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The housemates got stuck into the wrestling Task at around 6pm last night. Marcus (aka Meaty ******) and Rodrigo (aka ‘Hot Rod’) were the first to wrestle.Marcus won. Siavash (Hairy Beast) then beat Sophie (Thunder ****) and Charlie (White Lighting) beat Lisa (Bald Eagle). Are you keeping up?

Now let's try it with just the wrestling names. With the girls out of the competition, Hairy Beast went on to beat Meaty ‘******’ in the semi-final, and White Lighting beat Jelly Belly.

So, with the garden coated in oil and water it was time for the grand final. In the final, Siavash (Hairy Beast) beat Charlie (White Lighting) to take the title of Champion. Siavash (Hairy Beast was then awarded a wrestling belt and some alcohol for the other housemates. As he took up the type of victory parade that would have made Big Daddy proud, Siavash said he was pleased to have won but thought that Marcus would make up some excuse as to why he lost. That doesn’t sound like Marcus, Siavash. Do you want a 'virtual' bet on it?

Meanwhile, Sophie made a bold claim. She said that she wasn’t going to drink alcohol anymore because it opens a whole ‘can of emotions’. Don’t hold the front page just yet though, as moments later she changed her mind and tried to get the can of alcohol she given to Marcus back and tried to get some from Siavash too. Siavash wouldn’t give her any because he said she would start 'talking endlessly'. Sure enough, as the can of booze opened so did the can emotions and Sophie started talking again about Kris. She told Marcus that Kris wrote ‘I love you’ on her hand before he left.

Marcus finished the evening off with a late night trip to the Diary Room to talk about his part in the Task. Big Brother asked him how he felt being a runner up - he said there were ‘mitigating circumstances; and that the Irrepressible Dark Horse was not defeated, Meaty ****** was.

Siavash, you can claim your virtual five pounds!

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Originally posted by Supercalifragilistic:
So Sophie didn't 'steal' Marcus' cider, she was just taking it back?

She gave it to Marcus and then 'stole' it back. So I would say it was 'stealing' in a sense. Not that anyone should believe much of what she says anyway, she changes her mind according constantly.
Free Thinking

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