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Being summoned to the Living Area while one housemate goes to the Diary Room can only mean one thing – it's Task time! Returning from the Diary Room, Rodrigo explained to the rest of the housemates that they would be re-enacting the Beyonce video Single Girl.

"Who wants to be Beyonce?" asked Rodrigo, knowing deep down inside that it had to be Charlie, or David.

"David's going to be Beyonce, I'm choreographer," announced Lisa.

"Who wants to be stylist – you Charlie, what do you think?" asked Rodrigo.

"Yeah, we can have me and you as backing dancers," Siavash said to Sophie.

"I can't do make-up," protested Charlie. "I'll do it though," he added, before flouncing off to the Garden, swishing his tail like an angry cat.

Rodrigo was concerned for his fellow housemate and tracked him down to the Bathroom.

"I do not want to be the stylist. I'd rather be the assistant, or the choreographer," hissed Charlie as Rodrigo tried to pacify him. "I'm not even bothered about being Beyonce or a backing dancer," he added. But it was as plain as day that Charlie had obviously wanted to be prima ballerina.

"Charlie, go outside and say 'I want to be Beyonce, I want to be Beyonce!'" laughed Rodrigo

"I didn't even get a choice," moaned Charlie, "I can't do make-up and I can't do fake wig hair."

"Go and ask Big Brother if you can be Beyonce too," suggested Rodrigo before being summoned to the Diary Room to tell Big Brother who was doing what. And when he returned, he had a surprise for Charlie…

"Charlie – they changed the song because of you – you can be Shakira," lied Rodrigo.

"You ******* liar," sighed Charlie "I'm not bothered – everyone got to do what they wanted," he sulked.

Toys? Pram? Dummy spat out?

Lol Charlie such a brat Laugh.

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The way they have allocated roles in the tasks this year has been undemocratic and has usually left people feeling dissatisfied and aggrieved.

Mardy Charlie yet again.
From what I have seen of Charlie during this series he has a serious drawback to being choreographer - he can't dance!
Originally posted by Ella:
Mad Did you have to post a pic of his face? I nearly broke my screen there!
LOL I like reading stuff like this. Laugh I ask myself, can he really win when so many can't stand the sight of him? Big Grin Devil Laugh

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