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Originally posted by Xochiquetzal:
Originally posted by Real:
Originally posted by Xochiquetzal:
But what is your hourly rate then hun? Sorry... you don't have to say... but you should still be paid the minimum rate, which from what you say, you are nowhere near getting. You should still be paid your rate and then have to sort it out with DWP.

Being "freelance" doesn't apply here i think. Frowner

It does in law Real, as I understand it. Minimum wage is enforceable. And it's certainly worth challenging in this situation.

It's true, minimum wage doesn't apply. I just want them to pay me regularly, so the bank doesn't punish me. Smiler
cologne 1
Originally posted by cologne1:
Originally posted by Real:
Originally posted by cologne1:
Originally posted by Real:
The problem is I'm ill and have to live on incapacity benefit and I took this job because I'm allowed to earn ÂĢ20 a week, which is what I earn. It wasn't just an 'extra' as his secretary was trying to say today, it's a lifeline, helping with my bills, so I feel like I'm over a barrel. If I complain, I might lose the job, which I can't afford. If I don't, I have to put up with this erratic payment, which I can't afford. Frowner

Frowner They must know this and are taking advantage. Frowner I am in the same boat as you, been ill since 1989 but can't get money off them coz i have money in the bank FrownerJust glad that i have enough NI stamps for my full pension when i retire -- if i make it that far Laugh ps-- I'm 57 on 21st of this month so any donations and/or veggies would be appreciated. Big Grin

I'm 57 3 weeks later. Big Grin

Thumbs Up Hug and we both like Lemmy. Thumbs Up Can't be all that bad then. Big Grin Still feel really sorry for you hun. Hug

Thanks Hug I've just put on Motorhead and my neighbours will hate me, but it doesn't happen very often and it's a good plaster. Thumbs Up

Thumbs Up Ace of Spades will lift anyone out of despair. Hug or Black Sabbath " Paranoid" Thumbs Up 2 of my old time faves. Hug I need to sleep now so hope all goes well for you hun Hug Best of luck--- catch you later. Hug
Originally posted by cologne1:
Originally posted by Xochiquetzal:
But what is your hourly rate then hun? Sorry... you don't have to say... but you should still be paid the minimum rate, which from what you say, you are nowhere near getting. You should still be paid your rate and then have to sort it out with DWP.

Xoch, I've had all that argument about minimum wage etc with DWP and it took them 9 months to understand and eventually carry on paying my incapacity. I work by piece work. I read so much, for so much money. It suits me and it suits them. All I'm asking is to be paid at the beginning of the month, so I don't get into trouble with the bank and incur any charges.

Are you eligible for DLA? Discuss all this with CAB.
Originally posted by Xochiquetzal:
Oh hell Cologne.
That is just so very wrong then. But try the CAB anyway in that case.
You may get nowhere with it but you would kick yourself if you didn't try. Hug

I will try them because everybody in the office has been paid, but the 5 freelancers have not. The others are married and are doing it for a bit of cash, but I'm not. I'm doing it to keep my nose above water. Anyway, I just think if I'm told I will be paid at the end/beginning of the month, I should expect to be paid.
cologne 1
Originally posted by *BB*:
Originally posted by cologne1:
Originally posted by Xochiquetzal:
But what is your hourly rate then hun? Sorry... you don't have to say... but you should still be paid the minimum rate, which from what you say, you are nowhere near getting. You should still be paid your rate and then have to sort it out with DWP.

Xoch, I've had all that argument about minimum wage etc with DWP and it took them 9 months to understand and eventually carry on paying my incapacity. I work by piece work. I read so much, for so much money. It suits me and it suits them. All I'm asking is to be paid at the beginning of the month, so I don't get into trouble with the bank and incur any charges.

Are you eligible for DLA? Discuss all this with CAB.

The doctor I had to see for a medical thought I should get it, but I don't. Smiler
cologne 1
Originally posted by cologne1:
Originally posted by *BB*:
Originally posted by cologne1:
Originally posted by Xochiquetzal:
But what is your hourly rate then hun? Sorry... you don't have to say... but you should still be paid the minimum rate, which from what you say, you are nowhere near getting. You should still be paid your rate and then have to sort it out with DWP.

Xoch, I've had all that argument about minimum wage etc with DWP and it took them 9 months to understand and eventually carry on paying my incapacity. I work by piece work. I read so much, for so much money. It suits me and it suits them. All I'm asking is to be paid at the beginning of the month, so I don't get into trouble with the bank and incur any charges.

Are you eligible for DLA? Discuss all this with CAB.

The doctor I had to see for a medical thought I should get it, but I don't. Smiler

Have you applied for it? If the answer is yes and you didn't apply through CAB and got turned down then again discuss this with CAB.
Originally posted by *BB*:
Have you applied for it? If the answer is yes and you didn't apply through CAB and got turned down then again discuss this with CAB.

Yes, you're right, I have been told this before, but I feel embarassed now about applying again. I can't add anything to what I said before, so how do CAB make any difference?
cologne 1
Originally posted by robertsam:
Originally posted by Real:
I am old enough to remember the strength of the unions... The Miners strike which resulted in power cuts etc; So what happened then--- shut down the pits. That was the start of the end to Union power.

I gave five pounds very week and some groceries I really felt inadequate Frowner

They've still got millions in the bank they don't know what to do with, apparently.
Are you eligible for DLA? Discuss all this with CAB.

The doctor I had to see for a medical thought I should get it, but I don't.

Have you applied for it? If the answer is yes and you didn't apply through CAB and got turned down then again discuss this with CAB

Very good point, if it's quicker you could try any relevant disability/illness organisation, they usually have someone who can help people with DLA claims.
DLA is all kind of negative on the forms, but answers are about how an individual does things, not what help is received from others. Focus needs to be on how the person manages their tasks.
Originally posted by cologne1:
Originally posted by vrmaryport:
We can't use that excuse to not pay bills on time, it's a difficult situation, you have my sympathies. In the good old days, trade unions were very useful, nowadays so many firms don't allow them. If you are a member of one ask them for advice, if you're not a member you can still ask them for advice.

But if I've done the work, surely I'm entitled to be paid.

Only if they've got the cash which it sounds like they haven't. They're holding on to it as long as they can because they either have bills of their own they are struggling to pay, or they are trying to gain a tiddly bit extra of bank interest. Your wages have nothing to do with the boss. An accountant or clerk should have set it up regardless of whether the boss is in. It may be time for you to re-negotiate but it might not come out quite as you hope.
Originally posted by Real:
The problem is I'm ill and have to live on incapacity benefit and I took this job because I'm allowed to earn ÂĢ20 a week, which is what I earn. It wasn't just an 'extra' as his secretary was trying to say today, it's a lifeline, helping with my bills, so I feel like I'm over a barrel. If I complain, I might lose the job, which I can't afford. If I don't, I have to put up with this erratic payment, which I can't afford. Frowner

Frowner They must know this and are taking advantage. Frowner I am in the same boat as you, been ill since 1989 but can't get money off them coz i have money in the bank FrownerJust glad that i have enough NI stamps for my full pension when i retire -- if i make it that far Laugh ps-- I'm 57 on 21st of this month so any donations and/or veggies would be appreciated. Big Grin

I've just found out I haven't made enough contributions so my pension will be ÂĢ24 a week. I'm the same age as you and my official retirement is terrifying me.
Originally posted by cologne1:
Originally posted by *BB*:
Have you applied for it? If the answer is yes and you didn't apply through CAB and got turned down then again discuss this with CAB.

Yes, you're right, I have been told this before, but I feel embarassed now about applying again. I can't add anything to what I said before, so how do CAB make any difference?

I honestly don't know why it makes a difference but it does. When I first applied for DLA I was turned down. I then asked CAB for help in filling in the form with me present and they sent it off. It's a long and tedious process, I was again turned down, then CAB took it to Appeal, again turned down and CAB then took it to Tribunal and I was awarded high mobility component and mid Care component.

The thing is Cologne, there's no way I could have done all that without their help and guidance. They even sent the person who had filled the forms in for me to the Tribunal and she sat with me for support. When you eventually get the allowance it's backdated to the day you first applied so it's important to apply asap. The application forms are so complicated and I don't think many people are able to successfully fill them in without some kind of professional help. The woman at CAB said it's unlikely an application is successful without help and they also warned me to expect to be initially refused etc. It seems this is how the DWP do things, probably to save money?

My husband also used CAB when he had forms to fill in regarding his pension etc. He said he couldn't manage this himself because he didn't know what he was entitled to and they do know the answers to this!
Originally posted by *BB*:
Originally posted by cologne1:
Originally posted by *BB*:
Have you applied for it? If the answer is yes and you didn't apply through CAB and got turned down then again discuss this with CAB.

Yes, you're right, I have been told this before, but I feel embarassed now about applying again. I can't add anything to what I said before, so how do CAB make any difference?

I honestly don't know why it makes a difference but it does. When I first applied for DLA I was turned down. I then asked CAB for help in filling in the form with me present and they sent it off. It's a long and tedious process, I was again turned down, then CAB took it to Appeal, again turned down and CAB then took it to Tribunal and I was awarded high mobility component and mid Care component.

The thing is Cologne, there's no way I could have done all that without their help and guidance. They even sent the person who had filled the forms in for me to the Tribunal and she sat with me for support. When you eventually get the allowance it's backdated to the day you first applied so it's important to apply asap. The application forms are so complicated and I don't think many people are able to successfully fill them in without some kind of professional help. The woman at CAB said it's unlikely an application is successful without help and they also warned me to expect to be initially refused etc. It seems this is how the DWP do things, probably to save money?

My husband also used CAB when he had forms to fill in regarding his pension etc. He said he couldn't manage this himself because he didn't know what he was entitled to and they do know the answers to this!

Alright, I will apply again. Thanks for kicking me up the bottom. Hug

vrmaryport any tips will be gratefully received. Smiler
cologne 1
My understanding about freelance, or contract, work is that you usually have payment terms. When I was doing some freelance software, I'd sometimes get paid within a week but sometimes it was 6-8 weeks later. I treated it like I was a supplier.

In your situation, it doesn't look like you can afford to do that without building up a 'float' to tide you over. If the PA was talking like that then he/she probably doesn't understand or appreciate your position.

I think I'd put myself in a relaxed frame of mind and ask for a short meeting with the boss to explain your situation, recognising that it's probably not a business priority for him or her, and asking for special consideration ie. to be paid very promptly given your circumstances.

Perhaps you could work extra one week and get paid one or two payments in arrears so that when you drop work off then you're picking up payment for already authorised and accepted work from your previous visit with payment waiting in the PA's drawer for you.
Originally posted by jennywren:
I've just found out I haven't made enough contributions so my pension will be ÂĢ24 a week. I'm the same age as you and my official retirement is terrifying me.

Oh crikey. Frowner

For younger people here, especially women who have taken time out to have kids, you can ring up the DSS pensions place in Newcastle and they will send you a projection of your state pension based on your contributions. You can also top up your contributions yourself if you haven't worked or claimed state benefits one year and can afford to top up.
Haven't had time to read the thread so sorry if I'm repeating what's been said. As you're freelance, you probaby don't have any rights - you're supplying a service, just as if you selling them stationery or such like. Do you raise them an invoice? If you do, you should mark very clearly on it what the payment terms are - that way if you ever do have to go legal you're covered that way.

That said, it all sounds like a pretty informal arrangement, so I'm guessing probably not. Sadly, they do seem to be taking advantage and I can only suggest you ask for a meeting with the boss and put your cards on the table, telling him how important regular payment is to you and appeal to his better nature (if he has one) Hope you get it sorted. Hug
Originally posted by Daniel J*:
My understanding about freelance, or contract, work is that you usually have payment terms. When I was doing some freelance software, I'd sometimes get paid within a week but sometimes it was 6-8 weeks later. I treated it like I was a supplier.

In your situation, it doesn't look like you can afford to do that without building up a 'float' to tide you over. If the PA was talking like that then he/she probably doesn't understand or appreciate your position.

I think I'd put myself in a relaxed frame of mind and ask for a short meeting with the boss to explain your situation, recognising that it's probably not a business priority for him or her, and asking for special consideration ie. to be paid very promptly given your circumstances.

Perhaps you could work extra one week and get paid one or two payments in arrears so that when you drop work off then you're picking up payment for already authorised and accepted work from your previous visit with payment waiting in the PA's drawer for you.

I agree, the company are obviously treating your work as a 'supply' and therefore paying your fee like they would an invoice. I really think you should try and arrange a short meeting with boss to explain how important your payment is to you as they probably have no idea at the moment. I'm sure they will help you if you ask them, it seems crazy to go through any other channels until you have taken this simple step.

Good Luck.
unfortunately some firms are taking advantage of the recession, my s-i-l had to take a pay cut, reduction in hours and holidays because there was danger of the firm "going under", some people were made redundant, but what happened? new carpets/flooring and an open day! (not for potential business but the employees)
Originally posted by cologne1:
Originally posted by vrmaryport:
We can't use that excuse to not pay bills on time, it's a difficult situation, you have my sympathies. In the good old days, trade unions were very useful, nowadays so many firms don't allow them. If you are a member of one ask them for advice, if you're not a member you can still ask them for advice.

But if I've done the work, surely I'm entitled to be paid.

yes you are cologne - and rather than ask you questions - what does C.A.B say to this ? Some,I bet are using this 'recession 'as a means to make people do more for less ,so have a word cologne please because you just might find it will get more as time goes on..........unpaid.
Thank you everybody for your replies. I've not been able to be on here today because, after updating my browser, I can't get online at all anymore and eventually decided to resort to my old computer.

Daniel, I have to be careful because of the stipulation by DWP of me not being able to earn more than ÂĢ20 per week. If I start mucking around with that, some jobworth won't understand it and give me a hard time again. Having said that, it's a good suggestion to speak to the 'boss' qualmly and try and make him understand that this is not pocket money for me, but survival. Smiler
cologne 1

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