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DAY 86

Housemates have been provided with uniforms and cleaning products and a selection of music from Chas 'n' Dave. Today, both Marcus and Siavash face eviction from the Big Brother house.

Lisa and David are in the garden cleaning and dancing to the music. David asks: "Is this country?" "No it's shit!" replies Lisa.

Sophie and Rodrigo are in the kitchen discussing languages. Sophie asks: "Is si vous plais Brazil?" Rodrigo tells her that it is French. She ponders: "So do you know Portuguese?" and Rodrigo tells her that Portuguese is the national language of Brazil. Sophie asks how to say hello and Rodrigo replies: "Ola." "That's Spanish!" she corrects and Rodrigo tells her that there is a slight difference in the pronunciation then teaches her various Portuguese phrases.

Earlier this week, some of the housemates staged an escape. The punishment for the rule break was the reduction of the prize fund.

David is in the Diary Room. Big Brother asks him how he feels about the punishment. David says that although he isn't particularly "bothered," he thinks his fellow housemates are worried "but won't admit it." He asks: "Isn't it enough (to be a winner) without all that cash?" David tells Big Brother that he isn't prepared to make a "fool" of himself "dressed as Dorothy form the Wizard of Oz for someone else's stupid mistake!"

It's been 1 hour and 31 minutes since housemates cleaned the house. Marcus has come to the Diary Room.

"I've got four words for you, Chas and f**king Dave!" he scolds. Marcus suggests that Big Brother could have played something by "the Police, Britney, anything, Billy Idol, Gun's 'n' Roses, Girls Aloud, A-ha." Big Brother replies: "Do you have any Britney albums?" Marcus confesses to having a "best of" album which he rates "8 out of 10 stars."

Siavash, Sophie and Rodrigo are in the kitchen. Rodrigo teases Sophie saying that she and Marcus "will end up married." Sophie laughs and replies: "I think you and Charlie will." Rodrigo blushes.

Charlie, Lisa and David are at the bus stop talking about the prize fund. Charlie tells them: "it's not about the money." David says that if Big Brother were to ask Charlie to do something outrageous to win money for the prize fund "you'd be perceived as wanting (to win) it." Charlie disputes David's theory and says that he would participate "for the group." David tells them that he is "a winner in my own right, I've fulfilled my dream, this is priceless to me."

Some of the housemates are in the garden. Lisa and David are in the living room. Lisa quizzes him on which housemates "have the hots" for each other. David immediately answers: "Rodrigo and Charlie." They talk about relationships in general and David confides that he would like to meet someone older "with their wits about them and one hell of a sense of humour." They discuss the gay scene and both adopt a 'been there done that' stance. Lisa comments: "I'd like someone to go to Sunday lunch with," while David says that he gets "hurt" a lot. David tells Lisa: "I'm glad I can talk to you like this."

Rodrigo and Sophie are in the bedroom struggling to put new extensions in her hair. Sophie complains about the glue and Rodrigo warns: "Never do this again!" as they worry about the condition of her hair.

David and Lisa are in the living room talking about chips. David tells her that he loves chips but "not as much as I love you." Lisa smiles at him.

Big Brother calls one housemate to the Diary Room and Rodrigo complies. Big Brother tells Rodrigo that he has the opportunity to win money towards the prize fund and he agrees to take part in an Animal Task.

Housemates speculate that Rodrigo is taking part in a solo "money task." Marcus guesses: "He probably had to eat s**t or something like that"

Rodrigo answers 3 of his 5 questions correctly and has therefore won ÂĢ6k for the overall prize money.

Most of the housemates are in the bedroom. Sophie giggles while revealing that housemates have been "taking the piss", saying that she and Marcus are having a "secret affair." "They soon shut up when I said Rodrigo and Charlie were they ones having affair. They can't keep away from each other," she adds. Lisa agrees: "I think there is something going on with those two." Sophie mentions that the pair bed have been bed-hopping during the night. Charlie comes into the bedroom. Marcus, Lisa and Sophie tease him about Rodrigo. Charlie smirks and changes the subject.

Housemates are gathered on the sofa for the result of this week's eviction. Davina announces to the house that Marcus is to be evicted. He bids farewell to his housemates and leaves the Big Brother house to a mixed reception. Sophie comments: "I'm petrified of leaving," while Siavash comments: "I was 110% sure I was going."

All of the housemates are in the sitting room. It's been 16 minutes since Marcus became the 12th person to be evicted from the Big Brother house.

Lisa says that she will "miss" Marcus and although his swearing was unpleasant "he was a very honest person." David advises housemates to enjoy their final week as Lisa gets philosophical. She says: "It's us who's kept each other in." Adding: "I'm honoured, cos I'm an old cow, thank you for keeping me in 'til the final week, may God be with you."

Charlie has come to the Diary Room. He tells Big Brother that he is "gutted" that Marcus has left the house as he was "being himself." Charlie says that he thinks Siavash is doing things in the house "to look good," and mentions Siavash's suggestion that the housemate who wins should donate the prize money to charity. He adds that Marcus' refusal to cut his hair in order to boost the prize fund may have been his downfall, in the eyes of the public.

Most of the housemates are in the living room. David and Lisa are at the bus stop, talking about Marcus. Lisa says that she believed Marcus "was gonna win it." David tells her that he thinks Charlie could win but "Siavash has the whole of London behind him, it's a big place." The conversation turns to life post Big Brother and they both express their wish to return to their normal lives "as soon as Big Brother is finished with me," says Lisa. David says that he has no desire to hang about in clubs and wants to get back to Yorkshire. Lisa tells him that her Big Brother experience was "to see if I could do it. David says that although he'd shun the limelight, "I'm not a wannabe," he would be interested in working for his local radio station.

Siavash is in the sitting room, singing loudly. Lisa, Charlie and David are in the living room. Charlie tells housemates how much he will miss them but says he will visit them all. David tells him not to book into a hotel when he comes to Yorkshire "I've got a four poster bed, you can sleep with me." Charlie looks at David but is silent.

Rodrigo and Sophie are in the kitchen frying burgers and Sophie says that they are now qualified to work at Burger King. Rodrigo tells her that McDonalds had turned him down for a job. "They take anyone on at McDonald's, they must have heard you're laugh?" she jokes. The pair pretends to work at a fast food chain and Sophie instructs Rodrigo to shout the order at her: "One burger cheese and bacon!" Sophie repeats at the top of her voice while continuing to cook the burger. Rodrigo tells her that he would "prefer to kill myself" rather than hear her shouting at him for a whole day. Sophie jokes: "F**k your stupid burgers I quit!"

In the living room, Lisa, Charlie and David are talking about how close they have become. "Look at me and Lisa," David continues, "She's like my f**king sister, I love her to death." Lisa says how "proud" she is of David especially as he came in half way through the show. Charlie says that he always thought it was "first in last out" but they all agree that this isn't always the case.

Some of the housemates are in the bedroom. Sophie and Rodrigo are whispering about Charlie.
Lisa and David are at the bus stop. Lisa guesses that there will be and eviction on "Sunday or Wednesday."

Siavash has come to the Diary Room. He tells Big Brother that he feels "fantastic" to have survived the eviction. He mentions Charlie's mood saying: "It upsets me that Charlie is upset," adding that Charlie did actually vote for Marcus and is "in it to win it." Siavash ends by telling Big Brother: "I have earned my place to be in the final week."


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