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Originally posted by ~LEE~:
HugHi everyone....Thanks again for all the replies ....Love and hugs to you all especially those who have gone through this terrible terrible heart break....I spoke to my dads doctor and he said the time frame is weeks....He was fantastic tbh and promised he would make my dad as pain free as he possibly can....He said the time has come to begin getting the care team organised ...We want to take care of my dad at home ourselves but he said the team are there for my dad and for us....He's also going to get a hospital bed with an air mattress organised....His own father died from cancer in November last year so he spoke as a doctor and as someone who fully understands on every level how my family feel....He explained my dad won't admit to being in pain but at this advanced stage of course he is....I asked my dad on Thursday how he was he replied so so...The nearest admission to pain we'll get....The doc said as my dad and I seem to have an understanding of each other how did I rate that and what would I expect to hear if the pain had eased....I told him if I heard my dad reply I'm ok...He told me double up on everything to apply another patch and if I felt the need give him 2 Temazepam instead of 1....I rang my brother and told him what the doctor had said and he's making plans to get home....The both rang my dad so god forbid the worst happens before they make it home at least they have chatted with him....Cancer is a curse it takes no prisoners and shows no mercy. Frowner

Glad your had a profitable chat with the doctor - for him to be pain free is all you can hope for now.
And re the last sentence Lee - I know - Hug Crying
Originally posted by ~LEE~:
HugHi everyone....Thanks again for all the replies ....Love and hugs to you all especially those who have gone through this terrible terrible heart break....I spoke to my dads doctor and he said the time frame is weeks....He was fantastic tbh and promised he would make my dad as pain free as he possibly can....He said the time has come to begin getting the care team organised ...We want to take care of my dad at home ourselves but he said the team are there for my dad and for us....He's also going to get a hospital bed with an air mattress organised....His own father died from cancer in November last year so he spoke as a doctor and as someone who fully understands on every level how my family feel....He explained my dad won't admit to being in pain but at this advanced stage of course he is....I asked my dad on Thursday how he was he replied so so...The nearest admission to pain we'll get....The doc said as my dad and I seem to have an understanding of each other how did I rate that and what would I expect to hear if the pain had eased....I told him if I heard my dad reply I'm ok...He told me double up on everything to apply another patch and if I felt the need give him 2 Temazepam instead of 1....I rang my brother and told him what the doctor had said and he's making plans to get home....The both rang my dad so god forbid the worst happens before they make it home at least they have chatted with him.... Cancer is a curse it takes no prisoners and shows no mercy. Frowner
I now how you feel, it`s nearly 3 years now since I lost my husband and so quickly too Hug. I don`t want to make you feel worse but don`t rely on the time prognosis they`ve given, 2 weeks before my husband died they told me he had months left and the day he actually went they said he probably had a couple of weeks, it`s not their fault, it`s how aggressive the cancer is.
I send you my love and prayers.
Originally posted by ~LEE~:
Originally posted by Moomin:

Glad your had a profitable chat with the doctor - for him to be pain free is all you can hope for now.
And re the last sentence Lee - I know - Hug Crying

HugMoomin in ways it angers me that we can send folk to the moon and other wonderful things yet that curse can still not be cured.

I know Lee - Having had cancer myself, I know it CAN be cured, but there are so many types that when diagnosed equates to a death sentence.

Cure for cancer or Men on the moon?
I know what I'd rather money was spent on. Hug
Originally posted by ~LEE~:
Does anyone know anything about these patches?....My dad has cancer and despite being able to see he's been in a lot of pain for ages finally it has got to the level where he's told the doctor...The doc has started him on morphine patches and will be back on Monday to see if they are having the desired affect....Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.

Lee sorry to hear about your Dad's illness. You couls ask your Dad's doctor for more info, or look up on a medical website.

Thinking of you.xx Hug
Senora Reyes
I lost my mother to cancer long time ago, that was bowel cancer, she did not make it through the 2nd lot of surgery but then she did not suffer much. I have not read all the thread lee but I would do what some one said earlier, get the family together now, they have a right to know and also be best for your dad while he is still stronger. Sounds like he has a loving family around him, just take it a day at a time and lt him know how much you care..thinking of you

Originally posted by ~LEE~:
Originally posted by Moomin:

Glad your had a profitable chat with the doctor - for him to be pain free is all you can hope for now.
And re the last sentence Lee - I know - Hug Crying

HugMoomin in ways it angers me that we can send folk to the moon and other wonderful things yet that curse can still not be cured.

Lee darling,I've been through it twice, my mum first then my dad.Take all the sympathy that you can my love it helps you through your pain.

As I've said before love him and tell him you love him,let him know you do,because when he's gone, you'll regret it if you didn't.

I am so pleased you have a sympathetic GP,it makes all the difference.He is telling you it can be anytime now,but I feel you already knew that anyway.
We are here to help you anyway we can,just ask for anything we can help you with, and I will do my utmost sweetheart. Just PM me if you need anything.It is such a bloody cruel disease.
Lee ... I don't know how I haven't seen this thread before ... I've just read it from the beginning ... We went through this a few years ago with my grandad and I'm glad to hear that your dad's doctor has spoken to you about his 'care team' .... They really are wonderful (although seriously under-resourced) and I do hope your dad gets the care he needs from them ... Hug

Thinking of you ... there are no words to comfort ... Hug
Originally posted by ~LEE~:
Thank you for replying...My dad is fading away before our very eyes but would never admit he was suffering....He's not told us everything but my mum overheard the doc speaking about his liver and apparently the cancer has spread from his bowels to his liver....On one hand I want to scream and shout and curse the world on the other I know I have to keep my head and think straight....Do I get my brothers home soon?...Is it time to now arrange 24 hour care for him shared between us all and my sons?....I'm lost just lost. Frowner

So sorry to hear about your dad Lee Hug Hug

You and all your family are in my thoughts and prayers and may you receive much strength and healing at this difficult time Hug
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I really feel for you LEE Hug

I have just sobbed my way through the thread and I words cannot express how sorry I am for what you and your family are going through.

I lost my lovely mum to cancer 3 years ago. She didnt have morphine patches but the oramorph which made her drowsy but she didnt complain about pain and I know she wouldnt have suffred in silence.
In the end she had a shunt driver which continually drip fed her morphine and she didnt wake up for 3 days. The doctor came and said that she had hours to live, although we had told her how much we loved her when she was awake my brother sister and I went in to say our goodbyes. I was in her room (she stayed at home) and told her it was alright and if she was tired she could go to sleep. She opened her eyes wide and just one tear fell. She died about 20 minutes later with us all by her bedside. I know its not always possible but Im so glad she was at home in her own surroundings.

Today she would have been 65 Crying

God bless you and yours LEE I will be thinking of you Hug
Lee Hug i have shed tears reading this thread its touching so many caring fm's.

My father past away over a year ago. Me and my family looked after him at home, he was happiest at home. As a family we divided the 24hour care my father needed between us, it was a tough time but my dad got the best care he could get and i feel proud we stuck together and done it. The district nurse was brilliant and my father like yours found comfort in prayers, if you get in touch with the Macmillan nurses they can arrange a priest/rabbi/imam (sorry not sure of your fathers religion) to visit your father at home asap or even in hospital, this can be a regular thing if your father or family wants it to be.
Im really glad we did this, my dad as well as my family had great comfort from the prayers, my dad had regular visits. He used to be confused a lot of the time but i could tell he felt safe and calm once he heard prayers being read out to him.
The Macmillan nurses not only offer support to your father but to you and your family also. If you want to keep your father at home with the family they will respect your wishes and will give any support they can, for example one member of my family used to get bad back aches looking after my dad at home the Macmillan nurses offered professional massages as many as they needed. This was a great help to them. They offered us all kinds of stress relief which could really help your mum, you and your family right now.

I wish you and your family all the best Hug
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HugHi everyone....I've logged on a few times and although I've read I couldn't manage to post....The heartache many have been through is so so sad and tbh leaps from the screen....As does the compassion....Thankfully the 2 patches appear to be working as today when I asked my dad how he was he proudly displayed how he can again move his fingers....He still won't admit he is in pain but I keep reiterating to him he doesn't have to endure it the doctor can and will do all he can to ease it for him....I have came to the conclusion he sees admission he is in pain as defeat....All in all the weekend has gone smoothly thank god....My dad is surrounded with his family who are here and the others are making arrangements to get here asap....I am going to suggest to my mum she the priest to get him to call on a regular basis....My parents are devout Catholics and I know my dad would gain strength from receiving the sacraments of confession and holy communion....Thank you for all the kind words and prayers may god bless you xxxxx
LEE~ thats great to hear your father has his family around him and the priest will be visiting him. Your dad is lucky to have such a caring family around him.
When i used to care for my dad he was sometimes admitted to hospital i saw a lot of old folk in a really bad way it was heartbreaking to see that during the visiting hours no one hardly ever visited Frowner.
Its good the patches are helping i think they are slow release. If your dad was suddenly in a lot of pain and needed instant relief, has your doctor planned anything? the reason i ask this is my dad was on a morphine driver suddenly out of the blue he got really bad pain luckily we in hospital and the nurses injected him with more morphine for instant pain relief, my dad then passed away peacefully. Im not sure what the procedure would be (with your father at home) but it is worth discussing a plan of action with your doctor as from past experience it could be a while waiting for an ambulance to come.

I wish you all the best Hug xx
Lee I have read this thread from the beginning, and cried the whole way through, it brings back so many memories for me of people i have loved who have died from this dreadful disease, my heart goes out to you huni, you have done the right thing to get your family together.

I will be saying a prayer for your dad and your family and I pray that his pain is eased by the patches, but I do know those driver syringes work really well when things get bad.

Take care of yourself huni and may god be with you all. xxxx
Originally posted by fabienne:
Originally posted by frenchbread:

When i used to care for my dad he was sometimes admitted to hospital i saw a lot of old folk in a really bad way it was heartbreaking to see that during the visiting hours no one hardly ever visited Frowner.

It does break your heart to think of that. Frowner

Its very sad especially to watch some of them eagerly checking who walks through the door at visiting hours and then looking lost and really upset when visiting hours coming to an end.

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