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Although she was not first in line alphabetically, when Lisa was called to the Diary Room, speculation was rife that nominations were starting – but the housemates needn't have worried, as it was just a chat about what Lisa was 'up to' today…

"Just waiting to see if you give us anything to do. Or, if nominations is today," she replied, trying to get a clue about what might be in store. "When you called me in, everyone was like 'ooh', everybody gets paranoid at this time. Everybody's wondering if there's gonna be an eviction on Wednesday," she added.

"I think everybody's worrying about seeing who's going to be up on Friday," Lisa continued, "or thinking there might be a twist. Because it's the last two weeks, everybody's wondering what's going to happen."

Big Brother asked Lisa how she was feeling about nominations in general…

"I was thinking at one time that we should all not nominate, but then I've always gone by the rules," she replied honestly. "I've always nominated and kept out of these debates and protests. I'm gonna do just whatever Big Brother wants me to do," she added with a grin.

Anything? Hmm, Big Brother is donning a thinking cap…

A hint perhaps?.

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