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DAY 84

Yesterday as part of the shopping task, 'Aliens' Lisa and David took a trip to London in an open top bus. All of the other housemates made a mini escaped from the Big Brother house. As result Big Brother punished housemates by reducing the overall prize money to zero. However, housemates will have the opportunity to win back the prize fund.


Rodrigo and Sophie are in the sitting room practising the dance routine for their part of the task. Marcus is in the Diary Room talking about the "shit" punishment following their escape and subsequent rule break.

Marcus tells Big Brother that the overall reaction from housemates means: "They're pretty much all thinking about the money." He adds: "I'm lucky that the things that make me happy don't cost a lot." Marcus tells Big Brother that his fellow housemates wouldn't put the prize money to good use branding it "transparent, predatory behaviour, they all live in a sea of bulls**t."


Some of the housemates are in the living room. Big Brother announces the start of the group challenge. Housemates must cycle on stationary bikes to provide energy for a Power-o-Meter that keeps a bulb glowing which indicates that Housemates are generating enough energy.

Marcus and Charlie are the first to pedal. Charlie struggles and Lisa takes over from him.


Charlie, Rodrigo and Sophie are in the sitting room. Charlie is practising for his part of the task. As the 'Astronaut' Charlie will experience weightlessness in a gyroscope; during this time he will be asked to recall the names of 20 out of 25 constellations in order to pass his challenge.

Housemates have been pedalling for 36 minutes. Marcus tells Lisa that housemates won't physically be able to "cope" with this part of the task. He sees Charlie sitting at the sofa and says that he's "taking the p***!"


Most of the housemates have been gathered in the living room for 'Robots' Sophie and Rodrigo's part of the task. The 'Robots' perform their routine to Daft Punk's Faster, Harder, Stronger. They finish their performance and housemates give them a big round of applause.


Sophie and Rodrigo are in the garden on the stationary bikes. Sophie complains that the task is too hard as Marcus joins them. Marcus reminds them that they could have done more but were "sitting around doing your task." They both protest and Marcus hints that if they ask him nicely he may help them. Marcus swaps places with Sophie and takes her turn on the bike.

Lisa has come to the Diary Room. Big Brother asks her how she feels about Big Brother's punishment for the rule break. Lisa smiles: "I can see the funny side, but I wouldn't want the winner to go without anything."


Lisa, Charlie, Sophie and Rodrigo are in the living room talking about the energy generators. 'Androids' Marcus and Siavash have been called to the Diary Room.

Big Brother informs the 'Androids' that that they must make an effigy of Big Brother from all the recycling that housemates have generated throughout the series. They must also write a song which they must dedicate to Big Brother. Marcus is unhappy and suggests they make "a big pile of faeces!" Siavash apologises on Marcus' behalf and says they will give it a try.

They relay their task to their fellow housemate and Marcus comments "I'd rather have a trip to London!" Lisa smiles. Marcus suggests they make a man "masturbating," adding: "cos they're all *******." Sophie tells Marcus in a mock serious tone that she is "offended" by his comment. Marcus objects saying: "its natural." Rodrigo adds: "It's naturally rude!"


Marcus and Siavash have been creating their effigy to Big Brother for 24 minutes. The rest of the housemates are in the garden, they have been pedalling for a total of 4 hours and 31 minutes. Big Brother calls Rodrigo to the Diary Room.

Rodrigo tells Big Brother that he is putting a lot of "effort" into the group task and says that he is "emotionally drained." He laughs adding: "I don't even know what drained means, I just know it's bad."

Rodrigo returns to the garden. David is on the bike and tells Rodrigo that he should have spoken "quickly" while in the Diary Room, "we've got a task." Rodrigo takes offence and explains that he could not the request to go to the Diary Room: "When they call us we have to talk to them. Don't tell me what I should do!" David tells Rodrigo that he only told him to "try and make it quick," but Rodrigo is annoyed. Rodrigo relays the conversation to Lisa and when David tries to correct his version of events Rodrigo shouts: "Don't tell me (we have a task)." David repeats "Whatever!"


All of the housemates are in the garden. On Big Brother's instruction, Siavash and Marcus perform their song in front of the effigy; Marcus is on electric guitar while Siavash screams through the lyrics. Housemates look stunned but applaud at the end of the performance.


All of the housemates are in the garden. Charlie is about to begin his part of the task. On instruction from Big Brother, a spaceman has come into the garden for the duration of Charlie task. The spaceman straps Charlie in to the gyroscope and takes to the controls. Charlie names 25 constellations while being pelted with paint balls by Alien's Lisa and David. As a result Charlie has passed his part of the task.


As housemates successfully completed all of their 5 challenges, they have passed the overall task and will receive a luxury shopping budget of ÂĢ5 per head per day.


All of the housemates are in the living room talking about their remaining time in the house. Charlie is "happy" but visibly emotional, he tells his fellow housemates: "I don't want it to end." Lisa says: "I'm over the moon" and Sophie confesses: "I never thought I'd make it this far." Siavash asks Lisa if she would have liked to be nominated more that she had been. Lisa replies that if she were "hated" she would have gone "before H (Hira)."


Most of the housemates are in the living room singing A Moment Like This. Marcus is in the bedroom looking though his drawers. He notices that the camera is focused on him and rants: "What the f**k is so interesting in my f**king draw that you wanna f**king spy on every time I open them. Give me a f**king moments f**king peace for once in your f**king lives. Do you wanna look at my f**king pants?" He comically holds his pants up in front of the camera.

Housemates have warbled through Shaggy's hit It Wasn't Me and Pink's Get the Party Started.

Marcus is in the bathroom watching the tub fill up. He continues his running monologue to the camera and points out to the cameras his "overkill" on bubbles. Adding: "The millions of fans at home know I'm the 100% man. I am the Irrepressible Dark Horse, if I want bubbles, boy you better f**king believe I'm gonna have bubbles!"


Sophie, Charlie and Marcus are in the living room. Sophie tells Marcus that she isn't sure who would go out of him and Siavash "You're both really similar." Marcus quips: "Similar up to the point where I'm not a bulls***ter and he is. And I don't wear all them (sic) clothes."

Siavash is in the Diary Room. He tells Big Brother that he has had a great day as he and fellow housemates have passed the task "with flying colours." The conversation turns to this week's eviction. He adds that he is excited as he "wanted to be up." Siavash says that being up with Marcus is a "lose, lose situation," and adding, the person who stays "will know that they deserved their place in the final week." He adds: "It's going to be an exciting two days."


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"What the f**k is so interesting in my f**king draw that you wanna f**king spy on every time I open them. Give me a f**king moments f**king peace for once in your f**king lives. Do you wanna look at my f**king pants?" He comically holds his pants up in front of the camera. Eeker

"if I want bubbles, boy you better f**king believe I'm gonna have bubbles!" Laugh

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