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Originally posted by longcat:
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Your scheme didn't work Roll Eyes.
Well it didn't he expected there to be 3 up.

A stupid thing to say though as Siavash is supposed to be his "mate". Now he has just hit the start button on them bitching about Siavash, Marcus will probably join in by calling Siavash a bullshiter Sleepy
Originally posted by MrMeatAndPotatoPie:
Originally posted by longcat:
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Your scheme didn't work Roll Eyes.
Well it didn't he expected there to be 3 up.

A stupid thing to say though as Siavash is supposed to be his "mate". Now he has just hit the start button on them bitching about Siavash, Marcus will probably join in by calling Siavash a bullshiter Sleepy
I don't think Marcus even likes Siavash let alone thinks of him as a friend.
Siavash has decided to withdraw from the game that he volutarly signed up for. Since BB1 the one rule that has remained constant has been HM's must nominate.
If he did not like it then the door was open and he could walk anytime he wanted.
His poor me and my dilema cr*p is of his own making.
By not being in Lisa's gang he knew he would be up, so his 'no free ride speech to us' was nothing more than hot air. All he tried to do was cheat so somebody else as well as Marcus and he were up.
Originally posted by MrMeatAndPotatoPie:
Originally posted by Sink the Pink:
I pray that Vash goes, he has screwed up the noms for the last 4 weeks now with his righteous bullshit

David only got two votes... so even if he did vote for david it wouldnt of been enoughConfused The same people would be up

I am on about week 10 when he didnt nominate, had he nominated then it would have been Marcus, Bea and David, as he said he would have nominated David.

Bea at this time wasnt a hated figure and David would have gone breaking the Lisa Team
Originally posted by Sink the Pink:
Originally posted by The Guru:
Siavash's real rule breaking still a major talking point and causing lots of drama in the house.

He must stay over Marcus, who's turned into a bumlicking member of Cruel and the Gang.

When throughout the entire show has Marcus bum licked anyone Roll Eyes

You don't think he's tried to curry favour with Cruel and the Gang by backstabbing Siavash to them for weeks?

Well i do.
The Guru
Originally posted by The Guru:
Originally posted by Sink the Pink:
Originally posted by The Guru:
Siavash's real rule breaking still a major talking point and causing lots of drama in the house.

He must stay over Marcus, who's turned into a bumlicking member of Cruel and the Gang.

When throughout the entire show has Marcus bum licked anyone Roll Eyes

You don't think he's tried to curry favour with Cruel and the Gang by backstabbing Siavash to them for weeks?

Well i do.

He hasnt liked Vash since the Noirin thing, why should he stick up for him.

Plus back stabbing and bum licking are two different things, and Marcus has told Vash that he didnt consider him a friend
Originally posted by Sink the Pink:
Originally posted by The Guru:
Originally posted by Sink the Pink:
Originally posted by The Guru:
Siavash's real rule breaking still a major talking point and causing lots of drama in the house.

He must stay over Marcus, who's turned into a bumlicking member of Cruel and the Gang.

When throughout the entire show has Marcus bum licked anyone Roll Eyes

You don't think he's tried to curry favour with Cruel and the Gang by backstabbing Siavash to them for weeks?

Well i do.

He hasnt liked Vash since the Noirin thing, why should he stick up for him.

Plus back stabbing and bum licking are two different things, and Marcus has told Vash that he didnt consider him a friend

Oh i know he hasn't liked him since the Noirin thing, it's Vash that doesn't know that Marcus 'says it as it is' Akin doesn't like him.

Backstabbing Siavash to people like Charlie, is a form of bumlicking. He's trying to get in Charlie's good books. Afterall, Marcus has been spouting from day 1 that Charlie's gonna win this.
The Guru
Originally posted by The Guru:
Originally posted by Sink the Pink:
Originally posted by The Guru:
Originally posted by Sink the Pink:
Originally posted by The Guru:
Siavash's real rule breaking still a major talking point and causing lots of drama in the house.

He must stay over Marcus, who's turned into a bumlicking member of Cruel and the Gang.

When throughout the entire show has Marcus bum licked anyone Roll Eyes

You don't think he's tried to curry favour with Cruel and the Gang by backstabbing Siavash to them for weeks?

Well i do.

He hasnt liked Vash since the Noirin thing, why should he stick up for him.

Plus back stabbing and bum licking are two different things, and Marcus has told Vash that he didnt consider him a friend

Oh i know he hasn't liked him since the Noirin thing, it's Vash that doesn't know that Marcus 'says it as it is' Akin doesn't like him.

Backstabbing Siavash to people like Charlie, is a form of bumlicking. He's trying to get in Charlie's good books. Afterall, Marcus has been spouting from day 1 that Charlie's gonna win this.

Nah its not backstabbing is berating a person behind their back after coming across as a nicely nicely to thier face, Marcus has told Vash what he thinks of him and Vashs words were "Thats fine, i understand, sorry"

Bumlicking is trying to gain favour from an individual by ego boosting their persona to make the other like them, Marcus has never done that to Charlie, Marcus likes Charlie, they chat for ages during LF as most of the others have gone to bed
Originally posted by Sink the Pink:
Originally posted by The Guru:
Originally posted by Sink the Pink:
Originally posted by The Guru:
Originally posted by Sink the Pink:
Originally posted by The Guru:
Siavash's real rule breaking still a major talking point and causing lots of drama in the house.

He must stay over Marcus, who's turned into a bumlicking member of Cruel and the Gang.

When throughout the entire show has Marcus bum licked anyone Roll Eyes

You don't think he's tried to curry favour with Cruel and the Gang by backstabbing Siavash to them for weeks?

Well i do.

He hasnt liked Vash since the Noirin thing, why should he stick up for him.

Plus back stabbing and bum licking are two different things, and Marcus has told Vash that he didnt consider him a friend

Oh i know he hasn't liked him since the Noirin thing, it's Vash that doesn't know that Marcus 'says it as it is' Akin doesn't like him.

Backstabbing Siavash to people like Charlie, is a form of bumlicking. He's trying to get in Charlie's good books. Afterall, Marcus has been spouting from day 1 that Charlie's gonna win this.

Nah its not backstabbing is berating a person behind their back after coming across as a nicely nicely to thier face, Marcus has told Vash what he thinks of him and Vashs words were "Thats fine, i understand, sorry"

Bumlicking is trying to gain favour from an individual by ego boosting their persona to make the other like them, Marcus has never done that to Charlie, Marcus likes Charlie, they chat for ages during LF as most of the others have gone to bed

Quote please... All i've heard Marcus call Vash is a bullshitter. Laughable considering Marcus has been the biggest bullshitter in the house.

His, taking on a 100 men at karate story, that he told with the sole intention of trying to impress Noirin. He was serious btw. It reminded me of young lads bragging about how hard they are.

Has he told Siavash that he'll be out on his arse come Friday? He bragged that would happen in front of Cruel and the Gang then went strangely quiet.

And this Siavash is a bullshitter mantra that Marcus keeps trotting out is very vague. What are the things that Siavash has bullshitted about?
The Guru
Originally posted by luxor:
Siavash has decided to withdraw from the game that he volutarly signed up for. Since BB1 the one rule that has remained constant has been HM's must nominate.
If he did not like it then the door was open and he could walk anytime he wanted.
His poor me and my dilema cr*p is of his own making.
By not being in Lisa's gang he knew he would be up, so his 'no free ride speech to us' was nothing more than hot air. All he tried to do was cheat so somebody else as well as Marcus and he were up.

hi luxor. Siavash signed up for a game that he thought would be fair. Since he has been in the house he has realised that the game is not fair, that cheating is rife. He has attempted to highlight the cheating block nominations, at great risk to himself.

But the sentence in your post which I have the most difficulty with is this one: By not being in Lisa's gang he knew he would be up. What you are saying, in effect, is that Siavash should have been in Lisa's gang to survive. But surely he would then have been in the block nominations gang and, by default, in the cheating gang. How can that be right? Do most people follow that criteria, and follow the pack? Or do some people act like an individual and say and act on what they know to be true and fair, a la Siavash?
Twee Surgeon
Originally posted by darloboy07:

Both seem gutted Frowner, Marcus little dig though at Siavash Big Grin Eeker.

Thanks for that darlo, Siavash should have voted for David if he wanted him up shouldn't he. He knew that both Marcus and Sophie had nominated David and his would have made three! The thing that Siavash did not bargain for though was Rodrigo. He thought that Rodrigo would also have voted for David and not him. If he had then they would have had three votes each!
Originally posted by Twee Surgeon:
Originally posted by luxor:
Siavash has decided to withdraw from the game that he volutarly signed up for. Since BB1 the one rule that has remained constant has been HM's must nominate.
If he did not like it then the door was open and he could walk anytime he wanted.
His poor me and my dilema cr*p is of his own making.
By not being in Lisa's gang he knew he would be up, so his 'no free ride speech to us' was nothing more than hot air. All he tried to do was cheat so somebody else as well as Marcus and he were up.

hi luxor. Siavash signed up for a game that he thought would be fair. Since he has been in the house he has realised that the game is not fair, that cheating is rife. He has attempted to highlight the cheating block nominations, at great risk to himself.

But the sentence in your post which I have the most difficulty with is this one: By not being in Lisa's gang he knew he would be up. What you are saying, in effect, is that Siavash should have been in Lisa's gang to survive. But surely he would then have been in the block nominations gang and, by default, in the cheating gang. How can that be right? Do most people follow that criteria, and follow the pack? Or do some people act like an individual and say and act on what they know to be true and fair, a la Siavash?

Hi Twee surgeon, I am sorry but I have never agreed about the block nominations or cheating as you have put it! Until BB told them that they could talk about nominations the ones that have been friends since the beginning of BB did not block vote in my view, therefore not cheated! I am not a fan of Lisa, Charlie or David either. I think what you will find is that because this group of people become friendly from the beginning and kept their friendships they have always voted for people out of that circle of friends.

Marcus, Freddie, Noirin and Siavash had there chance when they held all the cards to get rid of Lisa but that was the week that Noirin and Marcus voted for each other and they messed up. Again they held all the cards when Marcus, Freddie, Siavash and Bea were voting against the others and again Bea and Freddie fell out and they voted differently. My feeling is that the reason that Marcus, Freddie and Siavash have been picked off is more to do with the fact of them fancying different women in the house. Siavash took Noirin off Marcus and Marcus was upset. Bea and Freddie fell out and Bea went to the other side to save her own skin. So by Marcus, Freddie and Siavash letting the women take their minds off the game they are in the position they are in now!

At the end of the day, we may not like Lisa, Charlie and David but by them all staying friends with Sophie and Rodrigo, their friendships have saved them! Basically they have been the most loyal in the house. Like it or not this is now the situation!

Also dont forget that Sophie did not do as Lisa, Charlie and David wanted them to do this week. She was adamant that she would not vote for Siavash and she didn't. Big up for Sophie for sticking to her guns even though David was annoyed with her.
Originally posted by Twee Surgeon:
Thanks for the link darlo. The looks on the faces of the others were more revealing. They said 'job done, cheating has worked, good result, a free ride to the final'.

I trust they have factored us into the equation on the final night Wink

True! They have had a free ride to the final, well, most of them....Lisa looked delighted!Big Grin
The Devil In Diamante
Originally posted by Ņ•ÏÎđ∂Ņ”ŅÐžÏƒÎ·ÐšŅ”Îģ:
Yes, respect to Sophie. She'll be my favourite to win if Siavash goes on Friday.

If Vash goes, it has to be Sophie or Marcus...

...whoever goes, we're all gonna have to join together to make sure NONE of Cruel & The Gang win, even if the alternative isn't one of your faves Nod

I was thinking how they'll feel when they come out and realise that they weren't still there by the viewers choice, but because of the mess BB has made of things, then I realised that they don't give a shite if they have had a free ride, they'll still think they're adored...Charlie for instance...

..What a pile of poop! Big Grin
The Devil In Diamante
Originally posted by Darcyprincess:
Originally posted by darloboy07:

Both seem gutted Frowner, Marcus little dig though at Siavash Big Grin Eeker.

Thanks for that darlo, Siavash should have voted for David if he wanted him up shouldn't he. He knew that both Marcus and Sophie had nominated David and his would have made three! The thing that Siavash did not bargain for though was Rodrigo. He thought that Rodrigo would also have voted for David and not him. If he had then they would have had three votes each!

Siavash was unsure of Rods vote but did'nt want to vote dave because if Rod did the same it would mean just Dave and Marcus up. He knew that not voting could mean just him and Marcus up, but hoped that Rod might vote aginst Dave giving them 3 votes each. He was always aware that this could happen and took the risk!
All this talk of a "free ride" to the final and "cheating" has got to be the biggest load of absolute crap I've ever heard! And all because Team Lisa are still there! Well tough! Get over it! Siavash, Marcus and Freddie brought everything on themselves and if they'd used their damn brains instead of @rsing around like a load of morons, they could've picked off Lisa's team but oh no, they'd rather p!ss HMs off and break the rules instead. No one is to blame but them!!

For the life of me I don't know what Lisa has done to get all this bad press. I think she had every right to sit there and smirk because of Siavash's daft SCHEME which quite frankly got him NOWHERE! If he'd just done his bliddy nominations, he could've stayed to the end. He only has one chance at being on BB and to try and prove some daft moralistic point is just stupid imo because he may well go tomorrow. What a waste of all that time in the House for it to come to that.

The whole "free ride" and Lisa "cheating" or whatever is just sour grapes. If anything she should be applauded for making it to the final week, something she said she never imagined in a million years so good on her!!

PMSL rant over Big Grin and I'm sorry if I've offended anyone Glance.
Lord Lucan

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