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After the way Lisa treated Freddie, she has no right to still be in the house, let alone the final.

I also want Lisa out because it would be a middle finger to Marcus who is now championing her to win, even though he "claims" to be Freddie's mate. Yeh right, some friend he is, seeing Freddie being bullied, isolated and alienated by Lisa, but now repeatedly calling for her to win BB10.
I agree i thought they were really nasty tonight i really can't understand the Siavash hype he's rarely on the highlights well he was with the whole Noireen thingy, i think he's sly, he was unfaithful, he isn't cool or sexy i can't get past his massive nose or little rabbit teeth, he's boring, his dull voice oh god he's going to win as well Crazy

I don't have a fave this year though i'm glad cause i'd hate Dullvash to beat my fave Laugh
Originally posted by Jeggo:
I`d like someone whose a bit `gutsy` to win and would be happy for either Rodrigo, Lisa or David to win.

Sophie, Siavash and Charlie are all flimsey characters imo.

Sophie's cute but dumb. Lisa's kind of gutsy but it's taken her a long time to show it and when she did everyone hates her. David is the distinct opposite of gutsy but seems genuine to me I would like him to win but not for the same reasons as you.
Originally posted by Shizzlex:
I agree i thought they were really nasty tonight i really can't understand the Siavash hype he's rarely on the highlights well he was with the whole Noireen thingy, i think he's sly, he was unfaithful, he isn't cool or sexy i can't get past his massive nose or little rabbit teeth, he's boring, his dull voice oh god he's going to win as well Crazy

I don't have a fave this year though i'm glad cause i'd hate Dullvash to beat my fave Laugh

So you're saying you don't like him? Big Grin
Originally posted by Shar:
Originally posted by Jeggo:
I`d like someone whose a bit `gutsy` to win and would be happy for either Rodrigo, Lisa or David to win.

Sophie, Siavash and Charlie are all flimsey characters imo.

How can you POSSIBLY define those three as 'gutsy' ...???? Glance

Suppose I mean - not afraid to speak their mind and show emotion - even if we don`t like what they say. Whereas Siavash, Sophie and Charlie are just dull.
Jeggo (Ben`s Buddy/Member of JJ`s LS]
Originally posted by Jeggo:
Originally posted by Shar:
Originally posted by Jeggo:
I`d like someone whose a bit `gutsy` to win and would be happy for either Rodrigo, Lisa or David to win.

Sophie, Siavash and Charlie are all flimsey characters imo.

How can you POSSIBLY define those three as 'gutsy' ...???? Glance

Suppose I mean - not afraid to speak their mind and show emotion - even if we don`t like what they say. Whereas Siavash, Sophie and Charlie are just dull.

See ... I disagree on your definition of speaking your mind and showing emotion ... Charlie ... I'll make no excuses for him ... he's a twonk as far as I'm concerned ... Sophie rarely shows emotion, but I think in recent weeks she has shown herself to be 'gutsy' ... Siavash is the the most honest and sensitive person in there ... and his emotions have been real, if at times understated ... you may call that boring ... I call it being himself ...

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