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...yup, I'm talking Charlie, but I know you had already guessed that from my description in the title...

...Only just watched last nights HLS show and cannot believe what a snidey little wassack Charlie showed himself to be...

...I'm talking about Siavash and his not nominating, Charlie was more bothered about him 'looking like mr nice guy' to the viewers, he should know all about that ey!!!

He did 2 things that really peed me off last night, the 1st was in the DR when he was nominating Marcus, the obly reason he could thinks of to justify it was that he was nasty and something to do with tokens...that was weeks ago...

The biggest thing he said last night that made me want to puke was when he was told Siavash hadn't nommed, he then REPEATEDLY kept bringing up the fact that Vash had "cheated on his G/F and on his mat" That was also weeks ago, and he only brought it up (a couple of times) to remind us viewers incase WE thought Vash was Mr Nice Guy for not nominating...

He really showed his nasty, vindictive side last night bringing all that up...twisted little creep...

I don't care who goes this week TBH, what I do care about is that Charlie is not in the top 4!!!

One final thing, i notice Lisa kept out of it last nught, maybe she could see some logic in what vash had tried to achieve??? Maybe...

Anyways, rant a nutshell...I loathe Charlie the pillock!!! Nod

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Spot on Diamante apart from Lisa understanding!Umph! She has kept a low profile and is just waiting in the wings for her triumphful tour of duty of her foot soldiers who she has trained successfully to do her assassinating by proxy!
She says jump! they say How high?
Even Marcus has been has been suckered by her since she lathered on the sycophantic sickly praise of him when he was in the pool. He couldn't see that it was a party political broadcast on behalf of the vote Freddie out party! Shake Head
Originally posted by figtree:
Spot on Diamante apart from Lisa understanding!Umph! She has kept a low profile and is just waiting in the wings for her triumphful tour of duty of her foot soldiers who she has trained successfully to do her assassinating by proxy!
She says jump! they say How high?
Even Marcus has been has been suckered by her since she lathered on the sycophantic sickly praise of him when he was in the pool. He couldn't see that it was a party political broadcast on behalf of the vote Freddie out party! Shake Head

Very good post Figtree. Though when Marcus talks about Lisa and co grabbing food or whatever they can just for the sake of it so no one esle can have it or just wanting what someone else has got - he seems to understand them all too well. Perhaps he is lying low too. I hope he has something up his sleeve this week.

Not fags, I might add!
The biggest thing he said last night that made me want to puke was when he was told Siavash hadn't nommed, he then REPEATEDLY kept bringing up the fact that Vash had "cheated on his G/F and on his mat" That was also weeks ago, and he only brought it up (a couple of times)

Exactly Nod .... as soon as I watched that video clip (yesterday afternoon) on this forum, I thought, what a cheap shot.

Imo, it showed Charlie in his true colours .... horrible little toad he is Shake Head
Originally posted by Mummy Maz:
Originally posted by JacksonB:
reckon lisa didn't get invovled because she knew who had nommed who and that her mob were safe.

as they say oop these parts - bob on Thumbs Up

yes and the 'boy' vash - darent say arab (it isnt r@cist anyway - its like Scotsman Englishnam Irishman defo not r@cist ) - knew what he was doing - putting Soph and Charlie up - SLYYYYYYYYYYY !!
As Jeggo said earlier in this thread, it is what they call `projection` or `transference` when a person sees their own traits in somebody else - and don`t like what they see.
It has not been made as much of, but I think another element in Charlie`s vile behaviour was that he got 1 nomination (as a result of Siavash refusing to nominate.)
We saw Charlie panic previously when he and Lisa were nominated (but as punishment this was overruled when everyone was put up instead.)
I truly believe that 1 single nomination would upset the "full-of-himself" to this extent.
One of the most odious and vile contestants - EVER!
Originally posted by brisket:
As Jeggo said earlier in this thread, it is what they call `projection` or `transference` when a person sees their own traits in somebody else - and don`t like what they see.
It has not been made as much of, but I think another element in Charlie`s vile behaviour was that he got 1 nomination (as a result of Siavash refusing to nominate.)
We saw Charlie panic previously when he and Lisa were nominated (but as punishment this was overruled when everyone was put up instead.)
I truly believe that 1 single nomination would upset the "full-of-himself" to this extent.
One of the most odious and vile contestants - EVER!

Vash would've nominated Charlie & David, so the only difference was that SOphie got the vote...Charlie nominated Vash, so what's his bloody problem.....Big Grin
The Devil In Diamante
Originally posted by 15:10:
LOL yep Before I even came in here, I knew you had to be talking about Charlie. Big Grin

If rumours are true and there's gonna be two booted out on or around the 1st, I so hope one of them is Charlie. Nod Oh the burn he'll feel. Big Grin Laugh Ninja

Thumbs Up on the post TDID! Clapping

ohhhh, i so hope he gets that smug smile wiped of that face I wouldn't get fed up of slapping! NodBig Grin
The Devil In Diamante
Originally posted by porto:
Originally posted by Mummy Maz:
Originally posted by JacksonB:
reckon lisa didn't get invovled because she knew who had nommed who and that her mob were safe.

as they say oop these parts - bob on Thumbs Up

yes and the 'boy' vash - darent say arab (it isnt r@cist anyway - its like Scotsman Englishnam Irishman defo not r@cist ) - knew what he was doing - putting Soph and Charlie up - SLYYYYYYYYYYY !!

Why don`t you just call him by his name then instead of including all that palaver? Confused

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