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What went on with your son and his A level results? I did post on here on the day, but my comp was playing up so bad and i had to come off!! My son didnt get what he wanted but was still accepted by Kent! Big Grin He got a b, c and d Frowner The d was in psychology which he had worried about all along; they had a new teacher halfway through the course who was NOT a psychology teacher and just thought she could take over the class Eeker He did keep saying she wasnt very good , but the thing is the results of ALL the students he studied with; NOBODY got ABOVE a d!!!!! My son was predicted a minimum of a c. He got a D and apparently it was all down to the coursework why the marks were so low!! Thus, down to the teacher who set it. His friend was "predicted" an A and got a U!!!!!! Eeker My son is now thinking of getting all the group together, to put in a complaint! He says it will never change his mark, but he wouldnt like the students next year to go therough it! Seems so unfair Frowner

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What FAbienne said - I started a thread yesterday.
I'm not sure what you knew about our situation already, but I do remember reading that your son had got in and that the whole class had done badly in psychology.
Did you find out on Thursday that he had got in anyway?
We had a nerve - wracking overnight wait, eventually finding for sure when his UCAS status was updated early on the Friday afteroon.

Congrats to your boy, anyway, and thank you for thinking of me. Hug
Originally posted by skive:
LMS I know it's no consolation but I can promise you the school won't be happy with the results of that class. The teacher will certainly be getting a lot of 'support' for the next academic year.

Precisely - two years ago my son was predicted an A in GCSE maths but only got a B because of a very weak teacher earlier in the year, who ended up leaving after only 1 term, but it took them the rest of the school year to find a replacement Matchs teacher, and his work suffered as a result.
On the whole, weak teachers are honed in on and given losts of support and help. (this happens in the primary schools, anyway.) Too late for your son I know, LMS but hopefully not for the lower years.
Originally posted by skive:
Originally posted by Moomin:
On the whole, weak teachers are honed in on and given losts of support and help. (this happens in the primary schools, anyway.

At secondary too moomin, it's not in the school's interests to allow classes to fail because of weak teaching. The SMT will be setting plans in place asap.

I am on the board of governors at a primary school, and we were kept fully informed of all the actions taken when this happened there. Fortunately the person in question is now much improved, and a bit of advice and supervision for a while was all that was necessary. However, there would have been further measures taken if this had not worked.
It is easier to sort out problems with weak teachers now than it was years ago.

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