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I found it interesting that Siavash revealed last night on LF that BB had asked him to behave in certain ways before and during the show ie. be argumentative, which he did'nt want to do. Sophie felt that BB try to push people into conforming to their VT.

I had never heard hms discuss what has long been obvious to me. The production team do indeed try to push hms into certain roles and try to 'encourage' them to stick to them. I wonder how many do stick to the script and how many radically deviate. I would guess that unimaginative conformists like Dave and Rod would stick rigidly to the script, whereas the likes of Siavash and Marcus would wander widely of it at times! Big Grin

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Originally posted by kimota:
I found it interesting that Siavash revealed last night on LF that BB had asked him to behave in certain ways before and during the show ie. be argumentative, which he did'nt want to do. Sophie felt that BB try to push people into conforming to their VT.

I had never heard hms discuss what has long been obvious to me. The production team do indeed try to push hms into certain roles and try to 'encourage' them to stick to them. I wonder how many do stick to the script and how many radically deviate. I would guess that unimaginative conformists like Dave and Rod would stick rigidly to the script, whereas the likes of Siavash and Marcus would wander widely of it at times! Big Grin

That betrays the whole ethos of the show!
I have wondered this for a few years now. I remember reading an article that Lesley of BB6 saying that she was upset about the "role she was expected to portray". It seemed odd to me, at the time, that she chose those words and that's probably why the quote stuck with me.

I have said all along that the reason we don't have live feed during the day is because the housemates are being fed their lines and need the time to memorise them.
Originally posted by squiggle:
Originally posted by kimota:
I found it interesting that Siavash revealed last night on LF that BB had asked him to behave in certain ways before and during the show ie. be argumentative, which he did'nt want to do. Sophie felt that BB try to push people into conforming to their VT.

I had never heard hms discuss what has long been obvious to me. The production team do indeed try to push hms into certain roles and try to 'encourage' them to stick to them. I wonder how many do stick to the script and how many radically deviate. I would guess that unimaginative conformists like Dave and Rod would stick rigidly to the script, whereas the likes of Siavash and Marcus would wander widely of it at times! Big Grin

That betrays the whole ethos of the show!

Is it any wonder it is being axed then? Nope.
I think it's just their interpretation of what BB want. I doubt DR-BB would tell them to behave in any particular way. I mean, exactly how would that conversation take that kind of turn ?

It's true that BB will pick argumentative/controversial/wannabe-page3's type people to take part in the show. Let's face it, normal people wouldn't even apply Wink
Originally posted by squiggle:
Originally posted by kimota:
I found it interesting that Siavash revealed last night on LF that BB had asked him to behave in certain ways before and during the show ie. be argumentative, which he did'nt want to do. Sophie felt that BB try to push people into conforming to their VT.

I had never heard hms discuss what has long been obvious to me. The production team do indeed try to push hms into certain roles and try to 'encourage' them to stick to them. I wonder how many do stick to the script and how many radically deviate. I would guess that unimaginative conformists like Dave and Rod would stick rigidly to the script, whereas the likes of Siavash and Marcus would wander widely of it at times! Big Grin

That betrays the whole ethos of the show!

Producers will do anything to make money.
Originally posted by kimota:
I found it interesting that Siavash revealed last night on LF that BB had asked him to behave in certain ways before and during the show ie. be argumentative, which he did'nt want to do. Sophie felt that BB try to push people into conforming to their VT.

I had never heard hms discuss what has long been obvious to me. The production team do indeed try to push hms into certain roles and try to 'encourage' them to stick to them. I wonder how many do stick to the script and how many radically deviate. I would guess that unimaginative conformists like Dave and Rod would stick rigidly to the script, whereas the likes of Siavash and Marcus would wander widely of it at times! Big Grin

BB soon silenced them ! Mad
Originally posted by Tiddly~Wink:
Originally posted by kimota:
I found it interesting that Siavash revealed last night on LF that BB had asked him to behave in certain ways before and during the show ie. be argumentative, which he did'nt want to do. Sophie felt that BB try to push people into conforming to their VT.

I had never heard hms discuss what has long been obvious to me. The production team do indeed try to push hms into certain roles and try to 'encourage' them to stick to them. I wonder how many do stick to the script and how many radically deviate. I would guess that unimaginative conformists like Dave and Rod would stick rigidly to the script, whereas the likes of Siavash and Marcus would wander widely of it at times! Big Grin

BB soon silenced them ! Mad

Yeah, they were'nt happy about them talking about it, but on the other hand they could have just put birds/ airplane noise over the top of it and we would never have heard it. Maybe the editing bods were'nt on the ball. I've noticed them letting a lot slip through this year! Big Grin
Originally posted by Free Thinking:
I said this a while back but hardly anyone believed me.

Marcus has also said that in the DR they try and prompt him to say things or go in certain directions.

Yes, you were saying it weeks ago. I too remember fighting Noirins VT corner, where some wanted to take it literally as her personality.
She was no angel, but the whole thing reeked of 'character' acting.
. This has been going on since at least BB4 the series that even CH4 don't like to mention, they have meddled poked and adjusted everything to save them from another disaster, there has been too many cats let out of the bag over the years for it not to have been fixed and manipulated to the hilt and I for one remember on the old forum how you got a bashing if you dared to say it was anything but kosher...

Oh well it seems some of us were right after all Shake Head

Originally posted by Canicant:
. I for one remember on the old forum how you got a bashing if you dared to say it was anything but kosher...

Oh well it seems some of us were right after all Shake Head


Its like revealing to a WWW fan that the wrestling is choreographed! Big Grin
Actually I don't think BB is too bad. Obviously some hms will slavishly do as prompted, but others always go their own way. I always felt that part of BB's dislike for Aisleyne came from the fact that they wanted her to be the one dimensional 'ghetto Princess' when in fact she was so much more!
Originally posted by captain marbles:
That was a pretty interesting chat they were having, with Sophie proving once again that she's far from the dumbo she occasionally portrays. It wasn't surprising that they were soon shup up with a swift "HMs are reminded that they are not permitted to discuss the audition process".

I think Sophie is ill-educated and a bit dippy, but is actually quite sharp in some ways. I am liking her more and more.
Originally posted by kimota:
Originally posted by captain marbles:
That was a pretty interesting chat they were having, with Sophie proving once again that she's far from the dumbo she occasionally portrays. It wasn't surprising that they were soon shup up with a swift "HMs are reminded that they are not permitted to discuss the audition process".

I think Sophie is ill-educated and a bit dippy, but is actually quite sharp in some ways. I am liking her more and more.
I was impressed with her during the row, but I do think she's pushing the "dumb blonde" angle much too hard. Without it she's quite intuitive and funny.
captain marbles
I really don't understand why they do this. the first 3 bb's were imo the very best. I'm sure they had less HL shows for them though. Could it be that now they have 7 1hr long slots to fill, there is more pressure to create drama? Most bb fans i know used to enjoy the silly mundane stuff on LF best. BB 4 was a wash out imo cos they tried to recreate bb3 by putting 'normal people in trouble was they were complete dullards.

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