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".Read the last paragraph..yawn...

BORED housemates made a bid for freedom in the show’s biggest security scare of the series

Marcus Akin, Sophie Reade, Siavash Sabbaghpour, Charlie Drummond and Rodrigo Lopes smashed their way out via a fire door.

But they were not the only ones to have a taste of the real world.

In a first for BB, housemates Lisa Wallace, 41, and David Ramsden, 28, were taken into central London as part of the shopping task.

Dressed as aliens, they were taken to famous landmarks, including Buckingham Palace, and had to convince a member of the public to take their picture without uttering a sound.

Back at the house, the escapees split up as soon as they broke out.

Pals Sophie, 20, Rodrigo, 23, and Charlie, 22, caused chaos by charging about as production staff tried to round them up.

Meanwhile Wolverine wannabe Marcus, 35, and Siavash, 23, made it past the security gates into the main compound of the BB studio in Elstree, Borehamwood, before being nabbed.

But clueless Charlie locked himself into a task room and had to be saved by Sophie.

A show insider said: “They were just really bored and decided to liven things up.”

The break-out wasn’t the only bit of excitement. Charlie and Rodrigo gave BB its first gay romp after cameras caught them under the duvet for “sexy time".

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Originally posted by Senora Reyes:
They'll get such a shock when theyh realise that the biggest talking point and the love triangle of the series was Marcus,Noirin and Siavash... Laugh

Definately, do they not realise it is so un-perfectly timed after the row...if it happened before the row, it may have carried a little credibility....twonks...Laugh
The Devil In Diamante
Originally posted by Pengy:
Originally posted by The Devil In Diamante:

But clueless Charlie locked himself into a task room and had to be saved by Sophie.

says it all doesn't it Roll Eyes
Shame they didn't throw away the key.
captain marbles

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