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Originally posted by evviva!:

OK, he dares to be different (although I DO wish he wouldn't bother Roll Eyes). But, IMO, to do that successfully you need to be able to back it up by having something carefree & daredevillish about you. Vash, brave? Laugh Laugh Laugh He's a complete & utterly neurotic wuss!

Ladies, I really do believe the reality of Vash would fall far short of the fantasy.......... Glance

I used to think Siavash was lovely, but I completely agree with this. Hee's a good looking bloke, but seems to be trying too hard to be ubercool ('sup Biggie?) when he's just a self conscious bag of insecurity.

Heee dropped his guard over a snog with Noirin, on the first night he was asking who would move in with who, he was like some little puppy. TBH, no wonder Noirin quickly wanted to be 'friends'. He's a bit fast, definitely not cool. Lying about his girlfriend, saying they weren't really an item. Not cool.

Since then, he's been moping about, feeling sorry for himself and generally not doing much at all instead of ****ing with the voting then feeling all wretched about it and whining. Not cool.

Last night, what was it with the straightened hair and things on his eyes? He looked like Justin Lee frigging Collins.

At one point I thought Vash was gorgeous, but you can see the wanky side of him now, it's like, euuuw. And I wish he would trim his tash, could you imagine snogging a gob full of face pubes? Sick
Originally posted by evviva!:
For nearly 3 months now, all I see is "Siavash/Swoon" and people raving continuously about what a big deal this guy is.........problem is, I just don't see it. I really really don't Eeker Laugh

Those clothes look so old and musty. And the very THOUGHT of all that pommaded hair & facial hair & make-up & feathers & foot-long lip studs coming anywhere near me.... Eeker Sick

OK, he dares to be different (although I DO wish he wouldn't bother Roll Eyes). But, IMO, to do that successfully you need to be able to back it up by having something carefree & daredevillish about you. Vash, brave? Laugh Laugh Laugh He's a complete & utterly neurotic wuss!

Ladies, I really do believe the reality of Vash would fall far short of the fantasy.......... Glance
Thumbs Up everything u said
I think I may be in the minority in this thread, in that I really do like Siavash as a housemate. I like his style of dress, his lush healthy looking hair, his bright-eyed youthful naivety. I appreciate that he may not appeal to everyone, but he appeals to me in the visual and personal aspect of him.

I like Siavash more for his personality, for his ability to stay out of rows and to keep his own counsel most of the time. I like him because he does not hog the camera a la Charlie, and I like him for his individuality and his using the medium of fashion to create his own identity. I appreciate that some may see that as peacock-feathering, but I see it as youth at its most exuberant, vital and exciting. I am much older than Siavash but I have to admit that in the 7 years I have watched BB, he is the only contestant that I have ever found physically attractive and, being older than him, does not preclude me from making a judgment on his appearance and individuality as a person.

Vive la difference.
Twee Surgeon
Originally posted by Twee Surgeon:
I think I may be in the minority in this thread, in that I really do like Siavash as a housemate. I like his style of dress, his lush healthy looking hair, his bright-eyed youthful naivety. I appreciate that he may not appeal to everyone, but he appeals to me in the visual and personal aspect of him.

I like Siavash more for his personality, for his ability to stay out of rows and to keep his own counsel most of the time. I like him because he does not hog the camera a la Charlie, and I like him for his individuality and his using the medium of fashion to create his own identity. I appreciate that some may see that as peacock-feathering, but I see it as youth at its most exuberant, vital and exciting. I am much older than Siavash but I have to admit that in the 7 years I have watched BB, he is the only contestant that I have ever found physically attractive and, being older than him, does not preclude me from making a judgment on his appearance and individuality as a person.

Vive la difference.
Originally posted by Twee Surgeon:
I think I may be in the minority in this thread, in that I really do like Siavash as a housemate. I like his style of dress, his lush healthy looking hair, his bright-eyed youthful naivety. I appreciate that he may not appeal to everyone, but he appeals to me in the visual and personal aspect of him.

I like Siavash more for his personality, for his ability to stay out of rows and to keep his own counsel most of the time. I like him because he does not hog the camera a la Charlie, and I like him for his individuality and his using the medium of fashion to create his own identity. I appreciate that some may see that as peacock-feathering, but I see it as youth at its most exuberant, vital and exciting. I am much older than Siavash but I have to admit that in the 7 years I have watched BB, he is the only contestant that I have ever found physically attractive and, being older than him, does not preclude me from making a judgment on his appearance and individuality as a person.

Vive la difference.

cologne 1
Originally posted by squiggle:
Originally posted by electric6:
I'm not fussed about all the clothes and stuff...I just think he has a nice face.

He's got a horrible smile, I saw him smile very briefly yesterday, never seen him do it before.

last night i saw him grin and open his eyes really wide at one point, i nearly fainted Blush hes lussssssssshhhhhhh Valentine
Originally posted by Twee Surgeon:
I think I may be in the minority in this thread, in that I really do like Siavash as a housemate. I like his style of dress, his lush healthy looking hair, his bright-eyed youthful naivety. I appreciate that he may not appeal to everyone, but he appeals to me in the visual and personal aspect of him.

I like Siavash more for his personality, for his ability to stay out of rows and to keep his own counsel most of the time. I like him because he does not hog the camera a la Charlie, and I like him for his individuality and his using the medium of fashion to create his own identity. I appreciate that some may see that as peacock-feathering, but I see it as youth at its most exuberant, vital and exciting. I am much older than Siavash but I have to admit that in the 7 years I have watched BB, he is the only contestant that I have ever found physically attractive and, being older than him, does not preclude me from making a judgment on his appearance and individuality as a person.

Vive la difference.

Senora Reyes
Originally posted by evviva!:
For nearly 3 months now, all I see is "Siavash/Swoon" and people raving continuously about what a big deal this guy is.........problem is, I just don't see it. I really really don't Eeker Laugh

Those clothes look so old and musty. And the very THOUGHT of all that pommaded hair & facial hair & make-up & feathers & foot-long lip studs coming anywhere near me.... Eeker Sick

OK, he dares to be different (although I DO wish he wouldn't bother Roll Eyes). But, IMO, to do that successfully you need to be able to back it up by having something carefree & daredevillish about you. Vash, brave? Laugh Laugh Laugh He's a complete & utterly neurotic wuss!

Ladies, I really do believe the reality of Vash would fall far short of the fantasy.......... Glance

Possibly...but it would be worth a try to find out...
Originally posted by watcher1:
Originally posted by evviva!:
For nearly 3 months now, all I see is "Siavash/Swoon" and people raving continuously about what a big deal this guy is.........problem is, I just don't see it. I really really don't Eeker Laugh

Those clothes look so old and musty. And the very THOUGHT of all that pommaded hair & facial hair & make-up & feathers & foot-long lip studs coming anywhere near me.... Eeker Sick

OK, he dares to be different (although I DO wish he wouldn't bother Roll Eyes). But, IMO, to do that successfully you need to be able to back it up by having something carefree & daredevillish about you. Vash, brave? Laugh Laugh Laugh He's a complete & utterly neurotic wuss!

Ladies, I really do believe the reality of Vash would fall far short of the fantasy.......... Glance

Possibly...but it would be worth a try to find out...

Senora Reyes
Originally posted by Senora Reyes:
Originally posted by Twee Surgeon:
I think I may be in the minority in this thread, in that I really do like Siavash as a housemate. I like his style of dress, his lush healthy looking hair, his bright-eyed youthful naivety. I appreciate that he may not appeal to everyone, but he appeals to me in the visual and personal aspect of him.

I like Siavash more for his personality, for his ability to stay out of rows and to keep his own counsel most of the time. I like him because he does not hog the camera a la Charlie, and I like him for his individuality and his using the medium of fashion to create his own identity. I appreciate that some may see that as peacock-feathering, but I see it as youth at its most exuberant, vital and exciting. I am much older than Siavash but I have to admit that in the 7 years I have watched BB, he is the only contestant that I have ever found physically attractive and, being older than him, does not preclude me from making a judgment on his appearance and individuality as a person.

Vive la difference.


Well spoken Clapping

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