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Hey guys,

Most of you know i am off with this pigging swine flu thing, i'm starting to feel a little bit better but obviously i have to stay off as i am in 'quarantine' - by that scale i'll be due to head back to work on Thursday

Now i've called my Doctors as i have a letter from the tamiflu centre for my GP and i need a sick note. The receptionist said that no-one's asked for a sick note before with tamiflu and i should post it in and 'see what happens' regarding the sick note WTF??!

My boss (who is a cynical tit) doesnt believe that i am off for a good enough reason and is insisting that i call in every morning (before 7.30) until i can provide him with a valid sick note to PROVE that i am ill..

So here i am in my sick bed stressing myself out about how to get a sick note, if i'll get paid (where do i stand on this?! i can't ask the boss cos he's a dick and lies) and if i'll be well enough to go back to work on Thursday. If i do post it it'll take a day or so to get there, then god knows how long to get the note, then i can't pick it up cos i am not allowed out (my OH doesnt get here till after 5) and i am moving out of the house and area on Sunday!

Sorry for the rant but i am so worriedm i can't NOT get paid. Its only 3 days but its essential to me

Please give me some advice!

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Phone the doctor back and tell them work is insisting on a sick note...they should provide one but you may have to pay for it though if its under the time that you legally need a certificate.

If you have been off under 7 days then you self certificate normally. I don't think the boss can insist on a cert for a period less than this but I'm not 100% on that.
Originally posted by Mummy Maz:
Hey guys,

Most of you know i am off with this pigging swine flu thing, i'm starting to feel a little bit better but obviously i have to stay off as i am in 'quarantine' - by that scale i'll be due to head back to work on Thursday

Now i've called my Doctors as i have a letter from the tamiflu centre for my GP and i need a sick note. The receptionist said that no-one's asked for a sick note before with tamiflu and i should post it in and 'see what happens' regarding the sick note WTF??!

My boss (who is a cynical tit) doesnt believe that i am off for a good enough reason and is insisting that i call in every morning (before 7.30) until i can provide him with a valid sick note to PROVE that i am ill..

So here i am in my sick bed stressing myself out about how to get a sick note, if i'll get paid (where do i stand on this?! i can't ask the boss cos he's a dick and lies) and if i'll be well enough to go back to work on Thursday. If i do post it it'll take a day or so to get there, then god knows how long to get the note, then i can't pick it up cos i am not allowed out (my OH doesnt get here till after 5) and i am moving out of the house and area on Sunday!

Sorry for the rant but i am so worriedm i can't NOT get paid. Its only 3 days but its essential to me

Please give me some advice!

Maz - if he doesnt believe you - ask him to visit you, see what his response is then ?? Winkxx
Originally posted by Mummy Maz:
Well i've been rough since Thursday night, i have to get better for next monday (holidays) but right now i am feeling bloody awful again.. just randomly throwing up foam and phlem.. i dont care if its swine flu or regular flu just get me better -NOOOOOOOOOOW!!!!!

Maz,by the sounds of it - just randomly throwing up foam and phlem - I would either get a GP called out ASAP or 999 because I dont think you are going on hols for a while babe. Frowner a doc will tell you what to do .

they wont have you go to them but if you are no better by at least the morning book a home call out to you by the duty doctor at your surgery - they will have more time as well and you can discuss the coming holiday and see what they say

try and get toast or plain biscuits down before your pills as meds on an empty stomach could be causing the sickness

hope you soon feel better Hug
Originally posted by PinkBabe1966:
Maz I know it's hard to eat the way you are feeling, but you need to eat when you are taking the Tamiflu, if not solid food, they you need to try a little bit of soup

I agree. Tamiflu makes you sick as it is, but eating just even a cracker before taking it, will make you feel better.
cologne 1
sounds to me like your boss is harrassing you...demanding you phone in everyday at 7:30.we were told that a manager is not allowed to constantly call you whilst you're off sick(and that's what he is doing..except turning it to make you call him).is there a h.r dept at your work?...someone higher than him?...i'd report the fecker for harrassing you... Thumbs Up
Originally posted by spongebob squarepants:
sounds to me like your boss is harrassing you...demanding you phone in everyday at 7:30.we were told that a manager is not allowed to constantly call you whilst you're off sick(and that's what he is doing..except turning it to make you call him).is there a h.r dept at your work?...someone higher than him?...i'd report the fecker for harrassing you... Thumbs Up

Some years ago something similar happened to me. My nursing officer kept phoning me every few days demanding to know when I was going back on duty while I was signed on the sick with pneumonia by my GP. I told my GP and he reported her for harrassment. The telephone calls stopped!

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