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Originally posted by pretty~cocoa~eyes:
Originally posted by longcat:
Originally posted by Shar:
Originally posted by Lord Lucan:
It's natural for groups to form and for people to form groups. Groups will clash and eventually only one group will be left standing.

Why does Siavash think that's wrong? It's just natural human behaviour.

So is being an individual .... some people are just better at it than others .... like Siavash ... Thumbs Up
So is being a team and block voting its just that some are better than others like Team Lisa Smiler
Also remember b-block from last year were block-voting as well but the forum was happy and merry then Laugh

I said that on another thread and have been banging on about the 'where it all went wrong' and nobody responds. Some just think like Siavash, that it's unfair they are NOT ALL UP!?! They had their chance and blew it with their schoolboy protests. From that point on, unless they used tactics and strategies, they were doomed. All this 'unfair' crap is just that, even the Dark Horse has bolted!
Originally posted by felix:
Originally posted by pretty~cocoa~eyes:
Originally posted by longcat:
Originally posted by Shar:
Originally posted by Lord Lucan:
It's natural for groups to form and for people to form groups. Groups will clash and eventually only one group will be left standing.

Why does Siavash think that's wrong? It's just natural human behaviour.

So is being an individual .... some people are just better at it than others .... like Siavash ... Thumbs Up
So is being a team and block voting its just that some are better than others like Team Lisa Smiler
Also remember b-block from last year were block-voting as well but the forum was happy and merry then Laugh

I said that on another thread and have been banging on about the 'where it all went wrong' and nobody responds. Some just think like Siavash, that it's unfair they are NOT ALL UP!?! They had their chance and blew it with their schoolboy protests. From that point on, unless they used tactics and strategies, they were doomed. All this 'unfair' crap is just that, even the Dark Horse has bolted!

They ruined their game plan... Had they remained focused, they would have been the ones block-voting and the forum would have been happy Laugh... I love the double standards in this place Laugh
Originally posted by pretty~cocoa~eyes:
Originally posted by felix:
Laugh PCE, there's as much poop and fighting on here, as the so called vile bullehs have served to wimpvash. Laugh
He blew his own non gameplan!
I agree with you.... They are air-brushing him out to be the moralest(I know its not a word Big Grin) housemate Big Grin

Thumbs Up Can't wait to see his face tonight when BB goes "In no alphabetical order, those up for eviction are .......Marcus ....... and .......... Siavash ......................." with Siavash thinking "And David" and there's no David Big Grin. Serves him right Laugh.
Lord Lucan
Originally posted by Lord Lucan:
Originally posted by pretty~cocoa~eyes:
Originally posted by felix:
Laugh PCE, there's as much poop and fighting on here, as the so called vile bullehs have served to wimpvash. Laugh
He blew his own non gameplan!
I agree with you.... They are air-brushing him out to be the moralest(I know its not a word Big Grin) housemate Big Grin

Thumbs Up Can't wait to see his face tonight when BB goes "In no alphabetical order, those up for eviction are .......Marcus ....... and .......... Siavash ......................." with Siavash thinking "And David" and there's no David Big Grin. Serves him right Laugh.
Laugh Would be beautiful to watch.... Laugh
Originally posted by The Guru:
Those expecting shock or any sort of drama are going to be severely disappointed.

The reaction will be a smile and a handshake, with maybe a 'what's done is done' or an 'it's all good my man' Big Grin

Hmmm .. yes that's possible but I think for the next 2 days he'll be kakking it because a) he's only known safety in numbers when he's up Big Grin and b) Marcus was the last person he wanted to go head to head with. I shall watch his behaviour and reaction to it all especially when it suddenly sinks in that he could be evicted and oh the absolute horror of a few boos thrown in his direction. God I'm mean! Big Grin
Lord Lucan
Originally posted by Lord Lucan:
Originally posted by The Guru:
Those expecting shock or any sort of drama are going to be severely disappointed.

The reaction will be a smile and a handshake, with maybe a 'what's done is done' or an 'it's all good my man' Big Grin

Hmmm .. yes that's possible but I think for the next 2 days he'll be kakking it because a) he's only known safety in numbers when he's up Big Grin and b) Marcus was the last person he wanted to go head to head with. I shall watch his behaviour and reaction to it all especially when it suddenly sinks in that he could be evicted and oh the absolute horror of a few boos thrown in his direction. God I'm mean! Big Grin

He said on last nights show that he'll probably be the one to go and showed no signs of 'kakking' it and was quite resigned to the fact he'll be out Friday night.

He will be kakking it over the mess he made of his relationship with his ex though, which would be quite normal.

They all worry about boo's Roll Eyes
The Guru
Originally posted by The Guru:
Originally posted by Lord Lucan:
Originally posted by The Guru:
Those expecting shock or any sort of drama are going to be severely disappointed.

The reaction will be a smile and a handshake, with maybe a 'what's done is done' or an 'it's all good my man' Big Grin

Hmmm .. yes that's possible but I think for the next 2 days he'll be kakking it because a) he's only known safety in numbers when he's up Big Grin and b) Marcus was the last person he wanted to go head to head with. I shall watch his behaviour and reaction to it all especially when it suddenly sinks in that he could be evicted and oh the absolute horror of a few boos thrown in his direction. God I'm mean! Big Grin

He said on last nights show that he'll probably be the one to go and showed no signs of 'kakking' it and was quite resigned to the fact he'll be out Friday night.

He will be kakking it over the mess he made of his relationship with his ex though, which would be quite normal.

They all worry about boo's Roll Eyes

I have to say the way he puts his fingers in his ears and screws up his face when he doesn't want to hear something makes me laugh!
Lord Lucan
Ah! So this is the anti-Siavash thread for today. Hi LordL wavey

As I have stated before on so many anti-Siavash threads, the reason Siavash has not nominated is because the game is not fair, he sees block nominations as cheating, he does not want to play in a corrupt game where cheating is rife, and he has decided not to play a corrupt game with corrupt rules. He has thereby tried to stop the cheating by throwing a spanner in the works and, by doing so, he has put himself at risk.

If I am any judge of the GBP at all, I would say that quite a few people will applaud Siavash for standing up for fair play. The GBP do not like cheating or the winning of a game by cheating. The winner of BB is usually someone who plays a fair game, a fair and square win, and someone who deserves to win also has the advantage when it comes to the voting public. For all the cheating in the game this year, I predict that the winner will not be one of the cheaters: Lisa or Charlie or David. But the winner will be one of the people who have played by fair rules and who therefore deserve to win: Marcus/Siavash or Sophie or Rodrigo. May the best man/woman win, as chosen by the GBP Wink
Twee Surgeon
Originally posted by pretty~cocoa~eyes:
Originally posted by Lord Lucan:
It's natural for groups to form and for people to form groups. Groups will clash and eventually only one group will be left standing.

Why does Siavash think that's wrong? It's just natural human behaviour.
True... Maybe if he didnt cheat on his gf and steal his "best friends" crush they would have had the upper hand... He singlehandedly messed up their group...

That is absolute BS! his personal life outside the house is no ones business and Marcus was never even his friend... even if he was which Siavash did think, he went through enough apologies to a man who never accepted it, and never had a chance with Noirin...

what the hell has that got to do with groups forming!>>?? Roll Eyes
I think he would still act the same way. He is genuine in his belief that 'no-one should get a free ride to the final' He could have simply voted against Dave and made it clear to Rod he was going to vote early in the week. Untill he mentioned not voting Rod was agreed with Sophie that 'originals should stay' If all Vash was concerned about was survival, this would have been the logical course, offering the best chance that Dave would be up also or instead of him!
Originally posted by Twee Surgeon:
Ah! So this is the anti-Siavash thread for today. Hi LordL wavey

As I have stated before on so many anti-Siavash threads, the reason Siavash has not nominated is because the game is not fair, he sees block nominations as cheating, he does not want to play in a corrupt game where cheating is rife, and he has decided not to play a corrupt game with corrupt rules. He has thereby tried to stop the cheating by throwing a spanner in the works and, by doing so, he has put himself at risk.

If I am any judge of the GBP at all, I would say that quite a few people will applaud Siavash for standing up for fair play. The GBP do not like cheating or the winning of a game by cheating. The winner of BB is usually someone who plays a fair game, a fair and square win, and someone who deserves to win also has the advantage when it comes to the voting public. For all the cheating in the game this year, I predict that the winner will not be one of the cheaters: Lisa or Charlie or David. But the winner will be one of the people who have played by fair rules and who therefore deserve to win: Marcus/Siavash or Sophie or Rodrigo. May the best man/woman win, as chosen by the GBP Wink

Hi ya Twee wavey lol

I hear wotcha saying but this can work two ways. Siavash taking it upon himself to change the rules and the "no one should get a free ride" mantra of his is pompous and well arrogant as it's not up to him how things should pan out. For that, I can see a very angry GBP who will vote him out. On the other hand, they could love it and keep him in. It's 50/50 really.
Lord Lucan
Originally posted by Lord Lucan:
Originally posted by Twee Surgeon:
Ah! So this is the anti-Siavash thread for today. Hi LordL wavey

As I have stated before on so many anti-Siavash threads, the reason Siavash has not nominated is because the game is not fair, he sees block nominations as cheating, he does not want to play in a corrupt game where cheating is rife, and he has decided not to play a corrupt game with corrupt rules. He has thereby tried to stop the cheating by throwing a spanner in the works and, by doing so, he has put himself at risk.

If I am any judge of the GBP at all, I would say that quite a few people will applaud Siavash for standing up for fair play. The GBP do not like cheating or the winning of a game by cheating. The winner of BB is usually someone who plays a fair game, a fair and square win, and someone who deserves to win also has the advantage when it comes to the voting public. For all the cheating in the game this year, I predict that the winner will not be one of the cheaters: Lisa or Charlie or David. But the winner will be one of the people who have played by fair rules and who therefore deserve to win: Marcus/Siavash or Sophie or Rodrigo. May the best man/woman win, as chosen by the GBP Wink

Hi ya Twee wavey lol

I hear wotcha saying but this can work two ways. Siavash taking it upon himself to change the rules and the "no one should get a free ride" mantra of his is pompous and well arrogant as it's not up to him how things should pan out. For that, I can see a very angry GBP who will vote him out. On the other hand, they could love it and keep him in. It's 50/50 really.

hiya LordL wavey Because Siavash has stated quite openly that he has no difficulty with nominating friends at this stage of the game, he has admitted that this is not his reason for not nominating. He has reiterated this point over and over again to the other HMs, some of who choose not to listen to this explanation, for reasons known only to themselves Wink. However we, the public, have heard him and have taken on board what he has said. We have also heard his reasons for not nominating, for not wanting to enter into a block nominations situation.

In effect, what Siavash is explaining to us and to BB is perfectly understandable. He is trying to eliminate cheating and to prolong his stay in the house by exposing the cheating that is going on. If I can see this, I am sure other people can too. It is just cheating by another name - block nominating is cheating - and agreeing to go along with cheating to achieve a place in the final week can be laid at the doorsteps of Lisa, David and Charlie, the cheats-in-chief.

The final decision of course will be left to us to decide on the last night of the show Big Grin
Twee Surgeon

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