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In the early days they allowed Marcus to take control of the list.
Not the shopping. They have only one book with the items in it and that is what Marcus controls. He reads from it.

The others do tell him what they want and if it's any of the luxury items they come last, because the food shopping is the most important thing to organise.

Sophie might want hair extensions but if they were added to the shopping list first, there may not be enough money left for the necessary things. In this particular case, Marcus is in the right.

In past weeks when other HM's have requested things like tuna (Rod) BBQ Sauce (Charlie) they should be considered part of the list. They are not luxury items. Marcus and Rodrigo had an argument about the Tuna last week. Marcus said he would only add it if he had time. Now that is certainly controlling.

Lisa hasn't had tobacco since she got her 'special prize' and the only other smoker is David. Siavash hasn't smoked since Bea left.

Marcus doesn't do the shopping on his own. Charlie writes on the board and does the maths - at least, that's how I've noticed things in the past few weeks.
Originally posted by The Guru:
Did Marcus ask the group if they minded Sophie having her extensions? They all contributed to the bugdet this week. Or was it an outright no from Marcus and that's that.

Lisa didn't seem to mind, wonder how the others felt about it. It would have been easy to consult the group on it.

What Marcus says goes in that house, he is the worse type of control freak ever in BB history
Now now kids.. play nice!

I have to say I do think and have thought for a long time now that Marcus is a controlling man, he proved that earlier in the show.. but no matter... none of them are perfect and we are all entitled to support who we want...

I personally feel Siavash gets far more nasty threads then marcus.. but what can ya do?? it is what it is!

Sometimes when FM feels their favorite is being bashed about, they want to point out that the opposition is also far from perfect, hence bring a balance to the whole thing.. at the end if the day it's all only opinions, lets all have a drinkie lol Wink
Originally posted by The Guru:
Originally posted by luxor:
He is the only one who can add up while all the shouting that goes on.

Of course! Only Marcus can do it.

Only Marcus knows whats going on.

Only Marcus can be perceptive about others.

Only Marcus can be trusted.

He really builds himself up doesn't he?

1 word - Deluded.

Laugh Thumbs Up

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