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Ex-Big Brother housemate Noirin has claimed that all within the house may not be exactly as it seems.

The Irish model has spoken out with claims that not only is the show completely fixed, but the scrapping of the 24 hour live feed has meant that viewers aren't privy to the 'real' characters behind the editing.

The news that housemates apparently swear far more than we're actually shown isn't exactly a shocker. If Series 1 nun Anna couldn't stem the flow of graphic Hail Mary's streaming from her mouth, we doubt the current crop of extrovert exhibitionists would have a chance.

What's more intriguing/shamelessly baiting, are Noirin's claims that not only have Big Brother bosses already picked who they want to win, they're purposely and craftily editing housemates' behaviour to the extent that vital moments are going unseen.

She also thinks that due to the lack of live feed, BB bosses are editing the show to ensure their desired winner is triumphant.

According to Noirin, pre-pubescent Disney prince Rodrigo - who is regularly seen as one of the cuddlier, more endearing housemates - is one of the nastiest housemates in there.

"He is favoured in the way the show is edited," she told the Daily Star. "That boy is the biggest b***h in there. It's supposed to be a reality show yet there's nothing real."

A Big Brother spokesperson responded: "The nightly highlights shows are a balanced and fair representation of events in the Big Brother House. As has always been the case, it is the viewers who choose the winner by public vote."

Find out when Big Brother is next on TV.
Big Brother: Bea's Booted

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Originally posted by Clipboard:
Ex-Big Brother housemate Noirin has claimed that all within the house may not be exactly as it seems.

The Irish model has spoken out with claims that not only is the show completely fixed, but the scrapping of the 24 hour live feed has meant that viewers aren't privy to the 'real' characters behind the editing.

The news that housemates apparently swear far more than we're actually shown isn't exactly a shocker. If Series 1 nun Anna couldn't stem the flow of graphic Hail Mary's streaming from her mouth, we doubt the current crop of extrovert exhibitionists would have a chance.

What's more intriguing/shamelessly baiting, are Noirin's claims that not only have Big Brother bosses already picked who they want to win, they're purposely and craftily editing housemates' behaviour to the extent that vital moments are going unseen.

She also thinks that due to the lack of live feed, BB bosses are editing the show to ensure their desired winner is triumphant.

According to Noirin, pre-pubescent Disney prince Rodrigo - who is regularly seen as one of the cuddlier, more endearing housemates - is one of the nastiest housemates in there.

"He is favoured in the way the show is edited," she told the Daily Star. "That boy is the biggest b***h in there. It's supposed to be a reality show yet there's nothing real."

A Big Brother spokesperson responded: "The nightly highlights shows are a balanced and fair representation of events in the Big Brother House. As has always been the case, it is the viewers who choose the winner by public vote."

Find out when Big Brother is next on TV.
Big Brother: Bea's Booted

Hasn't it always been like that? I've only watched 2 BBs and used to lurk on the ch4 forum and everyone used to moan about being biased and BB pushing the favourite.

Noirin is just bitter and ug as ever.
Originally posted by pussycatj:
well she tried the rascist route, anything for attention now the mags don't want to know. If any of the allegations had been true she would have said so at the time of eviction due to rage (I know I would have), but because she has had her time on BBLB she's trying to get attention. Oh STFU Noreen Nobody!
She said in her interview 2 people used the n*gger word, then went on to say she was one of the people and Isaac was the other.
Originally posted by longcat:
Originally posted by pussycatj:
well she tried the rascist route, anything for attention now the mags don't want to know. If any of the allegations had been true she would have said so at the time of eviction due to rage (I know I would have), but because she has had her time on BBLB she's trying to get attention. Oh STFU Noreen Nobody!
She said in her interview 2 people used the n*gger word, then went on to say she was one of the people and Isaac was the other.

On her eviction interview Confused
Originally posted by pussycatj:
Originally posted by longcat:
Originally posted by pussycatj:
well she tried the rascist route, anything for attention now the mags don't want to know. If any of the allegations had been true she would have said so at the time of eviction due to rage (I know I would have), but because she has had her time on BBLB she's trying to get attention. Oh STFU Noreen Nobody!
She said in her interview 2 people used the n*gger word, then went on to say she was one of the people and Isaac was the other.

On her eviction interview Confused
No. Yesterdays Daily Star she gave an interview.
Originally posted by pussycatj:
OK, that's what I meant, it was after all the attention etc. She dare not name anybody else apart from herself and Isaac otherwise she would have a law suit on her hands, and tbh Isaac has gone now anyway. She just wants to stir up controversy with nothing to substantiate her allegations.

I agree, although the Daily Star has to share the blame here. The whole story was a classic Daily Star front page "scandal": a massive headline claiming that BB was covering-up racism and bullying. However, when you got beyond the headline and actually read the article, you found that (as usual) the substance was somewhat lacking...
Eugene's Lair
Noirin was close to Roddy,does she forget that we have watched them together,she used to stroke his hair ,when he had his first hissy fit it was Noirin who went into the kitchen and spoke with him because in her own words he was "Special" to her.
When she was in the house she wanted Roddy to win.Then she came out the house she wanted Charlie to win .Then she went on BBLB and she was back to wanting Roddy to win.
Noirin knows she blew it big time,she knows that Isaac coming into the house did her no favours.Noirin will say/do anything to stay in the public eye.She is aware of how we feel regarding no live feed,in fact she is just repeating what we have already said about no live feed!
I do feel there is a lot of truth in what she says, whether she actually said it or not is incidental...

Without the livefeed the HM's are at the mercy of the edit, and we have all seen some live footage and seen the edited Hl's and realise they missed the point so much sometimes it's shocking.. to remind you the night Marcus and Noirin were in the kitchen, he was being ridiculous and pushy with her, she trusted all he said and became like a puppet around him as she stopped trusting her own judgement, this was never shown on the HL's which i personally felt was a major incident...

They totally instigated her demise on the show by bringing in isaac, whether you liked her or not, it was wrong.

I don't particularly like rodrigo, and i hope he doesn't win.. but I will never ever watch BB again unless there is LF!

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