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As the housemates were gathered on the sofas they were told that, yes they were entertaining when they broke out of the House and into the camera runs, but they broke the rules. And, as a consequence, the prize money has been reduced from 100k to... zero.

Oddly, the housemates cheered and clapped. David and Charlie said they are glad.

David and Lisa had a chat and said that they didn't care about the money as they didn't want it. They later talked about their trip to London, saying how 'weird' it was being back in the House, leading Charlie to tell David he'd only been in here 5 minutes anyway'. Charlie then said it was a joke

Rodrigo went to the Diary Room and talked about going into the camera runs, saying that it was not a rule break as they were being entertaining. Suffice to say, Big Brother did not agree.

The housemates watched as Marcus got out the pool to go for a wee. Charlie admitted that when he is in the pool, he wees in it, Sophie said that she does too. Rodrigo then admitted that he often wees in the bath when he's sharing it with other housemates and Sophie once again agreed that she does it. Eeww.

Just after midnight Siavash joked with Sophie that she has tried it on with all the male housemates. Forty minutes later Sophie told Siavash that she has never fancied him and he replied that all girls fancy him, and that his ex-girlfriend described him as her perfect guy. Sophie told him that he was short, hairy and not slim'.

At 02:19 Charlie and Rodrigo were cuddling in bed. They snuggled under the duvet and began to kiss.

The money Laugh, Charigo Sleepy.

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David and Lisa had a chat and said that they didn't care about the money as they didn't want it. They later talked about their trip to London, saying how 'weird' it was being back in the House, leading Charlie to tell David he'd only been in here 5 minutes anyway'. Charlie then said it was a joke
Charlie and his jokes he is such a wag.
Thanks for update Darlo. Great if they take away prize many causes it can go to.
Uggh! not nice to hear Sophie's & Rod's confession about pissing in the bath but guess HMs can choose whether to bath alone. As for Charlie pissing in the pool...doesn't surprise me as didn't he say that he doesn't wash his hands after peeing in the loo? Don't talk to me about mayonnaise and health and safety!!
Originally posted by darloboy07:
As the housemates were gathered on the sofas they were told that, yes they were entertaining when they broke out of the House and into the camera runs, but they broke the rules. And, as a consequence, the prize money has been reduced from 100k to... zero.

Oddly, the housemates cheered and clapped. David and Charlie said they are glad.

David and Lisa had a chat and said that they didn't care about the money as they didn't want it. They later talked about their trip to London, saying how 'weird' it was being back in the House, leading Charlie to tell David he'd only been in here 5 minutes anyway'. Charlie then said it was a joke

Rodrigo went to the Diary Room and talked about going into the camera runs, saying that it was not a rule break as they were being entertaining. Suffice to say, Big Brother did not agree.

The housemates watched as Marcus got out the pool to go for a wee. Charlie admitted that when he is in the pool, he wees in it, Sophie said that she does too. Rodrigo then admitted that he often wees in the bath when he's sharing it with other housemates and Sophie once again agreed that she does it. Eeww.

Just after midnight Siavash joked with Sophie that she has tried it on with all the male housemates. Forty minutes later Sophie told Siavash that she has never fancied him and he replied that all girls fancy him, and that his ex-girlfriend described him as her perfect guy. Sophie told him that he was short, hairy and not slim'.

At 02:19 Charlie and Rodrigo were cuddling in bed. They snuggled under the duvet and began to kiss.

The money Laugh, Charigo Sleepy.

Weeing in the pool, weeing in a shared bath!!! YUCK....
...The housemates watched as Marcus got out the pool to go for a wee. Charlie admitted that when he is in the pool, he wees in it, Sophie said that she does too. Rodrigo then admitted that he often wees in the bath when he's sharing it with other housemates and Sophie once again agreed that she does it. Eeww....

Where's Alex and his "disgusting" comment when you need him? Laugh
Originally posted by watcher1:
As for Charlie pissing in the pool...doesn't surprise me as didn't he say that he doesn't wash his hands after peeing in the loo? Don't talk to me about mayonnaise and health and safety!!

Exactly watcher. I'm glad you spotted that. He said he only wahses his hands after a poo. He doesn`t wash after urinating. So I presume he goes on to touch housemates, food, kitchen worktops and utensils, items in the fridge...
Charlie, the great unwashed.

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