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Originally posted by cologne1:
Originally posted by Mummy Maz:
what did Glaxo do to BB ??

It's a certain FM's signature. Big Grin

I've seen the sig, but still don't know where Glaxo fit into it Confused

As for Tamiflu, it's just a placebo which the government are encouraging people to get prescribed in order to kickstart the economy Ninja oooh where's the conspiracy theory thread? Devil
Originally posted by Mummy Maz:
How long does it take to work? I'm on my 3rd tablet and really not feeling any better, some people have said that they felt great after the 1st one so now i am worried that they'll have no effect on me??

Took a couple of days to work for me hun, but stick with it and you should start to be a bit better soon. But sorry to say, you will feel crap for a few days.
â™ĨPinkBabe1966â™ĨThe Angel under the tree!
Originally posted by ~~KaffyBaffy~~:
Originally posted by Mummy Maz:
Laugh @ you lot!!

i'm hoping they kick in still not clear on the Glaxo thing though.. anyone wanna explain?

Big Bro's Big Scam's sig:

"BOYCOTT GlaxoSmithKline, they support what ch4 have done to ruin big brother"

yes, but WHAT? Laugh What, Glaxo have publicy said 'isn't it great there's no livefeed' or something? Confused
Originally posted by jelly vodkafish:
Originally posted by Duckypup:
I think Glaxo are the sponsors of BB this year (lucozade)?

Ahhh that explains it. The bastards.

So - Tamiflu takes 3 or 4 days to work, or roughly the same time it takes for the worst of the flu symptoms to pass on their own. It's a con, I tell thee! Mad Big Grin

yeah i agree the bastards...coulda made better frigging ads to start with, they've been the bain of my summer

I am starting to feel a tad better it has to be said..a tad!
Originally posted by jelly vodkafish:
Originally posted by Duckypup:
I think Glaxo are the sponsors of BB this year (lucozade)?

Ahhh that explains it. The bastards.

So - Tamiflu takes 3 or 4 days to work, or roughly the same time it takes for the worst of the flu symptoms to pass on their own. It's a con, I tell thee! Mad Big Grin

If you're otherwise in good health(apart from the flu lol!)or you're not experiencing chest pain, probably wont make a huge difference.Dont be conned into thinking it will make you feel miraculously better,cos it wont.Even if you're taking it,advice is still the same..bed rest,parcetamol and plenty of fluids.Hope everyone who's got it feels better's shit!
My daughter had a bad throat and for some reason they put her through to the helpline, they told her to go to a point to pick up the tammy flu she was really annoyed as she knew she did not have the flu she went to the doctors and he agreed with her,and that is the problem you cant get a proper diagnose not seeing a doctor,but once you have had tammy flu even if you really never had the flu, your chances of getting tammy flu medication if you do get the flu will be very hard as you are on the register,my daughters doctor told her not to take it but keep it in case she does get the flu Crazy I am sure most people have not had the flu and are given it as a precaution.
Originally posted by Mummy Maz:
hey devil!

was feeling rough as there for a few days, today i've not got aches and pains or earache anymore but i do have episodes of spewing up foam and phlegm ...even though, i feel alot better and hope to be fully recovered in the next few days! I've so much to do its unreal, i don;t have time to be ill !

That's good news MM...yeyyy, you're on the mend...I know what you maen about not having time to be ill....always at a bloody inconvenient time isn't it!!!
The Devil In Diamante

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