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Originally posted by luxor:
I am not blaming Lisa for any of it. She quickly sussed out that she can do what ever she wants as long as it is not to obvious.
The producers of this series have tried to make it slightly different from other years, but as usual have messed it up AGAIN.
They really should try employing people with experience and not primary school kids.

Much as I loathe Lisa, it could have been any HM who took the reins and lauded it over the house - be it quietly or full on.

It's the producers who are at fault due to lazyness, in my opinion. They opened the doors, slung a few people in, twiddled their thumbs for a few weeks, threw a few more people into the mix and then sat back and drew their weekly pay cheque.

No effort required apart from a bit of manipulative editing, s*d the fans, and roll on September when they can all swan off for a late break in Umbria... Wink
Originally posted by squiggle:
Originally posted by Racktheshack:
I didn't say he had a gameplan I said he was always going on about them which he was. He was like a broken record. Constatntly banging on about them but never able to make up his mind. He had to wait to hear Marcus, Siavash or Bea's opinion before he could form his own making sure that it agreed with them.

Yes he did go on about game plans quite a bit. I think it was because he was so frustrated at Lisa being able to get away with murder. He is still far far nicer than anyone else left in there. For me the show died a death when he walked out the door.

Nah, I was delighted he was voted out. I couldn't bear to watch him. with his humming and hawing, silent pauses while constructing his sentences to make sure they were peaceful and loving and fair and worthy. Codswallop. The real Freddie came out when he was acting like a big child laughing at lisa cos she was up for eviction. I found him to be the least genuine person in the house and had I been in there I probably would have strangled him. I was even happy for Marcus to stay instead of him and that's saying something. In a way I did feel a bit sorry for him though cos he seemed very insecure in himself and that's not a nice way to be. I suppose i'm being a bit mean cos it's not like he was really evil or anything. I just found him irritating and skincrawling.

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