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Then she'd better alter her behaviour then, cos that's exactly what she appeared to do. Target the favourite, get in well, then bring him down.

She carried on doing that to a certain extent with other housemates, trying to bring them down. Marcus with the bullying comment, Dave with umpteen things, Noirin, and there were loads more incidents.

I'm glad she is out.
The trouble is with people like Bea, you never know when they are speaking the truth and when they are lying.
She seems deluded.
Bea made comments such as "I wasn`t aware of that" (in which case why be so very, very, very definite?)
She also said "I was just being myself." (I would say she was putting on a big performance most of the time.)
Particularly interesting in the interview, I thought, was that both the guests referred to immaturity and child-like behaviour. I totally agree. They also suggested she is used to getting her own way.
I noticed, too, that she said she definitely wanted Charlie to win - he too has said he is used to getting what he wants.
Such charmers these people. (They seem particularly immature this year.)
Originally posted by Jenny:
Then she'd better alter her behaviour then, cos that's exactly what she appeared to do. Target the favourite, get in well, then bring him down.

She carried on doing that to a certain extent with other housemates, trying to bring them down. Marcus with the bullying comment, Dave with umpteen things, Noirin, and there were loads more incidents.

I'm glad she is out.

I don't think she tried to bring people down, she just found Freddie difficult to live with as did lots of others. Other people have also found Dave extremely annoying with his pretense of liking everyone and everything, the over the top acting up for the cameras and his inane conversation and loudness.
Free Thinking
Originally posted by Justafriend:
Originally posted by Rawky-Roo:

She was pally with him, he started getting annoying, she walked away! She even told him (in a not so nice way).

Flaming ECK!!!! she did Big Grin

What really annoys me is that everything she said in that video is what she should have been able to say in her interview, but Davina had to whittle on about how she hurt poor Freddie's feelings. GRRRRRRRR Angry
Originally posted by Rawky-Roo:
Originally posted by Justafriend:
Originally posted by Rawky-Roo:

She was pally with him, he started getting annoying, she walked away! She even told him (in a not so nice way).

Flaming ECK!!!! she did Big Grin

What really annoys me is that everything she said in that video is what she should have been able to say in her interview, but Davina had to whittle on about how she hurt poor Freddie's feelings. GRRRRRRRR Angry

well the first thing bea said is, is it because of freddie, so i think bea knew.
maybe she will sort it out with freddie and people will begin to forgive her 88% is a lot of people wanting her out hun.
but you know i admire ya for standing by your girl Smiler
The thing I found a bit worrying, (and frankly rather disturbing,) is how Bea seemed totally unaware about how appalling her behaviour was, and how badly it affected others. She smacked of someone with a split personality to me, and tried to come across as all innocent and 'I am totally shocked to hear that people perceived me like this, blah blah blah.' She must have known what she was doing! If she didn't, then she clearly does have a split personality!

And the little sketch where they made her a robot, 'break people down,' 'act like victim' 'fake tears fake tears,' was brilliant. It was SO bang on! Bea did use Freddie while it suited her, then she dumped him when he had served his purpose, and she had she had stomped all over his heart and his feelings. And she continually acted like the victim, crying and wailing in the diary room, with not ONE tear.

The interview after was priceless, and it was tv gold, seeing Bea squirm. Marcus has her card marked and saw her for what she was, like most other people have now! It was clear by the reaction from EVERYone, that she was not popular! In fact, she is probably one of the most disliked HMs' EVER.

She did not have an answer for ANYthing that was asked of her, and she looked pretty stupid in her exit interview IMO. In fact, she looked like a trapped animal in a cage. And nowhere near as brave and cocky as she was in the house.

(*edited to correct a spelling error.*)
Last edited {1}
Originally posted by Cheeky-Pixie:
The thing I found a bit worrying, (and frankly rather disturbing,) is how Bea seemed totally unaware about how appalling her behaviour was, and how badly it affected others. She smacked of someone with a split personality to me, and tried to come across as all innocent and 'I am totally shocked to hear that people perceived me like this, blah blah blah.' She must have known what she was doing! If she didn't, then she clearly does have a split personality!

And the little sketch where they made her a robot, 'break people down,' 'act like victim' 'fake tears fake tears,' was brilliant. It was SO bang on! Bea did use Freddie while it suited her, then she dumped him when he had served his purpose, and she had she had stomped all over his heart and his feelings. And she continually acted like the victim, crying and wailing in the diary roo, with not ONE tear.

The interview after was priceless, and it was tv gold, seeing Bea squirm. Marcus has her card marked and saw her for what she was, like most other people have now! It was clear by the reaction from EVERYone, that she was not popular! In fact, she is probably one of the most disliked HMs' EVER.

She did not have an answer for ANYthing that was asked of her, and she looked pretty stupid in her exit interview IMO. In fact, she looked like a trapped animal in a cage. And nowhere near as brave and cocky as she was in the house.

Well said! Clapping
I don't think Bea purposely used anybody in there for the simple reason I don't thinks he is aware of anything but herself and hasn't a clue how her actions affect others so long as Bea is ok..

She lacks empathy of others and has no self awareness unless it concerns the most important person in her life... Bea, then she goes hell for leather making sure Bea is ok to the detriment of anybody in Bea's path...

Narcissistic behaviour isn't it? Wink
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally posted by Mount Olympus:
I don't think Bea purposely used anybody in there for the simple reason I don't thinks he is aware of anything but herself and hasn't a clue how her actions affect others so long as Bea is ok..

She lacks empathy of others and has no self awareness unless it concerns the most important person in her life... Bea, then she goes hell for leather making sure Bea is ok to the detriment of anybody in Bea's path...

Narcissistic behaviour isn't it? Wink
Good point. Nod
Originally posted by Rawky-Roo:

She was pally with him, he started getting annoying, she walked away! She even told him (in a not so nice way).

EErm! Rawky would you say that you have an obstinate streak in you? All the evidence is there! Plain as the nose on your face!
Perhaps you don't have a nose! Laugh
Originally posted by Mount Olympus:
I don't think Bea purposely used anybody in there for the simple reason I don't thinks he is aware of anything but herself and hasn't a clue how her actions affect others so long as Bea is ok..

She lacks empathy of others and has no self awareness unless it concerns the most important person in her life... Bea, then she goes hell for leather making sure Bea is ok to the detriment of anybody in Bea's path...

Narcissistic behaviour isn't it? Wink

Very good point, Olly. I think your observation is supported by when Lisa admitted to her that she (Lisa) nominated her because of her behaviour when she got the message from her friend instead of her mother. Bea then turned it around and told Lisa she almost nominated her because she wasn't supportive when she (Bea) didn't get the message from her mum.

Everything in there had to be about her and how it affected her and the rest of the housemates be damned. She was the only one who had feelings.
The saddest aspect of Bea's personality is that when her failings were pointed out to her, she didn't appear to be too concerned about it.(Saying, "Oh dear" doesn't really cut it imo)
Most people would be mortified to discover how lacking in empathy or understanding of others they were.
I got the impression she won't be trying too hard to change as she gets her own way doing what she does, so why should she bother? I know she didn't get to win BB but she persisted arguing and the HMs eventually backed down, so she got her short term result, and that is what matters to Bea.
yes Suzi that's how I saw her too..

Also if I was going in the house at a later date and had watched beforehand I would probably know who I would gel with better and who I wouldn't so at first I'd probably gravitate more towards those I felt I had the most in common with until I settled in...

tho I know for a fact Freddie would have driven me bonkers... but then he drove me bonkers just from the LF and HL shows so I doubt I'd have gone near him in the house.. well not for any great length of time.. mind you I'd not go near any of them and walk straight back out tbh, they are all bluddy dreadful, so my ramblings are a bit immaterial really Laugh

the way she went about things when flitting from whomever stroked her ego or gave her what she needed at any particular moment in time shows that she appears not to know the effect she had on the people she leaves by the roadside as she flits from one to another... so long as Bea is ok the world is rosy Roll Eyes

She WAS a great HM tho and made for some very good TV... Laugh
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally posted by Blackpudlian:
The saddest aspect of Bea's personality is that when her failings were pointed out to her, she didn't appear to be too concerned about it.(Saying, "Oh dear" doesn't really cut it imo)
Most people would be mortified to discover how lacking in empathy or understanding of others they were.
I got the impression she won't be trying too hard to change as she gets her own way doing what she does, so why should she bother? I know she didn't get to win BB but she persisted arguing and the HMs eventually backed down, so she got her short term result, and that is what matters to Bea.
Again, well said Blackpudlian Clapping And no, George Lamb won't take any of her nonsense; he couldn't stand her. That was clear every time he mentioned her on BBLB. Nod

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