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Originally posted by *BB*:
Originally posted by FGG Aka Crocodile Rock:

Exactly! He took himself out of the game ages ago, so he should not be in any position to be winning anything!

In a conversation with Sophie one night last week (reported on CH4 but not shown on the highlight show)Siavash said that 'as he had taken himself out of the game he didn't think he should be entitled to the money if he won and therefore he'd give it away to charity'.

I have no reason to disbelieve him.

If that is the case, then why did he just tell Sophie and no-one else?

Cos they were laying in bed late at night you do.

It was just a conversation between friends...why should he have to tell everyone?
Originally posted by *BB*:
Originally posted by FGG Aka Crocodile Rock:

Exactly! He took himself out of the game ages ago, so he should not be in any position to be winning anything!

In a conversation with Sophie one night last week (reported on CH4 but not shown on the highlight show)Siavash said that 'as he had taken himself out of the game he didn't think he should be entitled to the money if he won and therefore he'd give it away to charity'.

I have no reason to disbelieve him.

If that is the case, then why did he just tell Sophie and no-one else?

I think that is very obvious, they were lying in bed chatting, she is his friend, and the reaction he got form his so called mate marcus when he did mention it was pretty shocking for Siavash, as he was the only one in there being genuine! he now feels he deserves to be there as he was kept in fair and square... where as the others are in there by default (ie. never up for eviction bar the vote to save time)

I think the majority of people see it this way and thet is why he IS still in there... and most likely will win!
Originally posted by felix:
I am appalled with this charity con he has used to beat Marcus in yesterdays eviction. People have actually voted for him and are spending their cash, under the pretext he will donate it all to charity. This is the lowest form of conning, the only way anyone will ever know if he is truthful, is if he wins... again the public will spend their cash to find this out.

People can mock and think it great, but I find it deeply disturbing, and goes beyond a popularity contest.

His vain camera singing after the eviction, was yet another 'vote for me appeal'.

The smuggish way he posed in the diary room, while slating Charlie, confirmed yet again, his desperation to gain votes.

The overinflated ego has gone into overdrive!

I think giving it to charity was a very noble suggestion.
Originally posted by Liverpoollass:
Originally posted by felix:
I am appalled with this charity con he has used to beat Marcus in yesterdays eviction. People have actually voted for him and are spending their cash, under the pretext he will donate it all to charity. This is the lowest form of conning, the only way anyone will ever know if he is truthful, is if he wins... again the public will spend their cash to find this out.

People can mock and think it great, but I find it deeply disturbing, and goes beyond a popularity contest.

His vain camera singing after the eviction, was yet another 'vote for me appeal'.

The smuggish way he posed in the diary room, while slating Charlie, confirmed yet again, his desperation to gain votes.

The overinflated ego has gone into overdrive!

I think giving it to charity was a very noble suggestion.

Extremely noble, considering there isn't any prizemoney to donate to charity. Empty words from a man who admits to never paying rent and instead he rips off his friends as they each in turn put him up rent free. Don't forget all the clothes he gets from his friends in the fashion industry, he admits he never buys his clothes.
Originally posted by *BB*:

Extremely noble, considering there isn't any prizemoney to donate to charity. Empty words from a man who admits to never paying rent and instead he rips off his friends as they each in turn put him up rent free. Don't forget all the clothes he gets from his friends in the fashion industry, he admits he never buys his clothes.

As far as I'm aware there was the 10k for Siavash giving BB his clothes...If it's increased yet I don't know....Him wearing the clothes by his designer friends is also good advertising for them imo....Works both ways they win he wins.
Siavash puting all the HMS in a corner saying we will give the money to charity was terrible, I am sick of him trying to manipulate the game not nominating now trying to say what should be done with the prize money,for someone who has said he has taken himself out of the game he has got an awful lot to say about the game, he made Charlie his target last night in the diaryroom and said he himself would love to win .. bet you would there is 100K for the winner,they all want to win that money just stop trying to tell the others what they should do with their winnings just to make yourself look good,if any of the others Lisa Charlie etc would have said we should give the money to charity this forum would have been down on them like a ton of bricks.
Originally posted by felix:
I am appalled with this charity con he has used to beat Marcus in yesterdays eviction. People have actually voted for him and are spending their cash, under the pretext he will donate it all to charity. This is the lowest form of conning, the only way anyone will ever know if he is truthful, is if he wins... again the public will spend their cash to find this out.

People can mock and think it great, but I find it deeply disturbing, and goes beyond a popularity contest.

His vain camera singing after the eviction, was yet another 'vote for me appeal'.

The smuggish way he posed in the diary room, while slating Charlie, confirmed yet again, his desperation to gain votes.

The overinflated ego has gone into overdrive!

I agree with you on this one.

I used to like Siavash, but gone right off him recently - he`s trying too hard and it comes across as pathetic.
Jeggo (Ben`s Buddy/Member of JJ`s LS]
Originally posted by felix:
Oh well just the reaction I expected, my point is, when it gets to the public spending, it is almost fraudlike. I think Big Brother have a responsibility for what is shown to the public, else it be construed as blatent manipulation.
I would like to see BB ask him directly if he will confirm this revelation, or he should be seen to retract it, prior to anymore nominations.

As they practically forced rachel at gunpoint to donate some of her winnings to 'proove ' her niceness, I am sure they will give Siavash even greater pressure to do as he has said. Personally I think he is genuine , but time will tell. In any case he probably won't win as BB are doing there best at the moment to ensure he does'nt.
Marcus lost on being a smart arse 'if he is up against me he will be out on his arse' , that bit him on the bum eh Smiler

Was nothing to do with the charity comments. I want Siavash to win but I do think his charity comments should not have been aired, along with 99% of the shite that dropped from Marcus lips and the plea's from Charlie over his Mam
Originally posted by Nemesis:
Originally posted by fz:
Originally posted by felix:
Originally posted by fz:
Isnt this thread title a couple of weeks premature.....kind of like posting a " didnt charlie look gutted when he lost" thread?.....hhhmmmm actually Ninja

Laugh You always make me laugh, but no, not premature Fz. The urgency is now, this is a ploy for winning the prize, whether he donates it all or some or none, he is desperate to win.
My disgust is in this being allowed to 'con' the public into parting with their cash, under the pretence he will definitely donate to charity.

I aim to please Big Grin But seriously, after charlies mum in a coma tale...I think anything goes. Whats sauce for the goose etc etc etc....just because charlie says private health care would get his winnings doesnt make it true. And equally he shouldnt have then been aired saying that...trying to make us all stop thinking he is a complete twat, and pick up our phones in droves to keep him in....In fact I'd have more faith in siavash fulfilling his pledge.

Either is all speculation and it's not as though siavash wasnt a contender to win before his charidee speech.

Siavash is so boring it defies belief. He can't even be bothered to finish his own sentences. I don't think he was ever a contender. The refusing to nominate because he's just too nice yeah right and the prize money to charity thing jesus he couldn't be any more transparent.

I agree Slyvash has been and still is the most boring mumbling munter in there, all this moping around in his bed and pretend sleeping was him scheming and planning his next lying sly move. Slyvash is very devious and is hell bent on conning the GBP however the public saw through and threw out Fred and Marcus so I have great faith in the fact they will do the same to Slyvash.
Originally posted by vrmaryport:
SmilerHe's a 23 year old guy on a reality tv show, anything can be shown or edited by whim of a tv company, as can all hm's. He is not the only one to be talking about charity, or not wanting the money, or not bothered etc. etc.
It's just a tv show, for entertainment. I think for his age he has shown maturity beyond his years and more wisdom than many ppl will ever have in a lifetime.
As for conman, fm's seem to have him sussed either/or guess the public will too, so there's no problem is there?

I actually think this 23yr old has thought of ploys prior to his BB entrance. It almosts smacks of beers with his mates, discussing ways to win.IMO. As for mature, I don't see it, he appears lazy to me and wants easy money. Have you seen his 'profile' on DS? I took the pleasure in airing it in other threads.
I am not disputing him taking himself out of the game and should he win, he will donate it to charity; or whether he is calling the other HMs bluff. What is morally wrong, is throwing the 'charity card' in in the first place. It can only be to gain support from the PAYING public. That is fraudulent, the PAYING public will only ever know he will donate, if they PAY to make him the winner. It is not legal and binding, so siavash could renege on this 'generous' donation, to giving nothing, or a small token gesture, or he may keep to his 'pledge' as he is out of the game, by giving it all away. I would be well impressed if he did this, along with the PAYING public and his fans.
The point is a 'trust me' type rarely is. BB are complicit in this manipulation, by allowing it to happen. They have a responsiblity to the PAYING public, that their money is being spent for the honourable reason this BB HM is giving. That is why BB should have him clarify his intentions, before money is parted.
So yes, there is a problem, if people spend their cash believing the prize fund will be donated to charity, and it isn't, then the public have been conned in a fraudlike way IMO.
Originally posted by *BB*:
Siavash is not genuine. How can he talk about donating the prize money to charity when it has been taken away?

He is well known for being a freeloader. He hasn't paid rent for years, instead he sponges off his friends. He doesn't spend money on clothes, instead he befriends people in the fashion industry and gets free handouts.

He is a con artist!

I agree, but he did stick up for Freddie after Freddie's eviction and for that he has my vote. There's not much choice with the HMs who are left.
Originally posted by Marguerita:
Siavash puting all the HMS in a corner saying we will give the money to charity was terrible, I am sick of him trying to manipulate the game not nominating now trying to say what should be done with the prize money,for someone who has said he has taken himself out of the game he has got an awful lot to say about the game, he made Charlie his target last night in the diaryroom and said he himself would love to win .. bet you would there is 100K for the winner,they all want to win that money just stop trying to tell the others what they should do with their winnings just to make yourself look good,if any of the others Lisa Charlie etc would have said we should give the money to charity this forum would have been down on them like a ton of bricks.

yesssssssssssss well put Marguerita, he is the biggest scheming gameplayer in there.
Originally posted by Tiddly~Wink:
Well all of the housemates are now willing to follow his lead, and are refusing to nominate! What a turn up for the books eh, they have finally realised he's been doing it right all along! Thumbs Up

No it is not the right thing, because Lisa and Davids noms will be the majority.
Rodders has now followed suit, but his noms will not have any effect.
This thread is about the charity con and quite a serious matter... to me anyway. Disappointed
Originally posted by figtree:
If I may just have a likkle insy input on this scenario.Would I be right/or not as the case may be that Siavash said,that's if we are putting it in the right context,if you are not bothered about the money BB could give it to charity!I do not remember him saying that if he won the 100 grand that he would give it to charity! At the point when he said this there was NO MONEY..... it was a hypthetical suggestion only!
Now as for the no nominations on his part.... this was the 'game' that he was refusing to take part in..... now as i see it,it was more than clear what was happening in the house.. certain HMs were being picked off one by one because of Lisa's strategy of gathering as many troops around her as possible.She did not have to say to her troops vote this way or that but what she could do is point out certain misgivings on her part about certain individuals in the house which she did on many occassions. A word dropped here a dirty look there was her method of making her little gang aware of her likes and dislikes! Lisa is a very strong dominating character who as well as being very aggressive is also capable of putting on the charm......she actually feels superior to some the HMs in there in much the same way as Bea did! She is very controlling hense the way she leads David round as her favourite lap dog.
My point is in Siavashes defence he was very aware what was going on, as was Freddie...this is why Siavash wanted it to be more of a level playing field!
Now this is my opinion and you have the option to agree or disagree with what I have said!
Remember what Lisa said.." God bless you" to her 'mates' for keeping her in!!!

There you go!!!!!!!
Hi Figtree wavey
Thanks for your input. I am not disputing most of your post, the only bugbear has to be the use of CHARITY! Whether it be a collective gesture i.e all HMs pledging it or a singular one (we only have his word re: Sophie convo).
The viewers tend to praise the creator of the suggestion, rather than any eventual supporters of it. So martyr mode kicks in, while the others get criticised. When in reality, it was a very cheap shot to gain PAYING viewers support. IMO .. Trust is the key here, and I don't trust him.
Originally posted by figtree:
If I may just have a likkle insy input on this scenario.Would I be right/or not as the case may be that Siavash said,that's if we are putting it in the right context,if you are not bothered about the money BB could give it to charity!I do not remember him saying that if he won the 100 grand that he would give it to charity! At the point when he said this there was NO MONEY..... it was a hypthetical suggestion only!
Now as for the no nominations on his part.... this was the 'game' that he was refusing to take part in..... now as i see it,it was more than clear what was happening in the house.. certain HMs were being picked off one by one because of Lisa's strategy of gathering as many troops around her as possible.She did not have to say to her troops vote this way or that but what she could do is point out certain misgivings on her part about certain individuals in the house which she did on many occassions. A word dropped here a dirty look there was her method of making her little gang aware of her likes and dislikes! Lisa is a very strong dominating character who as well as being very aggressive is also capable of putting on the charm......she actually feels superior to some the HMs in there in much the same way as Bea did! She is very controlling hense the way she leads David round as her favourite lap dog.
My point is in Siavashes defence he was very aware what was going on, as was Freddie...this is why Siavash wanted it to be more of a level playing field!
Now this is my opinion and you have the option to agree or disagree with what I have said!
Remember what Lisa said.." God bless you" to her 'mates' for keeping her in!!!
I agree with all of that figtree and would only add that Siavash has always said that he didn`t nominate as he wanted to be put up for eviction each week as he didn`t want a free ride to the final, if that meant everyone went up then so be it but they would know who the public wanted. That frightened most of them as they didn`t want the public to decide hence the hullabaloo.
Originally posted by felix:
I am appalled with this charity con he has used to beat Marcus in yesterdays eviction. People have actually voted for him and are spending their cash, under the pretext he will donate it all to charity. This is the lowest form of conning, the only way anyone will ever know if he is truthful, is if he wins... again the public will spend their cash to find this out.

People can mock and think it great, but I find it deeply disturbing, and goes beyond a popularity contest.

His vain camera singing after the eviction, was yet another 'vote for me appeal'.

The smuggish way he posed in the diary room, while slating Charlie, confirmed yet again, his desperation to gain votes.

The overinflated ego has gone into overdrive!

You're not 'Kris is Bliss' are you? Just checking...
He is a con man. But if people want to vote for him it is their money.
What I find frustrating and worrying is how easily some can be duped because they think he is cute.
It reminds me of the year Pete was in. He too was extremely manipulative but far better at it than Siavash.
Women are very quick to spot a woman using her 'charms' but make excuses for a man doing similar if they find him appealing.
Originally posted by felix:
I am appalled with this charity con he has used to beat Marcus in yesterdays eviction. People have actually voted for him and are spending their cash, under the pretext he will donate it all to charity. This is the lowest form of conning, the only way anyone will ever know if he is truthful, is if he wins... again the public will spend their cash to find this out.

People can mock and think it great, but I find it deeply disturbing, and goes beyond a popularity contest.

His vain camera singing after the eviction, was yet another 'vote for me appeal'.

The smuggish way he posed in the diary room, while slating Charlie, confirmed yet again, his desperation to gain votes.

The overinflated ego has gone into overdrive!

He's been acting up to the camera (in an insincere way) so much recently it's been disgusting.
Free Thinking
Originally posted by luxor:
He is a con man. But if people want to vote for him it is their money.
What I find frustrating and worrying is how easily some can be duped because they think he is cute.
It reminds me of the year Pete was in. He too was extremely manipulative but far better at it than Siavash.
Women are very quick to spot a woman using her 'charms' but make excuses for a man doing similar if they find him appealing.
Thumbs Up
Originally posted by Skylark24:
Originally posted by luxor:
He is a con man. But if people want to vote for him it is their money.
What I find frustrating and worrying is how easily some can be duped because they think he is cute.
It reminds me of the year Pete was in. He too was extremely manipulative but far better at it than Siavash.
Women are very quick to spot a woman using her 'charms' but make excuses for a man doing similar if they find him appealing.
Thumbs Up

Thumbs Up Thumbs Up If Siavash does win, we can all blame the masses of barmy women that this country is overrun with!! Nod
Originally posted by Barolo:
Originally posted by Skylark24:
Originally posted by luxor:
He is a con man. But if people want to vote for him it is their money.
What I find frustrating and worrying is how easily some can be duped because they think he is cute.
It reminds me of the year Pete was in. He too was extremely manipulative but far better at it than Siavash.
Women are very quick to spot a woman using her 'charms' but make excuses for a man doing similar if they find him appealing.
Thumbs Up

Thumbs Up Thumbs Up If Siavash does win, we can all blame the masses of barmy women that this country is overrun with!! Nod

At least he beats 4th placed Charlie...siggers. Moon
Originally posted by Barolo:
Originally posted by Skylark24:
Originally posted by luxor:
He is a con man. But if people want to vote for him it is their money.
What I find frustrating and worrying is how easily some can be duped because they think he is cute.
It reminds me of the year Pete was in. He too was extremely manipulative but far better at it than Siavash.
Women are very quick to spot a woman using her 'charms' but make excuses for a man doing similar if they find him appealing.
Thumbs Up

Thumbs Up Thumbs Up If Siavash does win, we can all blame the masses of barmy women that this country is overrun with!! Nod

He was overjoyed when he read in the magazines they were given that some thought he was 'hot'. He knew that that could make up for his major character defects with some of the audience.
Free Thinking
Originally posted by Skylark24:
Originally posted by luxor:
He is a con man. But if people want to vote for him it is their money.
What I find frustrating and worrying is how easily some can be duped because they think he is cute.
It reminds me of the year Pete was in. He too was extremely manipulative but far better at it than Siavash.
Women are very quick to spot a woman using her 'charms' but make excuses for a man doing similar if they find him appealing.
Thumbs Up

I'm not voting. I'm not easily duped. I don't think he's cute.

Do you really have to paint that sorry picture when describing Vash fans?

Vash is liked for many reasons because he's been a great value hm and provided so many talking points. He's the anti BB for some aswell, a 2 fingered salute for his shitty edit in the final week.

Happy with the top 2, i'll be amazed if he wins.
The Guru
Originally posted by Azure:
Slyvash is a lying cheating manipulating game player, this guy lay in his bed and plotted and schemed his way to the final, he who wanted to go home, he who needed all the attention at Daves party, he who was given the chance to leave is still there being a nasty mumbling bore.
Thumbs Up

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