they need to get busy again, the chemistry between those two is very convincing.

What a brilliant idea Senora! Clapping
Those two would be great together. Can you
imagine the clash of egos. Eeker Would be
great viewing tho.

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