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Why would anyone want the only fair player in the house to leave the game? The only one left in the house who did not succumb to Lisa's machinations. Even Rodrigo joined the Club at one point. But Siavash never did. He remained outside the box, keeping his own counsel, never needing an army around him to validate his own position in the house.

Picture the scene. It is the final week.

In the house we have Freddie - the sparkly boy who made us believe in fairies and lovely things, and a member of the Three Musketeers. Think of how great the show would be in the next few days with the Fredster on board.

In the house we have Marcus - the IDH, the different, the imaginative, the rebel, the exciting prospect of not knowing what he would do next. And a vital member of the Three Musketeers.

In the house we have Angel - the girl who put the real into surreal, the boxing girl, the offbeat girl, the interesting girl.

In the house we have Noirin - the girl who the boys all loved, the girl who didn't know her own mind but created the drama to make the show exciting and worth watching.

In the house we have Sree - the lad who would have imploded with having to deal with Freddie's Oxford Degree and his insistence on Freddie doing a sum for him .. 13 x 13.

Think about it. We have all been deprived of all this in the final week because of one person. One person who managed to see off all the above brilliant HMs in her own inimitable way, via unfair block nominations.

Now tell me if you think the only individual (the last of the Three Musketeers) left in the house should be evicted tonight.
Twee Surgeon
Originally posted by Jeggo:
Originally posted by cup:
why dont we all walk out

why dont we all give the money to charity

why dont we all not nominate

why dont we all break the rules

why DOES he not just do it himself why does he need the others

Cos he`s a right stupid plank - and to think I used to really like him !

Same here...

They soon back-tracked when their bluff was called though didn`t they!
I don`t think they had any intention of going...

I think that each and everyone of them are convinced that they will win, but what seems to have escaped them is that they would probably have got more media mileage (and money) if thay had gone.

As, apart from Sophie, who is very media savvy, and knows that she will get her fifteen minutes worth, and more, from mags like Nuts, and the Daily Trash err Star,plus her "story" regarding Kris.

Whereas, I think the others will soon fade into oblivion, whether they win or not!!!
Originally posted by Latecomer:
Originally posted by Jeggo:
Originally posted by cup:
why dont we all walk out

why dont we all give the money to charity

why dont we all not nominate

why dont we all break the rules

why DOES he not just do it himself why does he need the others

Cos he`s a right stupid plank - and to think I used to really like him !

Same here...

They soon back-tracked when their bluff was called though didn`t they!
I don`t think they had any intention of going...

I think that each and everyone of them are convinced that they will win, but what seems to have escaped them is that they would probably have got more media mileage (and money) if thay had gone.

As, apart from Sophie, who is very media savvy, and knows that she will get her fifteen minutes worth, and more, from mags like Nuts, and the Daily Trash err Star,plus her "story" regarding Kris.

Whereas, I think the others will soon fade into oblivion, whether they win or not!!!

Yep I agree wiv ya (again!). Sophie will by far make the most money out of them all and will become more "famous" for want of a better word. Rodrigo could do High School Musical stuff. Charlie can trawl the gay night clubs until he drops and Siavash can gatecrash kiddies parties as Coco the Clown.
Lord Lucan

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