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Originally posted by Shar:
Excellent post PB ... I agree with your sentiments in the main ... Thumbs Up

LC is big ... and there is a lot to take in ... but the point is it's not necessary to take it all in if you don't want to ... when the forum is moved over, nobody will have to post outside of that if they don't want to ... BUT ... I do think a lot of people will take advantage of the fact that LC offers a lot more than just posting in a forum ...

Some will ... some won't ... but we will still all be together if we want to be ... nothing has been taken from us ... we were offered this forum as a sanctuary when we were in need ... we're not being hard done by (IMO) with the move to LC ...

I shall tell you what I think will happen Shar.

For a start, some members have left here already and have NOT gone over to LC.

Many members have gone over to LC and rarely post here in the forums as a result.

This forum is far quieter as a result of what has already happened since the advent of LC. When posts and threads stop appearing and/or growing, FMs get bored and will leave.

So they say the forum and all the threads and posts will be moved over to LC. But although the threads and posts will then be there, the forum will not be in the same format. This will result in yet more FMs from here disappearing into the ether.

Many more FMs will go and use other aspects of LC and will either rarely post or stop posting in the forum when it all moves over there.

New FMs will not find LC on a Google search for forums so the already flagging memberlist will shrink even further and the already flagging forum will even quieter.

As a result of all this, the admin over on LC will no doubt decide that because the forum is underused and time consuming to moderate, they will then decide to delete the forum completely.

As I said, this is what I suspect will eventually happen.
New FMs will not find LC on a Google search for forums so the already flagging memberlist will shrink even further and the already flagging forum will even quieter.

I was going to bed but I just must answer that point.

My husband has never used a forum before, he is on FB, he sees me having a laugh on here and googles for a forum where he can join in and he finds LiveCloud. he didn't know it was the same forum that I am a member of, he was looking as a guest and found my user name and commented that there was another PinkBabe1966 (no chance!!)

So it can be found via google which is the search engine we both use and he did not find it from my cookies, because he was on the main computer and I use the lap top, and we even have different screens, so he could not have found me any other way.

He may well join us yet, but he s under strict instructions to stay in the footy fred only and not to go annoying me when I am online!!
β™₯PinkBabe1966β™₯The Angel under the tree!
Originally posted by PinkBabe1966:
New FMs will not find LC on a Google search for forums so the already flagging memberlist will shrink even further and the already flagging forum will even quieter.

I was going to bed but I just must answer that point.

My husband has never used a forum before, he is on FB, he sees me having a laugh on here and googles for a forum where he can join in and he finds LiveCloud. he didn't know it was the same forum that I am a member of, he was looking as a guest and found my user name and commented that there was another PinkBabe1966 (no chance!!)

So it can be found via google which is the search engine we both use and he did not find it from my cookies, because he was on the main computer and I use the lap top, and we even have different screens, so he could not have found me any other way.

He may well join us yet, but he s under strict instructions to stay in the footy fred only and not to go annoying me when I am online!!

He found LC. Would he have found a Big Brother forum though or a general chat forum this way? That remains to be seen.
As a result of all this, the admin over on LC will no doubt decide that because the forum is underused and time consuming to moderate, they will then decide to delete the forum completely.

I don't agree this will happen BB ... but that's just my opinion, the same way as you have your opinion ...

LC is not just dependent on the forum members from here to make it a success ... in fact, I'm sure they are targetting elsewhere ...

We're not the only ones to have been affected by this btw ... People who were part of the Groupee site were also 'amalgamated' into LC and a lot of them didn't make the move, according to James (a Groupee who befriended us on LC and has also tried to introduce himself here ... Ninja ...

Sorry ... that's gone a bit off-tangent, but what I'm trying to say is people need to give it a chance to work before dissing it and predicting gloom and doom ...

IMO ... Hug
He found LC. Would he have found a Big Brother forum though or a general chat forum this way? That remains to be seen.

I'm imagining that when CBB starts in January, there will be a designated forum for it and also that TPTB will advertise it as a forum where Big Brother can be discussed, obviously hoping to attract new members, I don't know that this will happen, but to me it makes sense if they do....

Now I really am off to bed.
β™₯PinkBabe1966β™₯The Angel under the tree!
BB is moving on and so is this place. Where would we all have been if it wasn't for Bovrilking finding this place?? We are still all together-something that would never have happened if Eve hadn't set a home up for us. LC may be a different Format- but we are not over there as a Community yet. Don't go off what you see there now but wait till we are moved over there. All the stuff you see there now is an extra for folk that want to use it. I have loads of forums bookmarked if folks are not happy with LC- but none of them come up to the posts that occur on here. Give the place a chance and if you don't like it then see if you can find another forum that caters for late night posters and the friendly enviroment we have going here..
Originally posted by Real:
BB is moving on and so is this place. Where would we all have been if it wasn't for Bovrilking finding this place?? We are still all together-something that would never have happened if Eve hadn't set a home up for us. LC may be a different Format- but we are not over there as a Community yet. Don't go off what you see there now but wait till we are moved over there. All the stuff you see there now is an extra for folk that want to use it. I have loads of forums bookmarked if folks are not happy with LC- but none of them come up to the posts that occur on here. Give the place a chance and if you don't like it then see if you can find another forum that caters for late night posters and the friendly enviroment we have going here..

Ello Real.... your breath, I amongst others have already said all this, most people on here are a member of another forum and if all the other forums were so great they would'nt be here and if it was'nt for Bov and the lovely people he got intouch with we would'nt be here....

If people want to go to LC go..if not don't..simples....
Originally posted by stonks:
Originally posted by Real:
BB is moving on and so is this place. Where would we all have been if it wasn't for Bovrilking finding this place?? We are still all together-something that would never have happened if Eve hadn't set a home up for us. LC may be a different Format- but we are not over there as a Community yet. Don't go off what you see there now but wait till we are moved over there. All the stuff you see there now is an extra for folk that want to use it. I have loads of forums bookmarked if folks are not happy with LC- but none of them come up to the posts that occur on here. Give the place a chance and if you don't like it then see if you can find another forum that caters for late night posters and the friendly enviroment we have going here..

Ello Real.... your breath, I amongst others have already said all this, most people on here are a member of another forum and if all the other forums were so great they would'nt be here and if it was'nt for Bov and the lovely people he got intouch with we would'nt be ere....

If people want to go to LC go..if not don't..simples....
Thumbs Up

Thumbs Up Forums are ten a penny--- Communities like this are few and far between. Thumbs Up If LC is all we have then lets make it work for us. Thumbs Up Help each other and ensure everyone gets there to try it. Thumbs Up
Originally posted by stonks:
Originally posted by Real:
BB is moving on and so is this place. Where would we all have been if it wasn't for Bovrilking finding this place?? We are still all together-something that would never have happened if Eve hadn't set a home up for us. LC may be a different Format- but we are not over there as a Community yet. Don't go off what you see there now but wait till we are moved over there. All the stuff you see there now is an extra for folk that want to use it. I have loads of forums bookmarked if folks are not happy with LC- but none of them come up to the posts that occur on here. Give the place a chance and if you don't like it then see if you can find another forum that caters for late night posters and the friendly enviroment we have going here..

Ello Real.... your breath, I amongst others have already said all this, most people on here are a member of another forum and if all the other forums were so great they would'nt be here and if it was'nt for Bov and the lovely people he got intouch with we would'nt be here....

If people want to go to LC go..if not don't..simples....

So true stonks but some of us might need help navigating Ninja

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