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Probably another one of her attention seeking stunts, if true then it's awful and she needs help. Her own fans think she's a disgrace that says it all. Why is she always after sympathy?, plenty of people go through not nice things but they pick themselves up and move on. Maybe she should stop trying to get in the mags most of the time and spend more time than she already does with her children Smiler.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
Originally posted by Hotpants Helen:
The way the Daily Star has this story titled is very misleading by putting Pete's name before the allegation. Makes it look as if she is accusing Pete of rape.

Sorry haven't read the whole thread so this may have already have been mention loads of times.
The whole Daily Star story is a joke. It bears no resemblance to the original story in any way. I do wish people would read the original source instead of just commenting on stupid headlines.
Originally posted by Hotpants Helen:
The way the Daily Star has this story titled is very misleading by putting Pete's name before the allegation. Makes it look as if she is accusing Pete of rape.

Sorry haven't read the whole thread so this may have already have been mention loads of times.

Yes I noticed that what a cheap shot. Mad
Rev. Dim Dale
Originally posted by Rev. Dim Dale:
Originally posted by Hotpants Helen:
The way the Daily Star has this story titled is very misleading by putting Pete's name before the allegation. Makes it look as if she is accusing Pete of rape.

Sorry haven't read the whole thread so this may have already have been mention loads of times.

Yes I noticed that what a cheap shot. Mad
Its the Daily Star to a tee. They just print crap and slant it anyway they want to. Heaven forbid they should actually print something true and even newsworthy.
Originally posted by longcat:
Originally posted by Rev. Dim Dale:
Originally posted by Hotpants Helen:
The way the Daily Star has this story titled is very misleading by putting Pete's name before the allegation. Makes it look as if she is accusing Pete of rape.

Sorry haven't read the whole thread so this may have already have been mention loads of times.

Yes I noticed that what a cheap shot. Mad
Its the Daily Star to a tee. They just print crap and slant it anyway they want to. Heaven forbid they should actually print something true and even newsworthy.

I've given up with this thread.

The nasty shite being spouted based on tabloid headlines and stories is awful.

Makes you look at people in a completely different light. Frowner
The Guru
Originally posted by The Guru:
Originally posted by longcat:
Originally posted by Rev. Dim Dale:
Originally posted by Hotpants Helen:
The way the Daily Star has this story titled is very misleading by putting Pete's name before the allegation. Makes it look as if she is accusing Pete of rape.

Sorry haven't read the whole thread so this may have already have been mention loads of times.

Yes I noticed that what a cheap shot. Mad
Its the Daily Star to a tee. They just print crap and slant it anyway they want to. Heaven forbid they should actually print something true and even newsworthy.

I've given up with this thread.

The nasty shite being spouted based on tabloid headlines and stories is awful.

Makes you look at people in a completely different light. Frowner
I think i will join you. Frowner I don't think anybody will be happy until she is physically attacked because some idiot read and believed the crap that is written about her.
Originally posted by longcat:
Originally posted by Hotpants Helen:
The way the Daily Star has this story titled is very misleading by putting Pete's name before the allegation. Makes it look as if she is accusing Pete of rape.

Sorry haven't read the whole thread so this may have already have been mention loads of times.
The whole Daily Star story is a joke. It bears no resemblance to the original story in any way. I do wish people would read the original source instead of just commenting on stupid headlines.

Where was the original source published?
Originally posted by The Guru:
Originally posted by longcat:
Originally posted by Rev. Dim Dale:
Originally posted by Hotpants Helen:
The way the Daily Star has this story titled is very misleading by putting Pete's name before the allegation. Makes it look as if she is accusing Pete of rape.

Sorry haven't read the whole thread so this may have already have been mention loads of times.

Yes I noticed that what a cheap shot. Mad
Its the Daily Star to a tee. They just print crap and slant it anyway they want to. Heaven forbid they should actually print something true and even newsworthy.

I've given up with this thread.

The nasty shite being spouted based on tabloid headlines and stories is awful.

Makes you look at people in a completely different light. Frowner

What she has been doing has made me look at her in a very different light as well. She was obviously OK with the way it was going to look like Pete had done it. Frowner Lets score more points it's all so desperately tawdry and tacky.
Rev. Dim Dale
i wish the pair of them would just bugger off and concentrate on being amicable for their kids sake!! hardly doing them any good is it!

this point scoring bollocks is painful to see for the kids, and stupid,childish,and i dont care who was in the right or wrong they are BOTH in the wrong for pujtting their pride ahead of those kids.

...i also though she was accusing pete of rape after that headline...what papers wont stoop to hmmm.

sorry for any typos my finger is in a bandage after slciing it on a tub of dairylee Frowner
My feelings are that whilst it is horific to have to deal with the aftermath of a rape, why tell the papers? why didn't Jordan contact an organisation confidentially and seek the counselling she so desperately needs?

I personally cannot stand her, I think she basically has sold her soul for money, and thinks nothing of her children when seeking the next tabloid cheque. Jordan is a very desperate and sad person.
Senora Reyes
Originally posted by longcat:
She didn't sell the story to the papers, she didn't write the headlines. She wrote a piece in her column in OK magazine. Peter hasn't given an exclusive on the story a so called friend did. The Daily Star wrote a stupid headline but then that's what The Daily Star does best.

My question is still the same. What did she try to achieve?
cologne 1
Originally posted by cologne1:
Originally posted by longcat:
She didn't sell the story to the papers, she didn't write the headlines. She wrote a piece in her column in OK magazine. Peter hasn't given an exclusive on the story a so called friend did. The Daily Star wrote a stupid headline but then that's what The Daily Star does best.

My question is still the same. What did she try to achieve?
Read the story and it may tell you.
You can see how she has done herself no favours since the spilt.

Peter is coming across as poor me and to be honest he said he would do interviews speak about katie,his children how can she stoop so low.

then he is on every mag cover,gets his digs in magazine column Read my story my life with kate only in the notw.

He has done what she has and cashed in big time.

He will never reveal why he left her,she give her reasons she thinks,he will not say why maybe he is waiting on a book deal

They are cashing it in over this split and the pair of them who love their kids and want everything normal,parade them in mags,and tv reality shows.

Just read in his mag he is ready for love again his own words

so jordan took a month to find someone he has taken 3

big difference there Big Grin

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