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Originally posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally posted by Xochiquetzal:
Originally posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally posted by Shar:
So I don't need a buddy invitation from Essex to join the Rockin Recipes Group ... ? Big Grin

Cool .. Cool
No, just open that group and click on join group.

Found you! Fluffs, can you take a look at my post in the technical help thread, please? Thumbs Up
Give me a clue, on here or LC? What's it called? Smiler

Sorry! Laugh In Rafe's thread here... but re: LC!
Originally posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally posted by Xochiquetzal:
Originally posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally posted by Shar:
So I don't need a buddy invitation from Essex to join the Rockin Recipes Group ... ? Big Grin

Cool .. Cool
No, just open that group and click on join group.

Found you! Fluffs, can you take a look at my post in the technical help thread, please? Thumbs Up
Hi there, I'm all over the place again. I'm logged in here and LC at the same time, so I'm showing as being on line in both places but am not always there. Big Grin

Even if you are logged in somewhere, it won't show you as being online unless you have the website open.
Originally posted by PinkBabe1966:
Fluffy if you are here I have got a query about Google chrome and the margins on Livecloud. I have left a post on LiveCloud as flitting between the two, so either there or here will be fine.

ty xx

Lori said the margin problem is being looked into, she has the same problem as I do in that some of the content on the left of the oage is missing.
Originally posted by *BB*:
Originally posted by PinkBabe1966:
Fluffy if you are here I have got a query about Google chrome and the margins on Livecloud. I have left a post on LiveCloud as flitting between the two, so either there or here will be fine.

ty xx

Lori said the margin problem is being looked into, she has the same problem as I do in that some of the content on the left of the oage is missing.

Thanks hun xx
â™ĨPinkBabe1966â™ĨThe Angel under the tree!
Originally posted by **Dolly**:
on live cloud I dont have one

stand by to get told that you arent logged in or are using the wrong browser, its NOT TRUE, the deathcloud software is just full of bugs and despite what the livecloud fans say you can be signed in and not have a post new button and it doesnt make a jot of difference which browser you use, as there are different faults on deathcloud depending on which browser you use, the missing post new button is not one of them as that can and does happen on all, i use chrome normaly but i've tried safari, opera, ie 6 and 7 as well without any post new button.
Originally posted by Big Brothers Big Scam:
Originally posted by **Dolly**:
on live cloud I dont have one

stand by to get told that you arent logged in or are using the wrong browser, its NOT TRUE, the deathcloud software is just full of bugs and despite what the livecloud fans say you can be signed in and not have a post new button and it doesnt make a jot of difference which browser you use, as there are different faults on deathcloud depending on which browser you use, the missing post new button is not one of them as that can and does happen on all, i use chrome normaly but i've tried safari, opera, ie 6 and 7 as well without any post new button.
Sorry BBBS, but if you bothered to actually READ what people are saying as opposed to making an assumption based on you r own experiences, you would see that they (or the majority) are NOT claiming that being Logged-on/Signed-in and using certain browders are a CURE ALL.
To try and pinpoint a problem, IN ANY area of life, you have to start by eliminating the most obvious things. If you approach a problem by assuming the worst possible then you ARE going to have a hard time.
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
I don't have a Post New Topic on the forum bit. On the blog, yes, on the wall, yes, everywhere else, yes...just not on the forum section.

I have tried every browser going, Opera, IE, FF, Safari and Google Chrome, cleared the cache and passwords on my laptop and everything else that can be cleared. Nothing.

So I tried it on my husband's new Apple Notebook and guess still doesn't have the option of Post New Topic.

So yeah...I blame the LC software and not our laptops!
Originally posted by Big Brothers Big Scam:
Originally posted by **Dolly**:
on live cloud I dont have one

stand by to get told that you arent logged in or are using the wrong browser, its NOT TRUE, the deathcloud software is just full of bugs and despite what the livecloud fans say you can be signed in and not have a post new button and it doesnt make a jot of difference which browser you use, as there are different faults on deathcloud depending on which browser you use, the missing post new button is not one of them as that can and does happen on all, i use chrome normaly but i've tried safari, opera, ie 6 and 7 as well without any post new button.

I agree.
Originally posted by queenshaks:
I don't have a Post New Topic on the forum bit. On the blog, yes, on the wall, yes, everywhere else, yes...just not on the forum section.

I have tried every browser going, Opera, IE, FF, Safari and Google Chrome, cleared the cache and passwords on my laptop and everything else that can be cleared. Nothing.

So I tried it on my husband's new Apple Notebook and guess still doesn't have the option of Post New Topic.

So yeah...I blame the LC software and not our laptops!

Did you join the 'forum' group?

If you do not join you don't have the button either...
Originally posted by queenshaks:
Originally posted by FGG Aka Crocodile Rock:

Did you join the 'forum' group?

If you do not join you don't have the button either...

Yep yep...joined at the hip. It has Invite Others To Join Group instead of Post New Topic.

well that should be there as well as...have you tried in the last couple of days cos i know they've changed it....the post new topic button is now under the sign in/out bit (if its there)
Originally posted by madamski:
under my sign in it says post blog but no new topic

You have to be in a group or forum to post a topic...have you joined any groups like the Sinking ship (explore - groups - sinking ship/or forum).

Once in a group you should have various options - Summary Blog Clips Forum Wall Members Prefs

Click on forum there and then you get the post new top button up.
Originally posted by squiggle:
The thing that puzzles me is we are all trying to help each other and yet the powers that be who are arranging the change aren't giving us a sticky where we can tell them of the problems we are having and try to sort them out for all of us. If we can do it why can't they give us a leg up?

Yes they are Squiggle....there is a support forum where you ask for help and there are techie guys there helping us.

They are doing their damndest to help us but it's impossible to do everything.
Originally posted by queenshaks:
Originally posted by squiggle:
The thing that puzzles me is we are all trying to help each other and yet the powers that be who are arranging the change aren't giving us a sticky where we can tell them of the problems we are having and try to sort them out for all of us. If we can do it why can't they give us a leg up?

Yes they are Squiggle....there is a support forum where you ask for help and there are techie guys there helping us.

They are doing their damndest to help us but it's impossible to do everything.

No I meant on here. I have been posting over there and some have got back to us, but we need a sticky here for those who are struggling.
Originally posted by madamski:
i only get post new topic on the livecloud support page but i loined x factor , forum and the sinking ship last week and dont have the button

Once you are in the group do you go into the forum bit?

You don't get the button before should be under the sign in/out thing top right...if not then you are the same as Q
Originally posted by FGG Aka Crocodile Rock:
Originally posted by madamski:
i only get post new topic on the livecloud support page but i loined x factor , forum and the sinking ship last week and dont have the button

Once you are in the group do you go into the forum bit?

You don't get the button before should be under the sign in/out thing top right...if not then you are the same as Q
Clapping thank you ive found it
Originally posted by FGG Aka Crocodile Rock:
Originally posted by Cagney:
This happened to me the other day. I was in the wrong bit Blush

Where it says...Summary, clips, blog, forum etc I was in the summary bit. I had no post new topic button. Went to the forum section and it appeared

That's cos you have to be somewhere to post a new topic otherwise it has nowhere to go.

I know that now Big Grin
Originally posted by squiggle:
Originally posted by queenshaks:
Originally posted by squiggle:
The thing that puzzles me is we are all trying to help each other and yet the powers that be who are arranging the change aren't giving us a sticky where we can tell them of the problems we are having and try to sort them out for all of us. If we can do it why can't they give us a leg up?

Yes they are Squiggle....there is a support forum where you ask for help and there are techie guys there helping us.

They are doing their damndest to help us but it's impossible to do everything.

No I meant on here. I have been posting over there and some have got back to us, but we need a sticky here for those who are struggling.

There was a sticky here when we first moved over but unfortunately people don't stick to just asking for help, the questions got lost in all the complaints about why we have to move, and it's not fair to expect the mods to have to wade through the lot of it.

Over in the support forum it's clearer and so easier for them to do their job.

Mind you, even over there your question can get lost if your friends come in to take the mick and take it OT. Mad (can you tell I'm talking from experience? Laugh.....I had to start a new thread to be taken seriously Red Face )

We all seem to managing quite well with helping each other here.
Originally posted by squiggle:
Originally posted by queenshaks:
Originally posted by squiggle:
The thing that puzzles me is we are all trying to help each other and yet the powers that be who are arranging the change aren't giving us a sticky where we can tell them of the problems we are having and try to sort them out for all of us. If we can do it why can't they give us a leg up?

Yes they are Squiggle....there is a support forum where you ask for help and there are techie guys there helping us.

They are doing their damndest to help us but it's impossible to do everything.

No I meant on here. I have been posting over there and some have got back to us, but we need a sticky here for those who are struggling.

I agree with this. For those who are finding it diffult to either get over there or to find their way around the new place, there needs to be a support thread right here.

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