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Originally posted by fz:
They must be broadcasting different highlight one clearly showed the vash saying in the diary room it would either be him/david and marcus OR him and marcus.....and he said he would be taking a gamble up against marcus alone, but wanted to take it as he didnt want a free ride.

If it's any consolation, that's the HL show I saw too ... Big Grin
Originally posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally posted by Cold Sweat:

But he is another Freddie; or more accurately, for a few minutes on the HL show tonight, he became Week 4 Freddie. For example, tonight - in the garden, reminded me of the particular incident when Freddie stood his ground against an angry mob who were described as 'circling like sharks' - well done Siavash! Smiler

Just remined me of that day too, I said earlier tonight we had forgotten what a pack of baying wolves they are. If he was that bothered about staying and winning why would he not keep his head down and just vote. Fact is the temper tantrums bettween them all showed us exactly who are more desperate to win than anything.

Replace Karly with Dave and Rodrigo with Kris and you have the same team that circled Freddie.

I can't find info regarding the exact example that i am thinking of, but this is a similar scenario - regarding the group numbers:

Lisa is having a go at Freddie. He says she is passionate about it. Lisa says don’t be pathetic, you don’t know what passionate is. Freddy says yes I do. Karly, Charlie and Kris are onlookers. Lisa raises her voice and goes on about what weakness at Freddy coming in with no fags and than taking a drag from someone else and bottled it like a f*cking little wimp. Lisa tells him he has no f*cking strength, you are weak.

Aggression responded to with calmness and reason...
Cold Sweat
Originally posted by fz:
Siavash said he is taking a gamble going up against only marcus, if that was the result....and he took the gamble. Nothing sinister about that....he takes risks.

I think he knows it is possibly better to get out a week before final night if you arent going to win, and he doesnt expect to win, he said he thinks charlie or rodders will.

The runners up on final night dont all get column inches in the tabloids...too many of them in one ousting. In his eyes maybe t is better to have a week out to yourself before the glut of final night. More appearances for him on his own.he'll still be in the show a week later in the final bit....but will have benefited from the exposure a week beforehand.

I hope he goes the whole way for daring to take the risk.

Yep, and he will make his own decisions rather than be ruled by BB, good on him Thumbs Up
Originally posted by Shar:
Originally posted by fz:
They must be broadcasting different highlight one clearly showed the vash saying in the diary room it would either be him/david and marcus OR him and marcus.....and he said he would be taking a gamble up against marcus alone, but wanted to take it as he didnt want a free ride.

If it's any consolation, that's the HL show I saw too ... Big Grin

I shall try to watch it again tomorrow. Some of what I said in my post was not said in the Diary Room but at the table.
Originally posted by Jenny:
Siavash said that if he voted for David, then he (Siavash) wouldn't be up. He wanted it to be a three way-er.

My guess is he thought if it was Marcus, David and Siavash, then David would go and he would be safe.

He said in the Diary Room if he was up just against Marcus then he (Siavash) would go. That's why he wanted 3 up. To be sure to stay in. Swine!

He thought David would be up if he nominated him...what he didn't know was that David wasn't up anyway because Rod had nom'd him not David
Because I like Siavash better than any of the other people in there, except marcus of course, I don't even care what his reasons are. He doesn't like those people with very good reason and why the hell shouldn't they be up all together so the public can get who they want out? That's why he wanted them all up originally and I don't blame him. Of course they are scared by that, but he needn't have been because I think he's a decent guy.
Originally posted by Free Thinking:
Big Brother has been lenient on Siavash for quite some weeks now, no wonder he getting cocky. This latest nomination twist was so pathetic and easy for him ignore. It just enabled him to take centre stage again.

Free not as lenient as they have been with Rodrigo. On two separate occasions during a heated row with Charlie, he resorted to violence...A punch, and throwing a bottle in Charlie's head...Rodrigo was not punished. i thought it was a given that HM's are not physically violent with each other as it would mean instant ejection. Mind you during the first fight night in BB5, Nadia punched Jason, she went on to win BB.
Senora Reyes
Originally posted by Free Thinking:
Big Brother has been lenient on Siavash for quite some weeks now, no wonder he getting cocky. This latest nomination twist was so pathetic and easy for him ignore. It just enabled him to take centre stage again.

Are you watching with blinkers?

"He doesnt wanna go up against me cause he knows he'll be out on his arse"

Now that's cocky!
The Guru
Originally posted by Senora Reyes:
Originally posted by Free Thinking:
Big Brother has been lenient on Siavash for quite some weeks now, no wonder he getting cocky. This latest nomination twist was so pathetic and easy for him ignore. It just enabled him to take centre stage again.

Free not as lenient as they have been with Rodrigo. On two separate occasions during a heated row with Charlie, he resorted to violence...A punch, and throwing a bottle in Charlie's head...Rodrigo was not punished. i thought it was a given that HM's are not physically violent with each other as it would mean instant ejection. Mind you during the firstr night in BB5, Nadia punched Jason, she went to win BB.

Wow - I did not know any of that!!! Eeker Why is Rodrigo still in there?
I honestly believe if bb were more harsh with the rule breaking on nominations like you do it again and your out

He would never do it again

They have been given an easy ride for bb golden rule of nominations,and have they given him enough rope to hang himself.

The first week fair enough he though he would go up and was sorry

Then it became clear others get punished not him and he continued on

Then he was told two others go up this week if you do not nominate and he went along with that.

It has always been a punishment for others not directly him

To take yourself out of game is one thing,at the expense of others and you know it why
Originally posted by cup:
I honestly believe if bb were more harsh with the rule breaking on nominations like you do it again and your out

He would never do it again

They have been given an easy ride for bb golden rule of nominations,and have they given him enough rope to hang himself.

The first week fair enough he though he would go up and was sorry

Then it became clear others get punished not him and he continued on

Then he was told two others go up this week if you do not nominate and he went along with that.

It has always been a punishment for others not directly him

To take yourself out of game is one thing,at the expense of others and you know it why

Who did he punish tonight by refusing to nominate?
Free not as lenient as they have been with Rodrigo. On two separate occasions during a heated row with Charlie, he resorted to violence...A punch, and throwing a bottle in Charlie's head...Rodrigo was not punished. i thought it was a given that HM's are not physically violent with each other as it would mean instant ejection. Mind you during the firstr night in BB5, Nadia punched Jason, she went to win BB.

Wow - I did not know any of that!!! Why is Rodrigo still in there?

it was a plastic bottle.
They didn't remove lisa from bb7 for throwing a bike at a housemate.
Originally posted by WILDER X:
Free not as lenient as they have been with Rodrigo. On two separate occasions during a heated row with Charlie, he resorted to violence...A punch, and throwing a bottle in Charlie's head...Rodrigo was not punished. i thought it was a given that HM's are not physically violent with each other as it would mean instant ejection. Mind you during the firstr night in BB5, Nadia punched Jason, she went to win BB.

Wow - I did not know any of that!!! Why is Rodrigo still in there?

it was a plastic bottle.
They didn't remove lisa from bb7 for throwing a bike at a housemate.

Still thrown in anger, what about the punch then, is that ok too?
Senora Reyes
Originally posted by cup:
Asking marcus who he nominated before he went in so he could do the maths

Telling sophie before she went in that marcus nominated her and working out the votes

Siavash wants to be in big brother but not nominate but spends time thinking who he will be up againest etc whats that all about.

marcus barefaced lied aswell about that sayin vash was calculatin who got wot
all he calculated was sophies, so that he knew his nommin her wouldnt send her out
Originally posted by WILDER X:
Still thrown in anger, what about the punch then, is that ok too?

Never saw the puch.
I doubt bb would allow aggressive behavour in the house.
If rodrigo was out of line they would of shown him the door.

He was called into the diary room a number of times over his aggression ... the bottle throwing incident and the punch thrown were both reasons for him to be shoved out the door ... but he wasn't .... far greater leniency shown by BB brother there I think than in relation to Siavash's approach on noms ... Siavash has never once threatened anyone with violence either with his actions or his words ...
Originally posted by jamieboy:
Originally posted by cup:
Asking marcus who he nominated before he went in so he could do the maths

Telling sophie before she went in that marcus nominated her and working out the votes

Siavash wants to be in big brother but not nominate but spends time thinking who he will be up againest etc whats that all about.

marcus barefaced lied aswell about that sayin vash was calculatin who got wot
all he calculated was sophies, so that he knew his nommin her wouldnt send her out

Yep, Marcus twisted it.

A very shadey episode for Marcus tonight.
The Guru
Originally posted by fz:
Originally posted by cup:
I honestly believe if bb were more harsh with the rule breaking on nominations like you do it again and your out

He would never do it again

They have been given an easy ride for bb golden rule of nominations,and have they given him enough rope to hang himself.

The first week fair enough he though he would go up and was sorry

Then it became clear others get punished not him and he continued on

Then he was told two others go up this week if you do not nominate and he went along with that.

It has always been a punishment for others not directly him

To take yourself out of game is one thing,at the expense of others and you know it why

Who did he punish tonight by refusing to nominate?

Well tonight he is up at last what he wants,i hate it is him and marcus but siavash has went ott with all this nonsence,and i can see it back firing on him.Whats all this telling sophie marcus nominated before she went into diary room and asking marcus who he voted for then trying to work it out,he makes it look bad for himself.

If he wants to take himself out of game the only way is to ask everyone to nominate him so he has a chance of going out of game.

But he does not think this is fair on him,he thinks it should be all up,but that is not trying to take himself out of game,the more people up the less chance you have of going

Oh for gods sake why did he not keep quiet,the highlights tonight will be a big telling point on peoples view of him

Himself and others wanted everyone up so hira went because.
Last week he didnt nominate so sophie and bea were punished
And this week charlie and sophie because he didnt nominate

Why does all this seem acceptable to him his wanting out of game but others being nominated for it.
He asked marcus who he nominated so he could make sure sophie wouldnt get enough nominations to put her up for the vote.

He had to tell sophie marcus nominated her, but she was safe, because as soon as she knew he didnt nominate, she knew it meant she got at least one vote.

Charlie and sophie were not punished this week.Nobody was nominated and faced eviction because of siavashs actions.

It had no consequence on them at all. If he thought others would vote for sophie, i reckon he wouldnt have refused to nominate.

He wanted everyone up because he knows the block vote has kept in team nasty, not the housemates who are actually popular with the public, so this year more than ever the public havent decided their fate, Lisa has done that Big Grin

Final night will show this when team nasty get booted out one by one and probably not to a good reception...which they will not be expecting. Thumbs Up
I think if he goes friday he knows he will get a week of exposure to himself....better than being an also ran on final night....if he stays he could win.....he is in a good situation.
Originally posted by fz:
He asked marcus who he nominated so he could make sure sophie wouldnt get enough nominations to put her up for the vote.

He had to tell sophie marcus nominated her, but she was safe, because as soon as she knew he didnt nominate, she knew it meant she got at least one vote.

Charlie and sophie were not punished this week.Nobody was nominated and faced eviction because of siavashs actions.

It had no consequence on them at all. If he thought others would vote for sophie, i reckon he wouldnt have refused to nominate.

He wanted everyone up because he knows the block vote has kept in team nasty, not the housemates who are actually popular with the public, so this year more than ever the public havent decided their fate, Lisa has done that Big Grin

Final night will show this when team nasty get booted out one by one and probably not to a good reception...which they will not be expecting. Thumbs Up
I think if he goes friday he knows he will get a week of exposure to himself....better than being an also ran on final night....if he stays he could win.....he is in a good situation.

Senora Reyes
I think Siavash has very personal reasons for wanting to be up each week. To me he's a strange mixture of vanity and lack of self esteem

He has mentioned a couple of times that he wants to prove something to his dad, who i've a feeling does not exactly approve of how his son dresses and lives his life.

By putting himself up as often as possible, he seems to want to get the same kind of social acceptance that Nadia wanted...the public to like him enough to want to keep him in for both his own vanity and to prove to his loved ones that society actually likes him despite his being a "freak". The more often he survives, the better his esteem gets and the more he gets to prove his worth to his family,

I don't think he particularly gives a toss which other HMs go up, it's all about him.

just my thoughts..could be totally wrong of course Big Grin
Originally posted by Jenny:
Originally posted by Shar:
Originally posted by fz:
They must be broadcasting different highlight one clearly showed the vash saying in the diary room it would either be him/david and marcus OR him and marcus.....and he said he would be taking a gamble up against marcus alone, but wanted to take it as he didnt want a free ride.

If it's any consolation, that's the HL show I saw too ... Big Grin

I shall try to watch it again tomorrow. Some of what I said in my post was not said in the Diary Room but at the table.

Ok. I missed Siavash in the diary room voting, but at the table Sophie said that Siavash had done it so that he, Marcus and David would be.
Siavash didn't disagree, and also what he was saying certainly gave me the impression that he wanted the three to be up.

Siavash calculated wrong, and it ends up being just him and Marcus.

Further, there is another post on here today, that talks about what he said in the diary room, that agrees with what I thought I heard last night too.
Marcus is more honest he has said to the other HMS put me up as he wanted to watch BB at home but it is pointless now with only one week to go, Siavash on the other hand says he is taking himself out of the game Roll Eyes yet still plays the game scheming and calculating wanting all of them up as it is safety in numbers and he will stay,he is so sure David is up this week and he will go, Charlie was right what he said if he wanted to be up all he had to say was nominate me like Marcus did which was never going to happen.
Originally posted by Jenny:
Siavash said that if he voted for David, then he (Siavash) wouldn't be up. He wanted it to be a three way-er.

My guess is he thought if it was Marcus, David and Siavash, then David would go and he would be safe.

He said in the Diary Room if he was up just against Marcus then he (Siavash) would go. That's why he wanted 3 up. To be sure to stay in. Swine!
yes but unfortunately he miscalculated and he is up with Marcus alone, his face will tell a lot when he finds out
Originally posted by Marguerita:
Marcus is more honest he has said to the other HMS put me up as he wanted to watch BB at home but it is pointless now with only one week to go, Siavash on the other hand says he is taking himself out of the game Roll Eyes yet still plays the game scheming and calculating wanting all of them up as it is safety in numbers and he will stay,he is so sure David is up this week and he will go, Charlie was right what he said if he wanted to be up all he had to say was nominate me like Marcus did which was never going to happen.

Equally, though, Marg Marcus could have walked out the door (or scaled the wall if he wanted to do it the 'hard' way Big Grin) if he really wanted out when he was telling them to nominate him ... I've actually enjoyed marcus being in the house, but I didn't for once buy the whole 'I'm not going to walk - I want to be nominated routine' .... It's his game .... And if Siavash has a gameplan, then it's no more or no less scheming than marcus or the rest of them IMO ...
Originally posted by Teddy Bleads:
I don't really care about his intentions or motivations, I just wish he'd play the sodding game I'm tuning in to watch!!!

If you don't want to play, go home.

He's playing the game ... just bending the rules ... Big Grin

I find it a lot more interesting than watching Lisa and Duuuuhvid acting like sheep and jumping for BB ....
On last nights show, some excellent truths came out regarding those vile trolls that talk behind peoples backs:

Sophie (To Siavash): At the end of the day, next week, they're going to go up for eviction and they'll be knocked off one by one. And they will know deep down that the public did not want them in here.

Excellent stuff Sophie, very very true, but Siavash saying the following thing was the most truthful thing said so far on BB to Charlie.

Charlie (Acting like Siavash): That means Sophie will have 2, Charlie will have 1, so either way, I will look better. Isn't that right?

Siavash: Yep. I'm trying to make myself look good.

Rodrigo: Yeah, you are.

Siavash: Um, and you are really angry because you think that if I look good, I'm trying to win the show, and you're trying to win the show so that's why you're angry.

Charlie, Rodrigo and David are vile, disgusting little creatures and I hope that they are evicted very very soon.

I also lost a little respect for Marcus considering he told them about Siavash's nominations talk right before he went in. Marcus, you twat! Also, Marcus said that Siavash will get crushed going against Marcus - What a *****! Out with Marcus!
Originally posted by Free Thinking:
1 To become the centre of attention.

2 To play the victim once he has upset people. Trying to make out he is another Freddie.

3 Pretending he likes everyone, pretending to agonize over nominations and to agonize over evictions.

4 Pretending he is out of the game, while carefully counting up everyone's nominations each week and trying to control who is up.

5 Putting himself up at times when he thinks he has a chance of surviving and as a means to somehow try and justify his actions in the house (even if it doesn't really justify them, as other factors can cause who is evicted). Now he is trying to justify his actions towards his GF and Marcus in the house with this latest eviction scenario.

Nod Clapping
[QUOTE]Originally posted by carotino:
6. Just a tosser [QUOTE]
Laugh Thumbs Up
Originally posted by Free Thinking:
1 To become the centre of attention.

2 To play the victim once he has upset people. Trying to make out he is another Freddie.

3 Pretending he likes everyone, pretending to agonize over nominations and to agonize over evictions.

4 Pretending he is out of the game, while carefully counting up everyone's nominations each week and trying to control who is up.

5 Putting himself up at times when he thinks he has a chance of surviving and as a means to somehow try and justify his actions in the house (even if it doesn't really justify them, as other factors can cause who is evicted). Now he is trying to justify his actions towards his GF and Marcus in the house with this latest eviction scenario.

to get 100k to send home to Iran

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