Originally posted by Hicky:
Originally posted by The Devil In Diamante:
..the Government are thinking of putting more tax on air travel so 'people think twice & it deters them' from flying...are we not taxed enough already? Do they want to take away ALL our pleasures?
I do my bit for the environment, unlike 'the powers that be' who drive around in their gas guzzlers etc..
Once again, us folk living just above and below the breadline will be punished, (if they get their way)and the rich can carry on as normal....
The Government are in big trouble as far as money is concerned.
They don't have any spare so they will tax anything that will bring money in.
For those with plenty of money it won't make any difference anyway, it only ever effects those with a small income.
They probably assume if you don't have much money you won't be flying anyway.
They want you to Holiday in the UK so they get the benefit of you spending your money.
Even with the weak pound and going abroad costing more with the exxchange rate, I couldn't afford a week in a Hotel in England, nor would i want to as everything here (attractions etc) cost so much

I'd rather the Euro & Pound be almost like for like and have guaranteed sunshine TBH rather than get ripped off here....
Another thing I notice is, the VAT rate was reduced to 15% to help get people start spending again, not alot on small purchases, but if you're buying a car for example, it could make quite a difference.
Most shops, ie River Island etc STILL sell things at say ÂĢ29.99...and are NOT passing on the reduction...they are keeping the extra 2.5% we pay at the till...they should be 'done' for this...2.5% difference may not seem alot, but on their amount of sales overall they must be raking it in!